Chapter 11: Room of requirement

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Extreme smut ahead. It's one of the most intense ones I have planned. You've been warned. This chapter is also much longer, I tried breaking it up but it didn't feel right.

Nervously I rifled through my trunk and wardrobe trying to find something to wear. I wanted him to not be able to contain himself when he saw me. I wasn't sure I even had anything, When I got an idea.

I grabbed my uniform from 2 years prior holding the skirt up to me in the mirror. It was much shorter now. I hadn't been sure why I brought it when I unpacked it, but it seemed it may serve a purpose after all.

I grabbed a pair of stockings that hit just above my knee. paired with my too short skirt it would end up showing about an inch or 2 of my bare thigh between them. Perfect I think that would do the trick. I slid them on under my current uniform as to not arise suspicion from the other girls.

I opted to take floo powder directly to the room of requirement to avoid an accidental bump in with Sebastian before I had time to change. As the bright burst of emerald light and smoke cleared my vision the room of requirement became visible.

I walked over to a bare wall touching it with my hand, closing my eyes. Almost as if to speak to the room. We could make due with my current set up but I wanted to try something. I felt the cool wall disappear beneath my fingers and in its place a warm burst of air hitting my face. It worked.

Opening my eyes it revealed a new section to the room. I stepped over the threshold and was met by a warm amber glow as candle light engulfing the room. A bed with a large wooden frame, larger than the single person mattresses the dorms provided, sat in the center.

It was facing a window out towards the lake. The moonlight dancing on the ripples of water. It was perfect. I took off my false layers of clothes revealing my outfit for this evening. I looked around for something to try and get a glimpse at myself before I went off for Sebastian.

As if the room anticipated my every need a large mirror with an ornate gold frame appeared on the other side of the bed. I walked over to it making only few slight adjustments. I took off my yellow Hufflepuff neck tie as well as my brazier and undid the top 2 buttons of my blouse. Revealing a decent amount cleavage.

Reaching into my robes that i had hung on one of the bed posts I grasped his tie and retrieved it from the pocket. looking it over a bit closer than I was able to before. I ran my fingers over the deep green embroidery at the bottom S.S. I smiled and quickly slung the tie over my head like I had done the night before in the undercroft. Popping the collar of my blouse around it just slightly. Perfect.

I made my way out of the room of requirement casting the disillusionment charm with my wand. Not wanting to be caught by a prefect, especially dressed like this. Merlin knows how many points I'd be responsible for loosing us then. I started my trek to the top of the astronomy tower, exiting at the top of the spiral staircase I saw him.

his back was to me as he leaned over the rails looking out at the stars. I quietly made my way towards him, deciding to stay invisible for now I slowly approached him running my fingers down his back. He let out a small groan and turned around.

I think he was little confused why I wasnt clearly in his view at first but, he stared for a moment, like he was studying where I might be. Suddenly his hands jolting out grabbing at my waist and pulled me in. I gasp which quickly broke my charm. He planted a firm kiss on me and I giggled under his lips. I couldn't believe I had been foolish enough to wait 2 years to feel his lips on mine.

Sebastian POV

Her lips were as soft as rose petals. I never wanted to stop kissing her but I eventually released her and opened my eyes. She was breathtaking even just in a uniform. HER UNIFORM. It was A uniform sure, but nowhere near fitting the schools uniform code of standards. And her neck was now again adorned with Slytherin green.

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