Chapter 35: Falling

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Mild spice content warning in this chapter. If you'd like to skip I would suggest at least reading the Y/N POV at the end.

We emerged from the fireplace being blasted with cold frigid winter air. I looked to my left noticing a small broken pain of glass from the window above the tree. Perfect. Sebastian approached my side pointing his wand at the window. "Repairo" he said softly watching the tiny shards of glass return to their place as i wrapped my arms around me, a shiver running over my entire body.

He grabbed a blanket that was draped over the couch and placed it around my shoulders from behind hugging me slightly as he did. Was he not mad at me? I wondered as he nestled his face into the crest of my neck. I pointed my wand at the fire place casting confringo and the room erupted into a warm amber glow.

He turned me around looking deep into my eyes. "Seb I don't know how much you heard, but I'm sorry for speaking to Anne that way-" i started to explain but was interrupted with his lips on mine. I pulled back slightly and he sighed. "I heard enough, Most of it actually. And I not mad at you. Or her, It just... is what it is." I was taken aback by his words.

"If you heard then Don't you think we should talk about the things that were said?" I asked as his face drew closer to mine again. "Maybe, but right now I just want to do this." He said grabbing the side of my face pulling me into his lips once more. I moaned slightly under his touch.

My knees buckled slightly and I guided us down to the floor in front of the ever growing fire. I looked up at him hovering over me as the fires light flicked across his face. my eyes focused in on the reflection of the flames dancing around in his hazelnut iris' as intensity filled them.

I ran my fingers down his chest making my way to the bottom hem of his sweater slowly lifting it off of him before making my way down the buttons of his shirt. His olive skin seemed even warmer toned in the light of the embers.

He wasted no time undressing me as well both of us now kneeling naked and vulnerable in front of one another. Our bodies clung to each other and he pressed his forehead to mine. "I love you." He whispered softly a small tear forming in his eye as he leaned in and kissed me again.

I straddled his lap lowering myself on his hardness that had grown between us and he let out a deep and guttural groan. He tightly grabbed my hip as they writhed on top of him. His other hand firmly grasped around my neck before gliding its way down my chest cupping my breast causing me to let out a loud sensual moan. I never wanted this feeling to end.

Sebastian POV

I let my hands feel over every inch of her body caressing her, admiring her, as she rode on top of me. She started to hastily speed her pace as I leaned back so I could reach between us rubbing her swelling bud.

"Slow down." I said between her moans firmly grabbing her hip with my free hand controlling her movement. I wanted to savor her, to bask in this moment together knowing it would be our last.

She threw her head upward arching her back letting out a chorus of moans. I felt the warm rush of liquid swarm around me and her body weaken on top of me. I grasped the back of her head lying her gently down onto the floor beneath us.

She was perfect and I loved every bit of her and I hate myself for knowing in a moment I was about to hurt her once more. But it would be the last time. "Look at me." I said her eye opened meeting mine. "I love you, always. Never doubt that." I said pressing a long kiss on her forehead.

I saw confusion slightly flash in her eyes but it was softened with a smile. She went to close her eyes in pleasure again. "Don't look away. Look at me." I spoke more firmly this time. My eyes fixed to hers peering into them as I slowly moved inside of her. This was the closest I had ever felt another being. Our bodies and souls completely intertwined in pleasure. I clenched my jaw tightly in attempted to keep tears at bay.

A confusing amount of arousal and heartbreak had taken me over completely. My body enjoying pure ecstasy while my mind was in such agony. My soul in total turmoil the moans escaping me in a desperate almost whimpering as I reached climax inside of her for the last time.

I held her tightly next to me not ready to let her go and a small shiver fell across her skin. "You're cold, here." I wrapped the blanket back around her and quickly redressed. "I'll go make you some tea." I said leaning in to kiss her one last time. "Hurry back." She smiled wrapping herself up and inching closer to the fire blissfully unaware. I smiled back at her, tears fell down my face as I walked out of the room.

*small note If you'd like to listen to the song don't hold me by dean lewis while you read this part it inspired it as I was listening to it while I wrote.

I sat on the rug near the fire warming my hands and toes living in the beautiful moment we had just shared. A loud hiss and whistling came from in the kitchen. It sang far longer than I expected for him to grab it. "Seb?" I called out not getting a response only the hiss of the kettle filled the air.

I stood to my feet the blanket still wrapped around me walking towards the kitchen to assist him. "Did you get lost?" I teased smiling as I entered, it slowly fell from my lips as I scanned the room, He wasn't there. The kettle screamed on the stove as I approached a small letter propped against a single tea cup.


I love you but we can't do this. You deserve better than anything I could ever offer you. I can't continue to let you hold onto me while I fall and watch you hit the ground with me. I am here on borrowed time and you have so much left to give this world. Letting me go now will be easier than waiting until you've already lost it all.

Love you always,


My blood ran cold and the color drained out of my face as I re read the letter over and over again panic flooding my system. "Sebastian!" I yelled out between sobs running up the stairs not wanting to believe what I had read. I got no response. I threw open the door to the spare room to see it completely empty.

My stomach yanked and pulled in tight knots and I couldn't help but buckle to my knees and let out a deep gut wrenching wail as tears forcefully streamed down my face. I curled into the tightest ball my knees pressing firmly to my chest as I felt my heart breaking and shatter into tiny pieces. He was gone.

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