Chapter 3: Potions

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I never could have imagined how much harder this years studies were going to be. I've only ever got perfect scores on my O.W.Ls but N.E.W.Ts were going to be an entirely different story...Not to mention I've got new distractions I'm up against this year.

I worried as I made my way down the hall to potions class. Advanced potions class. I just haaaad to be a Auror. I was kicking myself now for past mes grand ambitions. I wasn't even that great at potions I always had to work extra hard to maintain my grade, And of course because this is the only advanced potions class time offered that also meant my biggest distraction would be staring me right in the face. Sebastian.

Potions might have been one of only classes Sebastian could best me at. It was effortless to him. Which was annoying. Ominis too. Damned Slytherins, They're always good at potion. At least with them by my side helping I might have a chance at passing.

"Hey Y/N! Long time no see!" Gareth Weasley exclaimed as I entered the hall towards potions, I smiled. Gareth was a good guy. Funny, charming, a bit handsome I suppose. "Well well, Who the hell let you into advanced potions?" I teased giving him a little nudge with my elbow. Gareth was notorious for making potions that were not on the curriculum, blowing shit up, stealing supply's and not to mention driving professor Sharp barking mad. At least I knew I wouldn't be the worst person in here. I sighed with a bit of relief.

"Well my aunt had to pull some strings but Sharp finally agreed to let me in." He shrugged as If it were nothing. As if it weren't one of the hardest classes the school offered. We continued to chat as the rest of the room began to fill.

Ominis started to walk past me and I grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze so he would know it was me. "Ah! Darling I didn't know you'd be in this class." He replied excitingly.

"Come sit on this side of me" I said as I guide him down to the seat. "She's trying to cheat off me already, I don't believe it!" He jokes to no one in particular. I laugh and give his hand one last gentle squeeze before letting go to open my book as class begins. 

No Sebastian? I sigh a bit. I'm not sure if it was out of relief of disappointment.

15 minutes into professor sharp's instructions the doors burst open, In trotting a slightly disheveled and a bit sweaty... or no wet...? Sebastian. My heart and a more questionable area flutter a bit. Merlin's beard...get a grip.

"Ah Mr. Sallows, finally decided join us?" Said Sharp a bit annoyed."My apologies sir, you see there was this troll...real nasty fucker.. anyway I...." Sebastian starts with a giant grin on his face. The class fills with giggles and groans "Enough Mr Sallow. I don't have the energy today. find a seat, please." He cut Sebastian off clearly exhausted with his antics already.

"This is advanced potions, Mr Sallow I expect you to be on time, And that being said I've already given the instructions for today's potion and you'll have to beg one of your peers to fill you in. Or fail. I couldn't be bothered with either choice. Everyone else, please Begin." Professor sharp said firmly. Everyone knew Sebastian was actually professor sharps favorite student and it was all empty threats.

He took the vacant seat on the other side of Ominis and  looked at me with a cheeky grin slightly out of breath and winked... "You've never been on time a day in your life have you Sallow" I repeat like I did on the train and winked back.Ominis rolled his eyes. " idiots. The both of you." He sighs as he opens his potions book.

Sebastian POV

After potions I walk with Ominis through the courtyard to the great hall. "Do you think she like Gareth?" I blurt out faster than I could process what I just said. "What?" Ominis replies stopping in his tracks his brows firmly pressed together. "No one likes Gareth" he scoffed and continued walking. "Girl like Gareth, Ominis." I replied.

"No girls I've ever seen." He said quirking one side of his mouth up jokingly pointing towards his eyes with his wand.
"Hysterical, really. You should open a joke shop. you'd run Zonkos right out of business." I replied as we continue through the courtyard.

"But really Ominis I saw them earlier and it looked like they were... flirting? She touched his arm" I said with a bit of despair and... anger. "When was this?" Ominis asked perplexed. "Right Before potions class" I replied. "Potions?! You were late for potions nimrod." Ominis scoffed even more confused now.

"I was, and I wasn't...I was on time,early even for my standards, and was walking up behind her." I like how she looks from behind. I shook the thought out of my mind and continued "I was going to sneak up and scare her but then I saw her with gareth by the door." I explained "so I got a bit closer and watched as they went into class. She laughed and she grabbed his arm." Ominis was confused and not doing well to hide it on his face but was still listening.

" anyway it made me angry seeing her with him....Jealous. (Envious, possessive a million other words) And I couldn't watch any longer so I went to the lavatory to calm down and I may have cast bombarta at the sink ...and it blew up." I admitted squinting an eye shut.

" well that is what that spell does you know" interjected Ominis "shut it." I spit at him and continued " anyway I was angry and then good ole peeves shows up "naughty naughty Sebby" ( I say mocking peeves voice) damn poltergeist...always making things worse. I flicked my wand in his direction and... it went thru him and blew up one of the toilets...Anyway that's why I was late, Dealing with peeves...and the plumbing..." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Well..." says Ominis his face no longer riddled with confusion but something else instead. "That seems like a very mature way of handling our emotions Sebastian..." He deadpanned. "The two of you need to talk." He continued. "Alone. About all of this. Because for now you're using bombarta on a sink and tomorrow you'll be using Avada..."

"Don't" I said in a deep but quiet and warning tone cutting him off. "Please." I continued the tone more calm and pleading now.

"I'm sorry but It's not healthy Sebastian! And we both know what you are capable of when you're this...fixated, obsessed even. I don't want to watch you slip again...Send her an owl. Tonight. Before you do something stupid." Unforgivable. I thought. a dark and cold chill ran over every inch of my skin.

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