Chapter 4: The undercroft

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I retire to the library after a long first day of classes hoping to get some study time in. I glanced down at my watch, I had just under an hour before curfew and the library closing. There was almost no one in here tonight. The librarian, a ghost or 2, a few bookish Ravenclaw girls with an assortment of books laid out in front of them. Typical.

I make my way up to the top section and found a secluded alcove and nestled myself in. I begin opening up my potions book flicking through the pages when I heard the familiar flutter of wings.

A graceful beige barn owl swooped into the alcove I was tucked into and dropped a letter in my lap, then calmly it perched itself atop one of the shelves. I knew this owl. "Hello echo" I said to the bird as it plucked at its wings waiting for my response. Echo, was Sebastian owl.

I opened the letter with my name scrawled lazily across the beige envelope flipping it over to see an emerald green wax seal with the initial S.S stamped into it. I immediately got butterflies. I had seen this seal hundreds of times but this time I felt nervous? Or was it excited? I wasn't quite sure. I tore into the note revealing a piece of fresh parchment.

meet me in the undercroft tonight after curfew. It's important. Come alone.


The nerves grew into my throat I felt like I couldn't breathe. Come alone? The only people I've ever gone to the undercroft were him and Ominis? Does that mean Ominis won't be there? It's just... us.There was that feeling again. A few impatient coos from the owl pull me out of my thought.

She looked at me as if I was holding her up. "Sorry echo" i said softly as I I quickly pull a sheet of parchment from my satchel and wrote back quickly handing the letter to Echo. I didn't have my wax so it was not as elegant as Sebs but it would have to do.As soon as I place the note in her beak She swiftly flapped her wings sending another gust of air my way as she flew off.

How could I decline an invitation of mischief from my favorite degenerate.
See you soon.


"All students please report to your dormitories." I hear a loud announcement boom through the library. Well, So much for studying. I pack up my things and head back to the hufflepuff dorms.

I wait anxiously for the prefects to do a head count. I sat tapping my foot against the leg of my desk waiting for them to finish. "What's taking them so long?" I grimace becoming more and more desirous as the minutes ticked by.

"Go on m, What's so pressing then?" Asked Lenora. Whom I had no patience to entertain tonight. "Big plans to save the world or perhaps, something more...nefarious? Maybe?" She continued jokingly "no Lenora, Nothing nefarious I just...have something to take care of." Lenora rolled her eyes with boredom clearly realizing she was getting nothing out of me.

The girls were use to me breaking out after curfew. I use to try and sneak but eventually there was no point. They caught on, and they never said a word. Except maybe to each other. Thats one of the best things about Hufflepuffs, loyalty.

Though, If Adelaide knew where I was headed off to she might say something to a prefect out of jealously or spite. The thought made me smile a bit. Even if I was just seeing him as a friend to get up to some trouble. She would be envious of me and my partner in crime and our secretive affairs.

"Sorry ladies I was taking care of an Ill 4th year who was given puking pastilles as a prank..." Our prefect announced slightly out of breath as she barged into the room. "Looks like everyone's home eh? Have a good night girls." And she promptly left. Quick and easy tonight no chit chat. Perfect.

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