Chapter 23: Hosptial wing

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Sebastain Pov

Thirty feet. That how high up we were. She just fell thirty fucking feet, Sure her broom caused some wind resistance but Still. it happened so fast I didn't have the time to do anything, I couldn't save her. I swore to myself I'd never let her get hurt; truthfully after everything she has battled before I never had to save her. She always seemed to be the one saving me. I was the reckless to her caution. She always had a plan before doing something dangerous. But there was no planning for this.

I flew down from the posts faster than I ever had leaping off my broom before I had even fully landed and i threw it to the side of me. She was just lying there, not moving. I ran to her has fast as I could. " We need help down here!" I shouted as I fell to my knees next to her ripping off my goggles before tearing hers off too and brushed the loose wet hair away from her face.

"Y/N, hey, Hey! Look at me." I said lifting her head into my lap. She blinked slowly clearly fading in and out of consciousness. "Seb." She whispered softly. "Shhh you're going to be alright, I'm right here." I said said stroking her face. She was cold as ice, her body shivering in my hands. She grabbed my forearm and smiled slightly closing her eyes.

She quickly faded out again. I held her tight in my arms cradling her head and trying the best I could to keep her warm with my body heat. "Can I get some bloody fucking help down here?!" I yelled louder and more erratic this time. Panic completely taking over.

Imelda landed next to us looking at me with concern. "She has to get to the hospital wing Sebastian!" She said looking around for help. Professors we're pushing their way through the stands but it was taking too long. I wasn't waiting anymore. I scooped her up into my arm and started to run. "Tell them to meet us there!" I yelled at Imelda as i made my way towards the castle. She nodded and cupped her hands over her mouth.

I bursted through the doors to the surprise of nurse Blainey. She was tending to the slytherin beater that had gone down prior but not nearly as bad "This one over there!" She said motioning to a bed. I quickly laid her down and grasped her hand in mine. "Ive told them hundred of times the dangers of playing in this condition..." She said digging around in a bunch of drawers for medical supplies.

"Is she going to be alright." I asked as she continued rummage. The nurse said nothing. "Is she going to be okay?!" I shouted growing more and more agitated. "Don't get short with me Mr Sallow. I'm doing my best." The nurse scolded. "She will be alright, In due time. I've not lost a student yet and I don't plan to today." She said making her way to the other side of the bed.

A crowd of people swarmed into room. Headmaster black and professor Weasley at the front of it. They ran right to nurse blainey forming a small huddle at the other end of the room. Following closely behind them was a group of our friends. They rushed over to me. "Is she going to be-" Imelda started I threw my hand up interrupting her. "I don't know anything." I said shortly.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder. "She's going to be alright." Ominis states from beside me giving it a firm squeeze"Alright everyone clear out there are too many students. I need space to work. Scoot!" Nurse Blainey said shooing her hands. Everyone made their way to the door. "You too Mr Sallow." She said reaching out to me. I didn't look up from Y/N. "You're going to have to work around me I'm not leaving her." I said firmly as i ran my thumb over her knuckles. The nurse sighed "alright then, pull up a chair. It's going to be a long night..... Episkey." She said softly as she waved her wand across Y/N body.

The next morning I was startled awake by the doors busting open. My head was resting in her lap, I must have drifted off at some point. Imelda and Poppy walked briskly towards me. "She's still not awake yet?" Imelda asked with concern. "they gave her something to keep her asleep. She woke up screaming last night in pain...It was horrible." I recalled trying to rub the exhaustion off my face as they gathered around her, Ominis trailing slightly Behind.

I stood up letting here friends sit up by here head and met Ominis at the foot of her bed. "I miss her Om, so much. I miss her smile, the sound of her laugh. I miss the way it made me feel just to see her every day... I wish it hadn't ended the way it did, and now look at her..." I said gripping the metal frame of her bed. "Are you ready to listen now?" He asked grabbing my arm.

I raised my brow and he guided me away from the others slightly. He explained to me everything that had happened the week prior with Garreth, with Adalaide. I felt like such a total ass, not even giving her the time of day to hear her out. She hadn't done anything wrong...

The nurse walked into the medical area from her office. "Ah, more visitors?" She said sarcastically walking over to check on Y/N. "Madam Blainey, may i speak to you for a moment?" Imelda asked. The nurse nodded her head waiting for her to continue. Imelda cleared her throat. "Alone perhaps ." She said a bit discreetly her eyes shooting to me slightly.

"If it's about her I need to know." I said firmly walking towards them. It's really not my place Seb..." Imelda said softly. "And Since when are you one to not stick your giant nose in places it doesn't belong." I hissed back a bit annoyed. "Well maybe If you hadn't been such a prick ignoring her all week she could have told you herself!" She shot back a hardness now in her tone.. If anyone could hold their own in a nasty argument with me it would be Imelda fucking Reyes.

Everyone's eyes were now on Imelda "You're all really going to make me do this?" She asked scanning the room before sighing as she pressed her thumb into her eye socket contemplated. "Fine. She came to me before the game. She told me she had missed taking one of the pastilles I had given her...and it's been over a week since she was suppose to..." She said trailing off. The Nurse patted her shoulder knowingly.
"I'll check Ms Reyes. Thank you for letting me know." Madam Blainey said before heading back to her office.

"Check for what?" I ask my impatience for Imelda increasing by the second. "Boys..." imelda sighed, rolling her eyes "So dense." She walked over to me. "Do I really have to spell it out for you?" She sighed again. What exactly did she have to be so exasperated about? She was the one dragging this out. "Go on then." I said back to her.

Ominis grabbed my shoulder. I looked around and it was as if everyone in the room knew something I didn't. "She's late you idiot...her period" Imelda rolled her eyes at me again. It took a moment to let her words sink in. The weight of realization hit me. What had I done. A mixtures of emotions and nausea washed over me...but then I had what I'm sure was a terrible though...Would it be the worst thing in the world?

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