Chapter 19: Pillow talk

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Mature content warning in this chapter. It is a sweet spice though. You can skip it if you'd like.

I lie awake looking up at the stars feeling the tranquil rise and fall of Sebastians chest under my head. I looked up at him slightly, he was so peaceful. He had a relaxation over him that I only got to glimpse at in the moments that he slept.

I lightly stroked his face with my fingers. He's so beautiful I thought as I let my fingers trace over his feature. I loved every part of him. How could someone so beautiful have seen such tragedy.

His eyes started to flutter open and met mine. "That tickles" he said a sleepiness still in his voice with slight smirk. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep." I said feeling guilty that I had woke him. He rolled onto his side now facing me, his features hardening now that he was awake.

"What do you dream about?" I asked looking into his eyes. He tilted his head slightly to the side and furrowed his brow. "You just always look so calm when you sleep, I wondered what it is that makes you feel like that." I finished.

"You." He said simply. "What about me?" I asked back with a chuckle. "I mean They're always different but you are always at the center. If it's good... bad... naughty." He winked "it's all just you."

" and what kind of dream were you having tonight?" I asked kind of intrigued by the last type he mention. "It's a frequent one. I dream that were muggles. Living normal lives, we have a family,kids, and nothing is complicate by magic." He explains softly .

I smile a bit at him and raise a bro"what?" He said maybe a tad offended. " nothing it's just most muggles dream about living in a world of magic. An escape from their mundane lives, It's funny to know it goes the other way too suppose. " I explained. "Huh, guess I never thought about that." He chuckled.

We started at each other for a moment "I missed you." I finally said breaking the silence while burying my face into him. " oh yeah? how much?" He asked playfully. I smiled and pressed my lips to his neck kissing it slowly. A small groan escaped his lips. "And Merlin did I miss you too." He said tilting his head back to expose more of his neck.

"Oh yeah? How much?" I teased him back with his own words. He grabbed my hand and placed it down his waistband. "About this much." My heart started to race. I grasped him firmly in my hand rubbing up and down his shaft. A slow deep breath escapes his lungs.

"Are you sure you're okay? With everything that happened tonight we don't have to do this..." I said with a pause. " no, I need you Y/N, I need to be close to you. I need to feel you" He said kissing me. He sat up and pulled me on top of him so I was straddling his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waste and my arms around his neck.

Sebastian POV

We had obviously done this before but tonight felt different. I just wanted to hold her and be close to her. I needed her more than ever. She lifted off my lap slightly reaching down for me She slowly guided my tip inside of her and lowered herself onto me entirely. Fuck she felt good

As she swayed her hips up and down She pressed her body tight into mine creating a warm sweaty embrace. The harder she thrusted the tighter we held each other. She dug her fingernails into my shoulder blades release a soft breathy moan with every forward motion of her hips.

I ran my hand over every inch of her back pressing her into me as hard as I could. In that moment it felt like our bodies became one. I didn't know where mine ended and hers began. We were just a entanglement of flesh. Our bodies, even our breathing perfectly in sync. It was pure ecstasy.

She tilted her head up towards the ceiling arching her back slightly. Her moans intensified I could feel her tightening and pulsate around me. My name repeatedly escaping between moans. I loved the way it sounded coming out of her.

I could tell she was getting tired so I grabbed her and rolled her beneath me to finish. I pressed my forehead to hers. "Look at me." I said and she opened her eyes to meet mine. "Tell me you love me." I said to her in-between long hard thrusts. "I do." She said softly. "Say it. Say you love me Y/N." I needed to hear it from her lips. " I love you Sebastian."

The second the words left her mouth I completely erupted inside of her. I let out several breathy growls allowing the weight of me fall on her slightly. I lingered inside of her for a moment not wanting the connection of our bodies to end. I pulled away slowly and laid beside her. She cuddled in close to me, And I did the same.

I never wanted to be without her. She was the light guiding me out of the darkness. I wanted to spend the rest of my life, and every lifetime to follow with her. I was going to make her mine forever.

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