Chapter 30: Praise

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This chapter has explicit content. Skip over it if you don't want to read. It's also entirely a Sebastian POV.

Lying in a bed knowing she was just one room away killed me, and I was suppose to do it for 2 weeks? Not a chance in hell. I sat up in bed swinging my legs off the edge. The floor boards creaked under the weight. I sighed a little knowing I couldn't sneak around with these floor.

I thought about apparating, but didn't want to startle her, It was no use. Just as I was about to give up on a plan I heard a small bell ring down the stairs peeking my attention. The door opened and a man's muffled voice was on the other side. Her mothers foot steps made their way down the hall and she knocked on the door next to mine.

"one of the other nurses is sick, they send a telegram asking me to fill in for the night I'll be back by morning." She said hurrying out the door. I walked over to the window overlooking the street and watched the car drive away as snow began to fall.

I smiles and quietly walked out of my room. Her door was still ajar as I approached it. She was sitting in the bed her face buried deep into one of her many books. Her fingers lightly danced on the pages as she turned them. I leaned my back against the frame of the door crossing my arms over my chest. I could watch her forever.

"Your starting to make a habit of that." She said not even looking up at me. the corners of her lips however did curl into a smirk. She places a piece of silk ribbon in between the pages pressing it's closed finally looking up at me. "Don't stop on my account." I smiled back nodding towards the book.

Her face shifted slightly her eyes darkened and her smile grew mischievous a look of pure lust completely taking over. She slowly kicked the covers off her bare smooth legs. She reached out here finger inching it towards her, beckoning me to her. "I see something more exciting to do." She spoke slowly dropping the book to the floor.

My heart was pounding as I made my way towards her. She turned her body to face me but she still sat on the bed. placing her hands on my waist she looked up into my eyes. I reached down tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Merlin she was breath taking.  "You're so beautiful, I can't stand it." I whispered to her. She let her fingers glide over the buckle of my belt undoing it, slowly pulling the belt out of each loop of my pants.

she untucked my shirt from the waistband undoing the buttons starting at the bottom and kissing my skin underneath with each buttons release. She had not broke eye contact even slightly. She stood to undo the last few and grab the fabric near my collar pulling me in for a kiss. "Fuck" escapes my mouth breathily, and she smiled under my lips.

She reached down gently pulling my wand from the band of my pants giving it a small flick toward the window causing the curtains to fall in front of the glass before setting it on to the table beside her. She knew her way around a wand, didn't matter if it was hers or not they always obeyed her.

A smile crept on my face as I remembered her handing my ass to me in dueling the first day we met with a secondhand wand. She was the most powerful woman, no, person I had ever been around. she made me nervous and excited, I liked it. I knew she was the only one who could handle me. Dominate me.

My hands traced over her curves as I removed my shirt she tends to wear to bed off her body. It floated off her draping onto the floor. I let kisses fall on her neck and collar bone her skin chilled under my kiss a small moan escaping her lips.

The sound of her caused me to go rock hard. She must have instinctively knew what she had done as her hand grasped me over my pants. I pressed my lips hard against hers letting out a small groan as I felt her undo the zipper.

I picked her up slamming her onto the bed A gasp left her as I did, I had to have her. My eyes looked her naked body up and down taking in every In every inch of her, my hands firmly running across her as I moved to her legs.

my nose trail up her inner thighs as she spread her legs apart for me and I crawled between them. I let my tongue flick around exploring every inch of her folds her wetness growing with each pass. Moans began filling the room. "You taste heavenly." I said kissing her opening.

Her moans quickly grew to screams as I inserted my fingers inside her while sucking on her clit. Her back arched under my touch and her hips started to squirm. I pressed her down firmly with my free hand. "Sebastian... I." She let out between breaths.

I felt her walls tighten around my fingers, pulsating. "Don't hold back, Let me feel it." I growled at her as warm liquid met my tongue. Her thighs shaking and then relaxed as her grip loosened. "Good girl." I said resting my head on her pelvis kissing it a few time.

She opened her eyes and grabbed the back of my neck pulling me up to her lips. "Fuck me." She asked, no told me, in between kisses. I let myself glide inside her letting out a drawn out groan as I did. Her walls gripped around me tightly as I slid in and out of her. She reached up wrapping her fingers around one of the metal poles of the bed frame to stabilize herself letting out another moan.

The sounds she made drove me mad, breathy moans and gasps in response what I was doing to her. The sounds was my own personally curated symphony. I buried my face into her neck kissing and biting her as I did. I felt the sweat dripping down my face as I thrusted harder and harder into her feeling her body begin to twitch and convulse below me. Her nails dug into my back as she screamed my name, her second orgasm pulsed around me.

She let out a deep breath and pulled my chin up to meet her gaze. "Are you close?" she asked rubbing her thumb across my bottom lip. I nodded my head unable to form words in the moment. She pressed her palm against my chest stopping my movement. "Lay down, let me do it." She spoke softly placing her lips to mine. I pulled out of her switching her positions.

She crawled towards me letting herself hover over me a moment pressing her soft lips to mine once more. I closed my eyes with the anticipation of her lowering herself on to me. I instead felt her hand wrap around me followed by the warmth of her lips around it. My mouth gaped open in response glancing down at her, watching her on all fours taking the length of me into her mouth. I moaned loudly unable to control the sounds escaping me.

Stopping for only a moment she looked up at me "now let me taste you." She almost begging. I grabbed the back of her head letting her hair entangle in my fingers as she resumed sucking me. All of me.  I was impressed. "That's my girl, You're doing amazing." The words escaped my my lips, there was no filtering my thoughts, but she responded well to my praise.

My body tensed "oh fuck, Y/N!" I growled as I released into her mouth. She slowed her movements slightly, sucking purposefully like she was trying to remove the soul from my body. she swallowed the entirety of my climax letting out a small humming moan as she did.

I let out a few more groans myself before dropping my head to the pillow. I felt one last kiss on my tip causing it to twitch from sensitivity. She crawled into my arms and I wrapped my arm around her kissing the top of her head.

Exhaustion took over my body as I laid there barley able to move. "I love you... so fucking much." I stated in between quick shallow breaths. She kissed my bare chest in response. I felt a small shiver run through her next to me. I pulled the blanket up over us and held her body close to mine to warm her. I had never felt more content in my life.

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