Chapter 39: Stripped

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warning this chapter contains mature content. Skip over it if you would like :)

Exams were killing me. I was beat, which I suspected is why they were named as such. Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests. That they were, and I had two left before I could try and relax and accept my fate. I had never been so stressed in my life.

"You need to relax." Sebastian said pulling my attention to him from the book I was lost in. "Seb, I have two N.E.W.Ts left and one of them is potions." I sighed. He knew it was my hardest subject. "Yeah and the other one is DADA." (Defense against the dark arts) "So really you only have one left to worry about."he assured taking my hand with more confidence in me than I had.

"You are going to do amazing, no Outstanding!" He said rather proud of his pun. "I don't even know that I've gotten any outstandings yet..." I said concern over my voice. "What about you? How many exams do you have left?" I asked him. "Just potions and then I'm done." He shrugged. How was he keeping so calm about all of this.

"If you are so worried about it, let's study then." I sighed with relief. "But..." He added. "Let's make it interesting, I can't read this damned book even one more time." He said tossing the book into the pile of others. "And how do you suggest we do that with no books then?" I asked setting mine down as well.

"We will quiz each other on different potions, if you get the question correct, you get a reward. Easy enough?" He arched a brow leaning into me across the table. "Very well I'll start." I say sitting up straight. "What is the brewing time for Veritaserem?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

He cleared his throat slightly. "About 28 day." He said folding his arms mirroring mine tilting his head to the side. "Elaborate please." I said leaning into him slightly propping my elbows on the table. "One lunar phase." He spoke smugly lifting a brow. "Correct, so what did you win?" I asked playfully.

"Take off your shirt." He said with a grin. I understood where this was going now. I did as he asked slowly revealing my brassiere. "Your turn." I whispered. "What are the characteristics of an invisibility potion?" He asked looking me up and down. "Extremely bubbly, silver in color." I replied knowing I had brewed it a million times.

"Name your price." He said smiling at me again. "Kiss me." I replied biting my lower lip. He pulled me in close pressing his lips to mine but only briefly and then pulled away. "What are the ingredients in blood replenishing potions?" I asked before he had even fully pulled back. " potioning water, powdered unicorn hair, and stewed mandrakes...The bra next." He ordered before I could even confirm his correct answer.

"And if you're wrong?" I asked with a smirk. "I'm not but I suppose you could put something back on if I do get something wrong." He said matching my smirk. "Fair enough, I said undoing the clasps behind my back. His eyes narrowed at me as the straps fell down my shoulders. "What's the brewing time on Felix Felicis?" He asked quickly not moving his eyes off my bare chest.

I squinted trying to scan my brain. "6 months?" I said not very confidently squinting my eyes. "Are you asking me or telling me?" He asked firmly. "Telling you. 6 months." I said with a deep breath. "Correct. Don't second guess yourself. You know this stuff." He said softening his tone this time.

"Take yours off now." I said pointing at his shirt. He licked his bottom lip slightly and unbuttoned his dress shirt. "What are the characteristics and ingredients for Skele-Gro?" I asked watching him remove his arms from the sleeves.

"Characteristic... yellow in color, vile taste, burns when drinking, smokes when poured." He said "and the Ingredients?" I questioned.

"a Chinese chomping cabbage" I kicked off a shoe in response, he smirked.

"3 puffer fish" the other one flew off and his smile grew.

"5 scarab beetles" he continued and I slowly pulled off one of my stockings.

"1 fanged geranium" the other slid off as he grew more eager with each ingredient.

"1 arm bone" I reached beneath my skirt flinging my underwear towards him.

"And 1 red spider." He finished. He had listed them off so easily. He was bloody brilliant and he knew it.

"What's left to take off then Sallow?" I asked running my fingers seductively down my skirt. "I want a kiss." He said surprising me. I stood up straddling his lap and grabbed the sides of his head running my hands through his hair as I placed my lips against his. This time he didn't pull away.

Sebastian POV

I intended to study with her a little longer but the moment her hand tangled in my hair it was over. I couldn't resist her any longer, besides she was just overthinking, she knew potions, she'd be just fine. I placed my hand against her lower back pressing her into me cupping one of her perfect exposed breasts with my other.

I lifted her up holding her tightly to me as I moved over to the bed and laid her down. She inches up to the headboard once I set her down giving me a view of under her skirt. Merlin, She drove me mad. I crawled up hovering over her and started undoing my belts as I kissed her.

She removed my pants and ran her hand up my bare back and then around to my chest pulling me forward so I fell towards her into them bed. I grabbed the headboard bracing my fall to my knees and she slid down slightly planting small kisses over my stomach before taking me into her mouth. I let out a loud breath as she did.

She gripped my hips guiding me in and out of her mouth. I looked down watching as she bobbed up and down the entire length of me. I reached down stroking her hair with one hand and she met my eyes with hers. "You're beautiful, it feels good, don't stop." I assured and she intensified her tongue movements. "Fuuuuuuck." I sighed letting her continue for a moment not wanting her to stop but also not wanting to finish yet.

I pulled myself out of her and grabbed her thighs pulling her to the edge of the bed. I lifted her chin brushing her lips with my thumb and then planting a small kiss on them. I pulled off her skirt and knelt in front of her on the floor spreading her legs,  kissing my way up her thighs.

She threw her head back and arched her pelvis toward me seeking my mouth. I let my lips and tongue explore her perfect folds and moans immediately escapes her as I did. I gripped her thighs and she grew wetter with each pass i made, i let one of my hands travel up to her exposed chest while the other worked fingers around inside of her.

Her hips started writhing under my touch and I knew she was close. I kisses her stomach and looked up at her face contorting in pleasure with each moan that escaped her. I felt her pulsating and grip around my fingers. She had been so tense for weeks she needed this release and I had been dying give it to her.

She took several deep breaths lifting her head to look at me. She grabbed my hand pulling me up guiding me on top of her once more. I Leaned down kissing her before gently pushing myself inside of her. She released a long gasp gripping my shoulder and back of my neck, nails piercing into my skin.

My eyes did not leave her face for even a moment. I couldn't believe how beautiful she was, and my attraction to her seemed to only grow each day. Her eyes widened slightly as she started moving her hips under mine, she felt amazing better than anything I could describe.

She tightened around me letting out another set of loud moans "Good girl, let it out." I groaned as I thrusted harder inside of her. She shouted my name between moans, hearing her say it that way made it impossible to hold back. My body tensed and I could feel sweat rolling down my forehead as I climaxed hard inside of her, letting out a loud moan of my own before collapsing next to her.

I ran my hand through my sweaty hair a deep breath escaped me, bewildered that it was even possible to feel such pleasure. She rested her head on my chest as her fingers danced lightly around my sternum and stomach.

I kisses the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her. "Well, you definitely got an outstanding on that in my book." I spoke to her out of breath. She looked up at me shaking her head and we laughed a moment before drifting off to sleep.

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