Chapter 62 : The Overseer

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Bahamut's voice resonated through the vast chamber, "Ashes Whisper, welcome to the Sanctuary. Your arrival is timely, for your journey is far from its conclusion. The artifacts in your possession are imbued with the essence of rulers, gods, and goddesses alike."

Tiamat, the Champion of Black, added his voice to the cosmic chorus, "The artifacts you carry bear the potential to forge a weapon capable of slaying gods."

The dragons' words hung in the air, echoing within the majestic hall, as Elara contemplated the weight of their purpose.

Grendel, the Champion of White, added his solemn wisdom, "A mortal wielding such a weapon, capable of god-killing, must possess an unwavering will. Do not allow its power to consume you."

Bahamut reiterated, "That's why it is best for us to safeguard it, for the sake of Ashes Whisper. Mortals may lack the willpower to wield such might."

Suddenly, Elara's ring, the Eye of Zeirsulair, responded. The heavens parted, and Zeirsulair, the Void Walker, descended from the sky. With authority, Zeirsulair interjected, "Do not speak as if mortals are incapable, Bahamut. I see through your true intentions. Gathering a god-killing weapon, you aim to rule them all!"

Bahamut, with an unwavering gaze, responded to Zeirsulair, "Zeirsulair, your understanding is flawed. Mortals wielding such power risk being consumed by it. They are weak, fragile! Our world is tired, mankind has marred our once-beautiful world."

Tiamat added, "With the god-killing weapon, we can protect the delicate balance of Sanctuary."

Zeirsulair retorted, "Balance? You Elder Dragons have your own agenda. Mortals can decide their fate; they don't need self-proclaimed deities dictating their destiny!"

Grendel, attempting to calm the tension, added, "Zeirsulair, it is time for us dragons to rule over mankind. With this, we believe we can break the cycle of this curse. Remember, Zeirsulair, we dragons are free from the shackles of light and darkness."

Zeirsulair responded with intensity, "Don't you remember the promise my sister made with you? Dragons should protect mankind, not rule over them!"

Bahamut's stern voice resonated through the vast chamber, the weight of his words echoing in the cosmic expanse. "If you speak the truth, then prove yourself worthy to wield and possess a god-killing weapon."

Grendel, the Champion of White, followed with sagely wisdom, "Creating a god-killing weapon is no trifling task. The mortal must prove their worth and resilience. Should Ashes Whisper succeed, it will be a testament to the indomitable strength of mortals."

Tiamat, the Champion of Black, added a foreboding warning, "And know this, should you fail, we dragons will not stand idly by. We will assume your mantle and take charge of this grave responsibility."

Grendel's voice resonated once more, directing Ashes Whisper on the path ahead, "To forge this god-killing weapon, you must journey to the Elysium. Seek out the God of The Forge, the divine entity who crafts destiny itself. With the artifacts you hold, the Necro Sword, a weapon to defy gods, will be forged."

At Night

In the embrace of the dream, Elara found herself in the ethereal realm once more, face-to-face with Zeirsulair. A gentle luminescence bathed the surroundings as the void walker spoke, "Ashes Whisper, we meet again. Why the long face?"

Elara sighed, pouring out her thoughts, "You know, everyone has their own wishes, just like the Overseer. They seek the artifacts to bring the balance and ruled over mankind and the cycle will break. I don't know if I can make a difference in my own way."

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