Chapter 5: Intensity

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This section contains sexual material!  Reminder this takes place 7th year all characters are 18. If you'd rather skip over it just head to next chapter. The rest of you enjoy the smut. ;)

My heart was pounding, My hands a bit shaky. Was this really happening? He's felt the same....All this time? And now he knows how I've been feeling too. This was unreal.I have the overwhelming urge to grab him and shove my tongue down his throat. Okay...relax...Slow down. Maybe let's start with this... "can I kiss you?" I ask worried even after his confession that he will laugh and reject me.

He looked down at me. A look in his eyes I'd never seen. Was he disgusted? Angry?...I was unsure. "Can you kiss me?" He replied still locked in on me with that look in his eyes. he stepped even closer to me closing any gap at all there was between us. then it clicked, it wasn't anger it was desire. I wasn't able to hold the intense eye contact and quickly broke my gaze away to the ground.

He grabbed me by my waist pulling me in tight to him, I could still feel his eyes burning deep into me. His hand slowly glided up tucking a loose curl behind my ear. His fingers trailed back to the nape of my neck, intertwining into my hair. He gave it a slight tug so that my eye met his once more. I let out a small gasp and our rapid breathing synced, the tension building between us. His eyes bounced around my face frantically as if he were taking in every detail of me before they finally settled on my mouth. There was a brief moment of hesitation and then I finally felt him place his soft lips onto mine.

His kiss starts soft but grew with longing hunger with each second. He bit my lower lip and I released a sharp breath out as we finally broke apart. I was really kissing Sebastian...Or more so, he was kissing me.

He looked down at me, almost seeking reassurance that I was feeling the same thing as his thumb grazed over my lower lip where his teeth had just been. I let a soft smile fall over them and his expression quickly matched mine. Words weren't necessary it was all the confirmation he needed before continuing.

He grabbed me harder this time pushing me up against a Pilar of the undercroft. He was rougher with me now, animalistic almost, but not aggressive. It was as though something had overcome him entirely and he no longer had an ounce of control, And I liked it. As quickly as it had began he paused and pulled away again. His eyes closed as though he was in a deep thought.

" what's the matter?...have I done something wrong? " I wasn't the most experienced girl at Hogwarts, not by a long shot, I knew that, nothing like this had ever happened to me but I didn't want him to stop. "No" he finally said "you're perfect, I just want to make sure this is ok, that you're ok?"

"Yes, I'm ok. I'm enjoying this very much." I assured him reaching up sweeping my fingers over hush freckled cheekbone. He cracked a small smirk "let me just slow it down a bit..." he said grabbing my chin and planting a much softer kiss on my lips. "You look amazing tonight by the way. Not making it easy to control myself" he said in a husky low tone pressing his forehead to mine.

I leaned in close to his ear now running my fingers through his soft brown messy hair and traced down his neck with my index finger. "So don't" I whisper as i give his earlobe a soft nibble. I'm not sure where this confidence came from.

I felt His jaw clenched and body stiffened under my touch, his skin chilled each hair standing up on end as goosebumps erupted over him. I knew that had done him in. There it was again. That Carnal, animal side of him I had quickly grown to crave.

Sebastian POV

I wanted to be gentle with her, truly i did. I knew she was strong but I wanted to comfort her and Respect love her. But I was finding it hard to restrain myself. I was worried I was being too rough. I tried to refrain, reel It back. when she got close to my neck I could feel the warmth of her breath on my skin. She pressed her body onto mine and grazed my ear with her lips and running her fingers through my hair. "So don't" she whispered seductively. the words rang through my entire body sending chills all over. She didn't want me to stop.

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