Chapter 38 : Death of a Noble

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At the break of dawn, the grand doors of the throne room burst open, and Li Ai rushed in with a look of urgency etched across her face. "Emperor Xu Yuan!" she called out, her voice trembling with concern.

Emperor Xu Yuan, seated on his majestic throne, looked up with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "What is it, Li Ai?" he inquired, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Gasping for breath, Li Ai quickly composed herself and relayed the distressing news. "My lord, I bring grave tidings. Feng Mian, one of the Nobles, has been found dead."

A hush fell over the throne room as the weight of Li Ai's words settled upon them. Emperor Xu Yuan's eyes widened with shock, and a solemn atmosphere enveloped the room. Feng Mian, one of the esteemed Five Nobility, was no ordinary figure. His loss would undoubtedly send ripples through the kingdom and its delicate balance of power.

Li Ai took a moment to catch her breath before responding. "It appears to be an assassination, my lord. The details are still unfolding, but it seems Feng Mian was attacked in his chambers during the night."

The Emperor's mind raced with possibilities, his thoughts clouded with worry for the safety of the kingdom. He knew that this could be the work of the Black Order, and if true, it signaled a grave threat to the realm's stability.

His eyes locked onto Li Ai, his trusted confidante. "I see," he murmured with a mix of solemnity and resolve. "The Assassin Black Order has made their first move, Li Ai! We must act swiftly." His voice carried a sense of urgency, for time was of the essence.

"Bring Samael here immediately," the Emperor commanded, " We shall pay our respects to Feng Mian and honor his memory with a dignified burial. Li Ai bowed respectfully, her unwavering loyalty to the Emperor evident in her swift movements. "As you command, my Emperor," she replied, her voice steady and unwavering. "I will bring Samael."

With that, Li Ai hastened out of the throne room, her heart heavy with sorrow for the fallen noble. Meanwhile, Emperor Xu Yuan remained seated on his throne, his face a mask of composure, but beneath the façade, a tempest of emotions raged. He knew that the threat of war loomed large, and the safety of his people and his kingdom hung in a delicate balance. The legacy of the Xu Yuan Dynasty, built on generations of wise rulers and peaceful prosperity, was at stake.

At night, the Xu Yuan Dynasty came together to bid farewell to Feng Mian, their fallen noble and dear friend. The air was tinged with a bittersweet mix of grief and reverence as the lanterns were lit and gently released into the night sky. The soft glow of the lanterns illuminated the darkness, painting a mesmerizing tapestry of light and hope.

Wang Shu, aimed his arrow at the sky. As the arrow soared through the velvety expanse, a small flame at its tip caught hold of the lanterns floating above. It was a poignant gesture, symbolizing the eternal journey of the departed soul, ascending beyond the earthly realm towards the heavens.

The crackling sound of the burning arrow echoed in the stillness, a poignant reminder of life's transient nature. Each flicker of the lantern represented the essence of existence, a brief and beautiful moment in the vast cosmic expanse. The waxing and waning of life, much like the dance of the flames, held a profound wisdom that only the universe could bestow.

As the sky lanterns drifted higher, carried by gentle currents, the people of Xu Yuan Dynasty stood in quiet contemplation. The luminous trails they left behind seemed to bridge the gap between the mortal realm and the unknown, imparting a sense of unity with the cosmos.

It was in these moments that the people found solace in the circle of life, where beginnings and endings intertwined like the threads of fate. They recognized that life's journey was not merely about the destination but the profound experiences that adorned the path. Like the lanterns gracefully floating away, they embraced the impermanence of life with a mixture of joy and sadness.

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