Chapter 37 : Incoming War II

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While Everyone are prepared for war

Zarek and Khai slowly regained consciousness, their surroundings shrouded in mystery. Confusion etched across Khai's face as he questioned their whereabouts, "Where are we?" Zarek, still gathering his thoughts, replied with uncertainty, "I'm not sure. The last thing I remember is being engulfed by the dark vortex. I managed to push Samael out, but the rest is a blur."

Khai contemplated their situation, his brows furrowing in concentration. "It seems the dark vortex has transported us to an unknown location," he surmised, his voice laced with curiosity. And he continue with his tone filled with determination, "Regardless of our location, our priority is finding Elara. We must reunite with her as soon as possible."

At night while Elara and Mikaela are resting at bonefire

As the night settled around the flickering bonfire, Elara and Mikaela found solace in its warm glow. Their weary bodies sought respite, their minds drifting into a momentary peace. However, the tranquility was shattered by the sudden arrival of the Black Order Assassins. Their dark silhouettes emerged from the shadows, surrounding Elara and Mikaela with malicious intent.

One of the assassin stepped forward, his voice dripping with malevolence. "Ashes Whisper, we finally found you!" he sneered, his eyes gleaming with a twisted delight. Elara's heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with him, the weight of their presence filling the air with tension.

Mikaela, despite her own fatigue and injuries, stepped protectively in front of her sister, her voice filled with both concern and unwavering resolve. "Stay behind me, Sister," she urged, her voice firm but tinged with vulnerability. "I won't let them lay a hand on you."

One of the Black Order Assassins scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. " Sisterly love won't save you now," Prepare to meet your demise."

Despite the assassins' relentless onslaught, Elara and Mikaela fought back fiercely, their synchronized movements a testament to their unyielding bond. They protected each other with unwavering loyalty, anticipating each other's needs and defending against the onslaught.

The night air resonated with the clash of steel, Despite her injury, Mikaela's agility and skill allowed her to evade and counter the assassins' strikes, her blades cutting through the darkness with deadly precision.

The assassins lunged at her with relentless ferocity, their swords slashing through the air. But Mikaela's swift footwork and honed reflexes allowed her to evade their attacks with ease. She ducked and weaved, her movements fluid and calculated, turning their aggression against them.

Her movements were a deadly dance, her blade an extension of her will. She parried and dodged, her senses honed to anticipate their every move. Each strike was met with a swift and calculated response, leaving her opponents bewildered and off-balance.

As Mikaela's blade weaved through the chaos of the battle, her movements became a mesmerizing dance of skill and determination. She deftly parried and dodged, her instincts guiding her to anticipate the assassins' every move. With each clash of steel, her blade found its mark, leaving her opponents bewildered and off-balance.

One of the Black Order Assassins sneered in frustration, his voice laced with impatience. "Shesss, this is taking too long," he hissed, his eyes narrowing with annoyance. "We must end this swiftly."

As Elara struggled against the relentless assault of one of the Black Order Assassins, her strength waned, and she stumbled, falling to the ground. The assassin seized the opportunity, his malicious laughter echoing through the night. "Hahahah, this is our chance!" he jeered, his blade poised to strike a fatal blow.

In that moment, Mikaela, fueled by a surge of protectiveness and unwavering love for her sister, sprang into action with swift agility. With a fluid motion, she lunged forward, her blade slicing through the air with lethal precision. In one swift movement, her strike found its mark, severing the assassin's head from his shoulders.

The Black Order Assassin's laughter abruptly ceased, replaced by a chilling silence. His lifeless body crumpled to the ground, while his comrades stared in shock and disbelief. Mikaela, her breaths ragged, turned to Elara, her eyes filled with relief and determination. "Sister!" she exclaimed, rushing to her side. She extended a helping hand, pulling Elara to her feet.

As the clash between Mikaela and the remaining Black Order Assassin reached its crescendo, their blades danced in a deadly agility. Mikaela's swift movements and agile finesse proved to be a formidable match for her opponent's malevolence. With each calculated strike, she closed the distance between them, her determination shining in her eyes.

Seeing an opening, Mikaela seized the opportunity, her blade finding its mark and piercing through the assassin's defenses. He gasped, a mixture of pain and defiance in his voice. "Our leader, Hassan, is reforming and planning to kill the Emperor," he hissed, his voice strained. "You can't do anything... hahaha, war is coming."

The assassin's eyes grew glassy, his final words lingering in the air as his life force slipped away. Mikaela withdrew her blade, watching as he collapsed to the ground, his threats silenced forever, on the Death of remaining Black Order Assassin, Elara feel the urge pain of the Ashes Whisper curse and she's decide to pray towards the soul of Black Order Assassin, praying to him, may he rest in peace.

After that, Elara, witnessing the scene, felt a chill run down her spine. The revelation of the Black Order's plans sent a shiver through her, and she clenched her fists in determination. "We have to find Qilin first"

Mikaela nodded in agreement

Elara and Mikaela's eyes widened with a mix of relief and excitement as they spotted Zarek and Khai in the distance. With quickened steps, they approached their comrades, their expressions a mixture of concern and determination.

"Mikaela, Elara, we've been searching for you everywhere," Zarek exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine relief. "Are you both alright?"

Elara nodded, her gaze locking with Zarek's. "We encountered the Black Order Assassins," she replied, her voice laced with urgency. "They're reforming and planning to kill Emperor Xu Yuan. And we must find Qilin first."

Elara's words hung in the air, the urgency and determination evident in her voice. Mikaela and the others nodded in agreement, understanding the significance of finding the Qilin

Zarek's as he considered Elara's words. "The Qilin holds the key to restoring the dynasty's strength," he remarked, his voice tinged with a mix of hope and concern. "We must locate it and ensure its protection."

At night while Elara, Mikaela, Zarek and Khai are united

Somewhere in the grand halls of Arvandor Kingdom, Lord Thrush's voice echoed through the vastness of the throne room. The dim light cast eerie shadows, adding an air of mystique to the encounter. The Black General, a figure shrouded in mystery, adorned in black steel armor and an full helm, approached Lord Thrush with silent reverence.

Lord Thrush's gaze pierced through the darkness, his voice carrying a hint of authority. "Black General," he called out, his words resonating with a commanding presence. "The time has come for our plans to be set in motion."

The Black General bowed respectfully before his lord, his voice muffled by the helm as he replied, "Yes, my lord. The forces are ready, and the Black Order stands poised to strike."

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