Chapter 14 : The Abyss Leviathan

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Elara and her companions watched in horror as the Leviathan began to lash out with its massive tentacles, destroying buildings and sending debris flying through the air. They knew that they had to act fast if they were going to stop this monster from wreaking havoc on the innocent people of Thallasia.

The assassin leader's eyes glinted with greed as he spoke to Mikaela. "Use the power of the Abyss Leviathan to crush our enemies and claim ultimate power for ourselves!"

But it failed, Suddenly, a voice boomed from within the pearl of the Abyss. "A human trying to control me?!" it said, with a mix of anger and disdain. Everyone froze in fear as they realized the true nature of the artifact they had been fighting over.

It became clear that the Pearl of Abyss was not meant to be controlled by mortals, but rather to be destroyed. The corrupted artifact had only brought chaos and destruction to the land, and the only way to stop the Leviathan's wrath was to break its hold over the beast.

The sea rumbled as the mighty Abyss Leviathan emerged from the depths, towering over the city like an ancient, wrathful deity. Its mere presence was enough to send the ground shaking and waves crashing over the city. Elara and her companions fought desperately against the onslaught, but they were no match for the Leviathan's fury.

Meanwhile, the Assassin leader and his minions were caught in the chaos, desperately trying to escape the wrath of the beast they had sought to control. "Tskk, looks like we're out of time. We're leaving," the leader spat, as he and his followers vanished into the shadows. Even Mikaela was nowhere to be found, presumably having retreated as well.

Elara and her companions were left alone to face the Leviathan's wrath, their only hope to destroy the corrupted Pearl of Abyss and put an end to the beast's rage.

Goddess Thalassia pointed towards a glowing seal on the ground. "That seal is sealing my power. It was placed here by the Black Order to prevent me from using my full strength. If we destroy it, I will be able to aid you in the fight against the Leviathan."

Elara and her companions looked at each other, knowing the risk involved in destroying the seal. But with no other options left, they nodded in agreement and prepared to break the seal.

As they approached the seal, they felt a surge of power emanating from it, pushing against them with incredible force. But they stood their ground and began to attack the seal with all their might.

The ground trembled as the seal cracked and shattered, unleashing a blinding light that enveloped the entire temple. When the light faded, Thalassia was standing before them, her power fully restored.

"Thank you, my friends," Thalassia said. "I can feel the Leviathan's rage from here. We must act quickly before it destroys everything in its path."

As the Abyss Leviathan continued its rampage, Goddess Thalassia focused her energy and raised her arms. The water around her started to swirl and churn, forming into a massive serpent made entirely of water. The serpent let out a deafening roar as it charged towards the Leviathan.

The two massive creatures clashed in a fierce battle, their roars echoing throughout the city. The Leviathan's powerful jaws snapped at the water serpent, but it was nimble and swift, evading the attacks with ease. The serpent retaliated with powerful strikes, slamming into the Leviathan's body with incredible force.

Elara finally grab the The Pearl of Abyss and stab it with her wind sword but it failed. Elara felt the weight of defeat bearing down on her as her wind sword bounced off the impenetrable surface of the Pearl of Abyss. She could sense the corrupted energy emanating from it, threatening to consume everything in its path.

As Elara struggled to destroy The Pearl of Abyss, the Eye of Zeirsulair the ring glowed with an intense light, and Elara could feel its power coursing through her body. She aimed the ring at The Pearl of Abyss and released its magic, causing the black pearl to shake violently and crack apart.

The sound of shattering filled the air as the Pearl of Abyss was destroyed by the power of the Eye of Zeirsulair. As the dark energy within it dissipated, a brilliant white light emerged in its place. The Abyss Leviathan let out a final roar before its massive body collapsed into the ocean, its reign of terror over the deep sea coming to an end. The city of Thalassia was safe once more. The people rejoiced and praised Elara, Zarek, Khai and Samael for their heroic efforts in saving their home from certain destruction. Goddess Thalassia was grateful for their help and blessed them with her power before returning to her slumber. The three companions looked out at the sea, relieved that their mission was finally complete.

The scene was peaceful, the sound of the crashing waves was the only thing that could be heard. Suddenly, Zarek's attention was drawn to Elara, who had collapsed to the ground. He rushed over to her side, calling out her name in concern.

As Elara drifted in her unconsciousness, she found herself in a strange dream. She was surrounded by an endless expanse of dark waters, and in the distance, she saw the outline of a massive creature.

As she swam closer, she realized that it was the Abyss Leviathan. The creature's glowing eyes regarded her curiously, and Elara felt a shiver run down her spine.

"No one has come this far, not for a very long while," it spoke. "O, Ashes Whisper, can you end this endless cycle?"

Elara's heart pounded in her chest as the Leviathan's words echoed in her mind. The weight of the decisions that lay ahead of her was heavy, almost suffocating. To inherit the order of the world or to destroy it? The fate of so many rested on her shoulders.

As the Leviathan's voice grew more intense, Elara could feel the pressure mounting. "But only you can make such a choice. Very few and yet, your journey is far from over. Have you what it takes, truly?"

Elara knew there was no turning back now. She had come too far to give up. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for what lay ahead. She would face the trials and make her choice, no matter the cost. The fate of the world depended on it.

"Ashes Whisper, the conqueror of light and darkness, The roots of our world, the very foundations upon which it was built, are deeply intertwined with the essence of humanity," the Leviathan spoke. "For better or for worse, they are inextricably linked, and the course of our world is forever shaped by the actions of mortal beings."

Elara couldn't deny the truth in those words. The actions of humanity had brought about both great triumphs and devastating consequences. But despite it all, she still believed in the power of peace.

With a firm voice, Elara responded, "by knowing this, I still desire peace and make my choice, no matter the cost. The fate of the world depends on it."

"Verily, Ashes Whisper, may thy journey be blessed with fortune and valor," spoke the Leviathan in the ancient tongue, its voice resonating through the dream realm. "Thou art the chosen one, marked the fate of this world rests upon thy shoulders."

"Two paths lie before thee," continued the Leviathan. "To inherit the order of this world, or to cast it into chaos. The choice is thine alone to make, but know that with great power comes great consequence. Choose wisely, for the fate of all rests in thy hands."

The Leviathan's deep voice resonated, "I, Leviathan, shall offer thee aid in thy perilous journey," it declared as it held out a luminous blue pearl of scale. "When the time hath come, call upon me, and I shall come to thy aid," the ancient creature proclaimed, its words imbued with the wisdom of eons past. Elara knew that this was no ordinary gift, but a promise of protection and guidance from a being of immense power. She accepted the pearl with reverence and gratitude, knowing that it would be a precious ally in the battles to come.

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