Chapter 37: Caught

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Slowly the sun started burning a bit hotter, the snow melting away as wildflowers blossomed over the hills. Students eagerly studied awaiting their impending tests as the school year quickly came into a close.

The worry of failing my N.E.W.T exams grew heavier by the day. "You don't understand Poppy, I have to get Es in every subject or I will be laughed away by the ministry." I said panic over my voice as I fliped through several books spread across the library table we had taken over.

I didn't regret the year I had spent with Sebastian, but it was catching up with me now. "All I'm suggesting is we take a little break, reset your mind pop in to honeydukes for some study snacks...?" Poppy pleaded with her puppy dog eyes at me.

I felt bad making her study with me. The only class Poppy truly had to worry about was care of magical beasts, and I've seen Poppy try to cuddle a full grown dragon so I don't think she had much to be worried about. "You go, I'll be alright here." I said burying my face deep inside my charms book.

She sighed sitting down to quiz me once more. "Really Poppy go, have fun!" I said truly hoping she would. It was nice to have help but she was easily distracted any way. "Fine but If you're still here when I get back..." she spoke slowly rising from her seat. "she won't be." A warm husk voice from behind me spoke. Sebastian. he had been mine for sometime now but he still made my heart race.

"Oh yes I will, I'm pulling an all nighter." I said looking up at him. "You can't keep doing that it's going to make you do worse on your exams." He said leaning against the table. Why did I like it when he leaned on things. "How could studying possibly make me do worse?" I said lifting the book again. He quickly grabbed the top pulling it out of my grasp. "Maybe because you fell asleep in potions yesterday?" He said raising a brow at me.

"I did not fall asleep I... I dozed off." I argued back at him reaching for the book. "Your hair almost caught fire." He accused lifting the book above his head out of my reach. "Come on! you and Ominis have been soooo boring that last few week I'm dying over here." He begged a bit like a spoiled child. "If you can get Ominis to agree to go out then I will too." I said know there was no way in hell he'd agree. Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"You could always have Imelda ask him." Poppy said casually popping a piece of chocolate into her mouth. Sebastian and I both looked at eachother and back at Poppy. "Why in Merlin's name would he listen to Imelda? He can't stand her" Sebastian scoffed. "Oh I don't know, just some gossip really." She said a small smirk curling on her lips. Leave it to Poppy, she always had the best gossip.

Sebastian pulled up a chair leaning into poppy a bit more. "Go on then Poppy spill it! what do you know?" He inquired. "Nothing really, I just heard some Slytherin girls talking about them sneaking around the castle since Christmas break. Both our eyes widened leaning into her a bit further.

"Since Christmas?!" Sebastian shouted a bit quickly being shushed by the librarian. He rolled his eyes lowering his voice into a hushed tone. "Now this I could have some fun with..." Sebastian smirked, I could see him scheming behind his eyes. "No Seb, why don't we just asked them if somethings going on?" I said softly back trying to discourage any antics.

He rolled his eyes again at the thought. "Now,what fun would that be darling?" He said a wicked grin forming across his lips. I couldn't help but stare at him, something about mischief just suited him so well.

"Fine! if it will cure your Boredom and allow me to study, But nothing crazy, no truth serum, no polyjuice, no liquid luck absolutely NOTHING from zonkos. Keep it simple Seb." I sighed knowing how far he took things sometimes.

He leaned in close to me with a slight growls and said" yes ma'am" before winking and planting a firm kiss on my lips. They were always so soft and warm. He parted his lips slightly inviting me in, It made me crave him. Poppy cleared her throat after a moment as I felt his teeth bite at my lower lip and pull away causing me to blush.

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