Character Introduction

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Starting my last year at Hogwarts had created a bitter sweet taste in mouth. knowing this was the last year I would see a lot of my friends and professors or make trips to the three broomsticks, I'd grown quite fond of it all.

I reflected on my time at school as packed my trunk up for the very last time. Although the thought of leaving was somber I too was excited at the thought of my future as an Auror (a girl can dream big right?).Working for the ministry of magic was something I only could have dreamed about 2 years prior anyway. Being a muggle born, who discovered they're a witch a whole 5 years later than the rest of my peers who had not grown up in the magical world, then again I also faced far more trials and tribulations than most my peers could imagine that very same year.

I had gotten signed accreditations from most of my professors. Most. other than the one that could make or break my shot headmaster Black. I never really knew why I couldn't get on his good side. "If he's even got one." I thought out loud and scoffed. Ominis pointed out that it's probably because a muggle born has more talent and skill than he ever could in her pinky toe. "Damned elitist pure bloods" he'd alway say. Funny since he was a Gaunt after all, one of the most respected pure blood families the wizarding word had to offer.The thought made me chuckle aloud as I folded my last pair of robes away.

"Hurry up Y/N!" My mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "You'll miss that blasted train."I shuffled downstairs grabbing my broom that was prop on the rails atop the middle landing.

"Sorry Mum, a bit distracted this morning." I said as I began tugging on my boots. She rolled her eyes at me and chuckled. "Yes dear, but when aren't you a bit distracted?" "Ha ha" I laugh sarcastically back and begin to make my way to the carport. She yells after me again "And don't forget that blasted bird! I'll finally get a decent sleep with her out of here!" She said jokingly but then a tear began to well in the corner of her eye.

I go to comfort her but she puts her hand out to stops me wiping at the tear she laughs lightly. "Oh don't start, I'm being foolish." she says more to herself than me. "It's ok mum, I'll write often and this year I'll be home for the holidays." I hated leaving her here. Mum had been lonely since father died the summer before I turned 16. The tragic event that professor Fig believed inevitably triggered my ancient powers.

We make our way to the car and I shut the back door behind me. "THE DAMNED BIRD Y/N!" mum shouted again. Right. I quickly flung the door back open and whistles "alright, come on then Pidg!" I shout and as quick as I got it out she fluttered to my arm. We've got a train to catch!

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