Chapter 13: Hogsmeade

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After dinner I made my way to the dungeons and to approximately where I believed the Slytherin common room entrance to be. I sat down on the cool ground anxiously awaiting my friends. I was hoping that we didn't jinx their chances with our preemptive celebration plans.

A large stone snake coiled up from the floor startling me briefly. In one swift motion it reviled their common room door. It swung open bursting with a cacophony of cheers and clapping. Finally. Results must have been posted.

My 3 friends exited the door shoulder to shoulder with very large grins adorning their faces. Positive news I assumed. "You are looking at the newest Slytherin quidditch captain!" Imelda said with a bit of a bow. "Congratulations Imelda!" I shouted picking myself off the floor.

I looked over at Sebastian. "And you?" I asked raising my brow at him. "yeah of course." He said confidently shrugging his shoulders. I gave him a tight hug. "Well let's not stand around! Off to the three broomsticks." Ominis piped in. We took a few steps forwards, the snake reappearing to swallow the door back up.

"Damn, my wand. I'll be right back!" Sebastian said and re approached the entrance. "Pure blood." He stated quickly disappearing back inside. Nausea rushed over me. Hearing the words casually come out of his mouth had a particularly harsh sting.

Imelda noticed the discomfort on my face. She elbowed Ominis. "We have to say it to get in." She advised to me, it's the password. Omimis grabbed my hand. "None of us believe any of that nonsense, they're just words." He added trying to comfort me. I knew they were right. "I know it still just..." I stop. recalling a particularly terrible memory from two years prior.

He had hurt me with similar words before out of anger and desperation. I knew he didn't not mean what he said to me that day. Hes never forgave himself for it even though I had long ago. The memory still painful none the less. I couldn't help but let it surface, flooding back into my mind...

Sebastian had just killed his uncle. Thought he had lost Anne forever. I chased after him trying to comfort him. " Sebastian wait!" I yelled grabbing his arm. "Let go of me! He yelled back pulling aways.

"Sebastian, this has gone too far..." I begged trying to approach him again. "you think I don't know that!" He shouted pacing in front of me. "I've just lost Everything important to me!" He screamed. "EVERYTHING!"

I had never seen him like this. I was at a loss for how to help him. If there was any hope left to help him at all... "We will figure this out" I say... "Ill talk to Anne, Ominis we will come up with a plan." I tried my best to calm him down.

"There is nothing left to figure out! They will send me away. To Azkaban. There is no coming out of there." desperation and rage engulfing his face. "You haven't got a clue do you?" He said lashing out at me chuckling harshly. "No, you don't, because this isn't your world. You're a fucking mudblood! You can't imagine the horrors my future holds in that place." He stormed off to the castle. Ice ran through my veins Tears burning as they trickled down my cheeks.

I knew very well what happened in Azkaban. I had visited earlier this year. I had Seen the torment and madness radiating from each of the cells. The darkest dispare filling every inch of me. Which was exactly why no matter what he had done, how hurtful he had just been. I could not bare the thought of Sebastian being sent there. I would do everything in my power to protect him. I followed up towards the castle to find Ominis.

My flash back needed as I felt his arms snake around me from behind pulling me back into our present moment. I forced a smile pushing the memory back down and I looked into his eyes.

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