Chapter 74 : The Decimation of Mankind II

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As Wang Shu's presence brought a momentary respite, Samael's incredulous voice rang out, "Wang Shu!?"

Wang Shu's response was curt but determined, "We'll catch up later, Samael."

With Wang Shu's reinforcement, the soldiers of Xu Yuan Dynasty surged forward to join the fray, their combined efforts bolstering the resolve of Samael's weary knights. Amidst the chaos, Mikaela found herself face-to-face with a War minion, only to be joined in battle by Li Ai, whose swift and lethal strikes turned the tide in their favor.

Surprised by Li Ai's sudden appearance, Mikaela questioned, "Li Ai, when did you...?"Li Ai interrupted, her voice firm, "We're here to stand by your side, Mikaela. Wang Shu, Nian Zhen, Mo Chou, and the others are here too."

Turning their attention to the reinforcements, a wave of relief washed over the group as they realized they were not alone. Elves from Elfhelm and citizens of Thalassia, the Water City, had suddenly arrive for aid, standing united in their fight against War and his minions.

Rina's voice trembled with emotion as she addressed the other elves, "How did you know?"

One of the elves replied solemnly, "The Queen informed us of your plight. We stand with you."

Meanwhile, amidst the battles, the people of Thalassia approach to Zarek and spoke up, "We heard from our goddess, ours saviors need the help, that's why we were here to aid you in this hour of need."

Zarek's voice quivered with emotion as he beheld the arrival of the people of Thalassia "Everyone..". Their unexpected aid brought a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos of battle, and he felt a surge of gratitude swell within him.

The battlefield trembled beneath the weight of the impending clash as Samael's knights, bolstered by the allied forces, stood firm against the relentless tide of War's minions. The air filled with tension, hanging heavy like a shroud as the two opposing forces prepared to collide.

Swords clashed and arrows flew. Samael, at the forefront of the fray, wielded his blade with unwavering determination, his every movement a testament to his unwavering resolve. War observed the unfolding battle from a distance, his gaze fixed on the alliance forming before him. A mixture of emotions churned within him as he watched the disparate groups come together in unity against him.

"They are working together," War murmured to himself, he continue. "Perhaps this is your chance, Khai, to end it all."Despite the chaos and destruction surrounding him, there was a sense of melancholy in War's words. He knew that the only way to bring an end was for someone to strike him down, to put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

As he watched the battle unfold, War couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of anticipation and dread. For him, the end of the battle meant the end of his existence, a fate he had come to accept. Yet, a part of him couldn't help but hope that his younger brother would seize this opportunity and bring about the end that he so desperately sought.

As the battle raged on, Wang Shu seized the opportunity to carve a path toward Samael amidst the chaos."Samael! We'll clear the way for you to face that Homunculus," Wang Shu called out, determination burning in his eyes.

Samael's resolve solidified as he nodded in agreement. "Yes, we'll do whatever it takes to bring an end to this," he affirmed.

Rina's voice cut through the clamor, her concern evident as she searched for Khai amid the tumult. "Samael, have you seen Khai?"

Imzyh's brows furrowed with worry. "Where could he be?"

Rina's words hung in the air, unspoken fears lingering between them. "Could he have..." she began, but Imzyh interrupted, his voice in urgency. "We have to find him!"

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