Chapter 9: Jealously

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Content warning there is a little bit of spice the last few paragraphs of this chapter. If you want to skip over.

I could barley focus the rest of class. All I could think about was how I longed to be in Sebastians presence again. I began the Descend down the long rope latter from the divinations classroom. It was class I usually enjoy but today, my mind was else where. Left behind in the undercroft I suppose. Like my lost discarded panties.

So lost in thought I nearly fell over Gareth who was sitting at the bottom of the long winding staircase. "Watch your step there Y/LN" teased Gareth. "Mind your legs Weasley," I return giving them a small kick. I smiled and turned to continue my walk to the great hall for lunch.

"Hey uh , wait up a second." Gareth yelled getting up from his spot on the floor jogging slightly to catch up to me. "I was thinking maybe this weekend you'd join me for a small break to Hogsmeade? We could go to the three broomsticks, grab a few butter beers? What do you say?" He said in a slightly peppy tone.

" I have missed Hogsmeade I'm quite fond of it!" I inform Gareth. "But I've actually got plans this weekend, quidditch tryouts actually." I say. "quidditch? Hufflepuff tryouts aren't until next weekend silly. So are you free?" He asks again. "Oh sorry, no I should have been more clear, I'm going to watch the slytherin tryouts." a perplexed look grew over his face. "Sebastian invited me, and Imelda, I wanted to see if it looked any fun."

"Ah quidditch fun?! You must be joking? It's the best! I've played for Gryffindor starting out 2nd year! A beater!" He exclaimed. Flexing an arm muscle I rolled my eyes and laughed "My tryouts are next weekend right before yours. It's really just a formality though, practically everyone already knows Ill make the team." He continues. Does everyone at this school play quidditch?

I suddenly felt a hand on the small of my back. By now I knew that touch better than anything. Sebastian. "I was waiting for you outside the great hall. I was getting worried" He said a bit colder tone than I was expecting. "Sorry, Gareth and I were just catching up" I say directed at Sebastian. Trying to analyze his face for some kind of clue.

I turn to Gareth "a rain check on that butter beer." I say, He smiled "I'll hold you to it!" He replied. "Sebastian" Gareth said nodding his head upwards. "Gareth." Sebastian replied doing the same motion back, his voice once again with that cold under tone and a dark expression painted on his face. There was a small awkward silence between them before Gareth spoke. "Well...I'll catch you both later!" He said running his hand through his wild red hair and turned heading down towards the great hall.

Sebastian POV

I stood waiting outside the large arched doorway of the great hall entrance watching as people continued to flood in for lunch. Had I missed her? Had she snuck past me some how? I turn and do a quick scan inside again. No. She wasn't here yet. the walk from divinations wasn't terribly long, she should have been here by now.

I start off in the direction of her previous class assuming I'd eventually bump into her on her way. As I make my way further down the viaduct corredor I see her back towards me, a signature ribbon cascading down her hair. A smile crept across my face. I then could see she was talking with someone, who was that? And then my stomach dropped. Gareth Weasley.

As I approached them my chest became tight. I tried to compose myself, finding it hard to silence my thoughts. Why the fuck was he standing so close to her? Why is she smiling so big? What the hell could he have to say that could possibly interest a girl like her. My temper began to grow. Did he just flex his arm at her?! What a complete arse. That was it. I was going to rip his head off.

I walked up behind her, wanting to grab her tight and assert some type of dominance letting him know she belonged to me. I settled for hand on her lower back. Clenching my jaw as they wrapped up their conversation.

She looked up at me with confusion set across her face. "Since when do you find Gareth Weasley interesting?" I say a bit harsher than I was intending. "What? Are you jealous?" She said playfully chuckling a bit. "I'm being serious." I quickly respond a little annoyed how amused she seemed.

Her face shifted in response. "He's just friend Seb, that's all." She said as she reached out to touch my arm. "Yeah well, So was I and look how quick that shifted." I shot back regretting it the second it left my mouth. She let go of my arm, and took a step away from me. A sadness taking over her eyes. "Ouch." She said softly.

"I'm sorry Y/N," i had already hurt her so many times before. with my words...and my wand. I instantly grow sick at myself. "that's not what I meant, come sit." I say guiding her to the steps of one of the many staircases. I was trying to be better. For her. She deserved better.

"I am jealous, not just of Weasley, of anyone who shows you a speck of interest! I can't help it. I never liked it, but now the feeling is even stronger. I've become...possessive over you ." I explain to her.

She looked up at me now a little less sad. "Now that I've had even a small taste of you I can not bare the thought of someone else touching you...kissing you...fucking you." I continued Her eyes widened a bit and her cheeks reddened under my words.

"You're mine, do you understand?" I asked her gripping her upper thigh and leaning in closer to her ear. "Yes" she said softly in agreement. "Good, remember that." I say releasing her ready to stand back up. "Wait." She says freezing me in my tracks. "Only under one condition." A small chill ran down my back.

I meet her gaze once more. "I'll be yours entirely Sebastian, but if you're going to get jealous at just the thought of another boy fucking me... then you're going to have to do it yourself." My cock stiffened, she took notice as she stood up from the stairs.

"Do YOU understand?" she asked leaning down to me with a wicked grin. "Yes ma'am." I replied smiling back at her. "Good boy." She said standing back up straight. Fuck me. "You'll be getting my owl tonight then, Seb." She said walking away from me. I wouldn't see her again the rest of the evening. For Dinner we are sat with our own designated houses. But tonight, I would see ALL of her. I had met my match.

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