Chapter 28: London

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My last year at Hogwarts felt like it was rushing past me. Already the crisp sweet autumn air had turned bitter and cold as sparkling white snow took the place of the fallen crunchy leaves. The halls of the castle were lined with holly and ribbon and the smell of pine trees filled every corner.

All around us people began planning their winter breaks. The last 2 years I had stayed at the castle with my friends. 5th year I was busy with my trials and last year mum had picked up extra shifts at the hospital, but this year we had promised I would come home.

Before the events of 5th year Ominis would go home to feldcroft with Anne and Sebastian, he preferred to spend time with his chosen family rather than his real one.I truthfully didn't blame him. He called us his "logical family" as opposed to his less affectionate biological family. I was going to miss running around the mostly empty castle with them this year.

"My parents are going to spend Christmas with my older sister and won't be back before school starts up again so I'm stuck here this year." Imelda huffed pushing her food around with her fork. "I can't believe you're really leaving me with these fools for 2 week!" She continued pointing at Ominis and Sebastian. I smiled "they're not so bad" I laughed giving Sebastian's leg a squeeze.

"Well don't expect too much fun out of me during the break Imelda, I have studying to do and can't be worried about entertaining you." Ominis chimed in. " Don't worry Ominis,I never expect fun from you." She laughed back. He shook his head letting his eyes roll slightly at her. "And what about you? Plans for mischief and mayhem I presume?" She asked eyeing Sebastian.

"Uh, I guess so I've got no where else to go." He said looking down picking at his plate. I could tell he was a little sad I wouldn't be here this year."Come home with me." I said quite abruptly causing Everyone's heads turned and glance at me. he look up. "What?" He asked meeting my eyes. "Come home with me, to London. Let me show you a proper muggle Christmas." I said with a smile.

A small smirk crawled across his lips. "Your family won't mind?" He asked "it's just mum, and no she would be thrilled! She always been curious about my school friends." I announced rubbing my hand over his thigh.

"Friend...sure" Imelda scoffed. "You're gonna have to introduce him as more than that. You can't even get through a meal without touching each other." She accused pointing at his lap with her fork. I went to let go of Sebastians leg feeling a bit embarrassed but he quickly grabbed my hand keeping it in place. He didn't care what she thought. Imelda was right though I would have to explain a few things when we got there.


I can't wait to see you! I was hoping to bring home a friend with me who's alone for the holidays. I want to give them a proper Christmas and show them around London.

Hope all is well.

Yours dearly,

Sebastian POV

I had been to London plenty of times to visit Anne, just never the muggle parts. This was actually going to be the longest I had ever been in the presence of a muggle, at least it was one who knew about magic. I still felt nervous at the thought. Largely in part I think because it was her mother.

I didn't really know much about mothers, I hadn't been around one in some time since my own passed aways. I did however know that I wanted her to like me, to prove I deserved to love her daughter, I just wasn't sure how.

I continued packing with a few things I had picked up earlier in Hogsmeade. "You're sure you'll be alright here alone with Imelda?" I asked Ominis as I fastened the strap of my trunk. "Yes, I'm sure we will manage without you." He said waving his hand at me dismissively as I exited our dorm.

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