Chapter 16 : Mikaela

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"My name is Mikaela," she began, her voice quivering as she spoke. "I lived in peace with my family and my beloved sisters. My sister was especially beloved by all who knew her. Her beauty was matched only by her kindness, and in that kindness, we could see her sincerity. But one day, soldiers and the Black Order Assassins from Kingdom Arvandor invaded our village. There was nothing left. I lost my family and my sisters. All I could do was hide in fear as the sounds of swords clashing, people screaming, and blood spilling filled the air."

As the sound of clashing swords and screams of terror echoed through the village, Elara's heart pounded with fear. She knew she had to protect her little sister, Mikaela, from the ruthless invaders. She held Mikaela's trembling hand tightly and led her towards a nearby cupboard. "Mikaela, hide here," she whispered, gently pushing her inside. "Don't worry, I will come back for you. I'll find our family first and then we'll run away together."

Mikaela's eyes filled with tears as she watched her sister disappear into the chaos. She crouched in the cramped cupboard, listening to the sounds of destruction outside. Her heart ached for her family, but she clung to the hope that Elara would find them and come back for her.

Hours passed and the sounds of battle eventually faded away. Mikaela slowly emerged from her hiding spot, her eyes scanning the destruction around her. She saw the lifeless bodies of her neighbours and friends, and her heart sank. She began to make her way through the rubble, searching for any sign of her family or Elara.

As the Black Order assassins swarmed through the village, Mikaela's heart sank with despair. She searched frantically for her family and her beloved sister, Elara, but they were nowhere to be found. In the chaos and carnage, Mikaela stumbled upon a figure who stood out among the rest - Hassan, the leader of the ruthless assassins. As he looked down at her with a cold and calculating gaze, Mikaela realized that she was alone. Her family was gone, and so was Elara. She was left with nothing but her grief and a burning desire for revenge against the invaders who had destroyed her world.

Mikaela's eyes burned with rage as she lunged at Hassan with a knife in hand. Hassan's instincts kicked in, allowing him to dodge the attack, but not without a scratch. A deep gash appeared on his cheek, leaving a permanent scar.

Hassan seized Mikaela by the wrist, twisting it painfully until the knife clattered to the ground. "You have spirit, girl," he said, his voice laced with a hint of admiration. "I see much of myself in you."

Mikaela struggled against his grip, her eyes blazing with fury. "You killed my family, my sister! I'll never forgive you!"

Hassan released her wrist and stepped back, eyeing her thoughtfully. "You have something, girl," he said at last. "Potential. I can see it in you. Join me, and I'll train you to become a assassin like no other."

Hassan shrugged. "You can seek revenge on your own, and probably get yourself killed in the process. Or you can train with me and become a force to be reckoned with or you died. The choice is yours."

Mikaela had no other choice to join the Black Order Assassins and training with Hassan progressed, she found herself growing stronger and more skilled with each passing day. But her true motivation was not to become a skilled assassin, but to seek revenge against Hassan the man who had destroyed her family and her world.

Mikaela's training with the Black Order Assassins was grueling and relentless. For 13 long years, she trained day and night, honing her skills and becoming a formidable weapon. She learned everything from martial arts and weaponry to stealth and deception, becoming a master of the art of assassination. Despite the hardship and pain, Mikaela never lost sight of her goal: to avenge her family and bring down the ruthless Hassan. And so, she trained harder and harder, determined to become the deadliest assassin the Black Order had ever seen.

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