Chapter 40 : Thunderclap and Flash 2

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As Elara and Qilin made their way through the battlefield, Elara couldn't help but be struck by the stark contrast. "I remember this place bustling with life, streets filled with people," she remarked, her voice tinged with sorrow. "But now... it's a sea of death, and these grotesque amalgamations of flesh and architecture..."

"Yes, you are right. The once vibrant buildings have become intertwined with the horror that plagues this land. The very essence of life and creation has been corrupted." Said Qilin.

As they continued, Elara's eyes took in the horrifying sight of soldiers that were once her people, now twisted into nightmarish forms. "Are these... the people of Xu Yuan Dynasty? How could they have become like this?" she asked, her heart heavy with grief.

Qilin's eyes reflected both compassion and understanding. "The darkness that fuels the creatures seeps into the hearts of those it touches. It twists their humanity, warping them into mindless agents of destruction. The battle for power has consumed even the noblest of souls."

As they pressed forward, Elara's sharp eyes caught sight of Wang Shu and Nian Zhen engaged in a desperate struggle against one of the creatures. "Look! It's Wang Shu and Nian Zhen. We must help them," she urgently exclaimed.

Qilin's presence invoked the power of nature itself, and with a mighty call, a bolt of thunder struck down from the heavens, electrifying the air and crashing into the creature. The creature abomination convulsed and writhed, its form contorting in agony.

Nian Zhen's voice rang out with gratitude. "Thank you, Elara, and thank you, Qilin. Your timely arrival has saved us."

Elara turned to Nian Zhen and Wang Shu, her brow furrowing with concern. "But what are these creatures? What do they want?"

Wang Shu's face was etched with a mix of determination and uncertainty. "I don't know all the details, but I overheard one of the Black Order Assassins mention them. They referred to them as 'Homunculus'."

Qilin, with a determined nod, Qilin's urgency became palpable. "Come, time is of the essence. We cannot afford further delay. We must make our way to your Emperor swiftly."

In the blink of an eye, they found themselves in the grand throne room of Emperor Xu Yuan. The scene before them was one of chaotic battle, a desperate struggle for survival. Samael, Zarek, and Khai fought fiercely against the formidable Black General.

Mikaela and Li Ai battling Hassan with unwavering resolve while protecting the Emperor. Across the room, Mo Chou engaged Fei Hong.

Amidst the tumult of battle, Samael's voice cut through the chaos like a beacon. His eyes locked onto Elara, a mixture of relief and determination shining within them. "Elara, I'm relieved to see you" he exclaimed, his grip on his blade tightening as he fended off the relentless attacks of the Black General. His words carried a depth of emotion.

In the midst of their fierce struggle, Samael felt a surge of determination welling up within him. With each strike, each coordinated movement alongside Zarek and Khai, they managed to gradually gain an upper hand against the Black General. And then, with a final forceful blow, Samael's sword connected with the Black General's helm. As the metal crumpled and the helm fell away, a shocking revelation greeted them.

The face beneath the helm was one they thought they would never see again – Riven. But the sight that met their eyes was chilling and otherworldly. On the left side of Riven's face, his features twisted and melded into something that resembled the creatures they had been fighting. Horror and disbelief mingled in the air as both Elara and Samael cried out his name in unison.

"Riven!" Their voices carried a mix of shock, disbelief, and a hint of sorrow. The friend they had known, the ally they had fought alongside, now stood before them in a form that defied the natural order. It was a heart-wrenching sight that pierced through their battle-hardened hearts, leaving them to grapple with the implications of what they were witnessing.

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