Chapter 16: Control

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Warning this chapter does have mature content feel free to skip if you'd like!

An entire week without sleeping next to Sebastian was going to feel like a life time. Being away from him now seemed wrong. If we can't spend the night together in the room I would have to make due.

I approached Deek outside of the kitchen on the way to my dorm before dinner. "Deek, would it be possible for you to pull two plates aside for supper this evening?" I asked pilling him to the side.

"Yes ma'am, Deek could do this...." He started to say warily. "I just have some things I need to catch up on and won't be able to make it to dinner is all." I reassured as i leaned down to his level grabbing his shoulder. I felt a bit bad, but I wasn't lying to Deem necessarily... just not divulging the entire truth.

"If you could just have them ready on that table over there around 7 I will come grab them." I say to Deek. "Yes ma'am Deek with make the arrangements ma'am." He said with a smile before making his way back to the kitchens.

I had sent Sebastian an owl letting him know my plans for tonight. I just hope he has gotten it. Ominis had requested to study after dinner and for Sebastian to be in before curfew tonight. That did not leave much time.


Your presence is requested at a private dinner this evening overlooking the lake.

Please break away before dinner and meet me at our spot.

yours forever,


I made my way to the room of requirement getting it set up for the evening. When I walked in I saw a small table with a white cloth underneath the window. There was a single candlestick illuminating in the center. This would be perfect.

Sebastian POV

I was surprised when I heard the small tapping at my window while getting ready to leave for dinner in the great hall. I opened it and with a small gust of air in swooped her owl. "Evening Pidg, what brings you here?" I asked the owl as I removed the little brown envelope from her beak.

I couldn't help but smile as I read it. Even if it were only for a few hours, anytime with her is time I cherished. "Ominis! I will be back later tonight." I announced as I approached the door. "Don't you dare..." he started. "Relax I will be back before head count and I will be staying, but I'll be missing dinner. I have to see her, you have to understand." I added.

"Seeing her, no...I don't quite understand that part." He joked and rolled my eyes at him. "But I do understand she is rather an alluring girl, and that the two of you seem quite inseparable...It's just good to know you're happy again Sebastian." Ominis replied with a soft smile. "I am Om, truly happy.... I'll be back! I say in return as I walk to the door."don't be late!" he called after me for the second time. I may have a bad habit of that...

When I arrived she was already sitting at a small table arranged for the two of us. She was leaned back in her chair reading a history of magic while snacking off her place. How can someone make reading a book even look sexy. I wondered to myself. She glanced up over the top of it and smiled as I approached.

She's stood up from the table and I pulled her into a tight embrace. I wish I never had to let her go. I lifted her up slightly setting her down onto the table in front of me. And began to kiss her. "I've missed this all day." I said to her softly as my lips made their way down to her neck.

I place my palm on the the table leaning further into her. The table bumped slightly under my knee causing the candle behind her to shake the flame grazing my arm. A small sting of pain radiated my forearm. I inhaled sharply and winched.

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