Chapter 49 : The Eye Glazer

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As soon they finally arrived, Khai and Rina remind them "Remember we dont know what inside the dungeon, please be careful". As they ventured deeper into the ancient dungeon beneath the abandoned well The path led them to a massive door, ancient and imposing. Its weathered surface hinted at the countless years it had stood sentinel over whatever lay beyond.

They pushed the heavy door open, revealing a cavernous expanse that stretched into darkness. The sight that met their eyes was awe-inspiring and foreboding all at once. They had entered a colossal underground chamber, its dimensions beyond anything they could have anticipated.

Khai and Rina led the way, their keen eyes observing for any signs of danger. As they advanced deeper into the chamber, Khai couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. He turned to Zarek, and asked about the place they were in. As Zarek who had experience for necromancy.

Zarek, his voice filled with a hint of trepidation, replied, "This place is overwhelming for my necromancy. It's as if the very air here is saturated with ancient magic."

Khai nodded in understanding. "In that case, we need to be cautious. There might be undead skeletons lurking in these depths."

Suddenly, Zarek's sharp instincts kicked in, and he held up a hand, signaling for silence. His keen senses had detected movement in the shadows ahead. The group quickly took cover behind a nearby wall, their breath held in anticipation.

Elara, curious and alert, whispered, "What is that? I've never seen anything like it."

Rina, who had knowledge of various creatures and their behaviors, explained, "It's an Eye Glazer."

Mikaela, intrigued but wary, asked, "Eye Glazer? What does it do?"

Rina continued to enlighten them, "The Eye Glazer is a creature with a massive eyeball covering its mouth. Its skin is tough, and it's known for casting powerful dark magic using its eye. Beware, it can also unleash a debilitating beam from that same eye. At times, it can even grow tentacles, making it a formidable adversary."

Samael, feeling a mixture of curiosity and concern, asked, "So, what are we going to do?"

Rina took a moment to ponder the best course of action in this perilous situation. "The best approach," she advised, "is to try and avoid them as much as possible. These creatures are powerful and dangerous. If we can, we should navigate this dungeon without attracting their attention."

The group nodded in agreement, understanding the need for caution as they ventured further into the depths of the ancient dungeon.

As they delved deeper into the dungeon, they encountered a towering staircase that seemed to descend endlessly into the underground depths.

Zarek, peering down the staircase, remarked, "This is quite a descent. It looks like it leads to another underground floor."

Khai added, "We should proceed with caution. Who knows what awaits us down there."

With these thoughts in mind, they began their descent down the imposing staircase. Upon reaching the underground depths, they stumbled upon a room that was nothing short of a treasure trove. It glittered with the promise of wealth beyond measure. Khai couldn't hide his excitement. "There's an incredible amount of treasure here," he exclaimed.

However, Zarek, tempted by the allure of the riches, couldn't resist the urge to pocket a piece of the treasure for himself. He tried to sneakily grab an item.

Rina immediately raised her voice in alarm, "No! Don't touch anything. We have no idea what might happen if we disturb these treasures."

Realizing his mistake, Zarek quickly put the treasure back, Mikaela let out a sigh of relief as they narrowly averted what could have been a dangerous situation. Elara couldn't help but chuckle at Zarek's impulsiveness.

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