Chapter 12: Quidditch

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Sebastian POV

As my eyes fluttered awake It took me a moment to remember where I was, my mind taking a moment to catch up with the familiar surroundings. She was still asleep in my arms. I felt the most well rested and at peace I had in over 2 years. Undoubtedly because I was next to her.

I felt so comfortable with her, i didn't have to pretend to be something I wasn't. She knew all my flaws, witnessed most of my atrocities first hand, and never once asked or expected me to be anything or anyone different. She accepted all of me. Even the darkest parts.

She may not have fully understood some of my worst choices, and biggest regrets, but she never judged me for them. Something I couldn't claim even for Anne or Ominis. If it weren't for her I would be loosing my sanity rotting away in Azkaban. I owed her my life. And I intended to prove to her everyday she made the right choice not giving up on me. But She deserved so much better than me.

I picked up my watch that I had left on the small beside table, realizing we had missed breakfast. I didn't want to move but I had quidditch try outs in an hour. I questioned for a moment if it was even worth getting out of bed for. I could lie with her forever.

Finally I decided I could actually use a healthier outlet than blowing things up in my spare time. I kissed her temple. "We need to get up." I said to her softly as she lightly stirred scrunching closer into me. "What time is it?" She asked sleep still ever present on voice. "Just after 9." I replied brushing the hair away from her face.

Her eyes shot open wide, "9 O' CLOCK?!" she shouted panic stricken looking at her own watch to verify. Classes start at 9! She said trying to rush out of the bed. I laughed grabbing her arm to pull  her back into me. " relax a little, it's Saturday." I said with a smile. A brief amount of relief set in over her face but quickly faded again.

"You've got tryouts today!" she exclaimed. "And you haven't eaten! We've missed breakfast..." she said very concerned and frantic. "I'll be alright." I assured "you're cute when you worry though." I leaned in and kissed her. "No." She said firmly shaking her head. "I don't like the idea of that."

She got out of the bed quickly throwing on her uniform skirt, the actual one. "Don't move." she said wondering out of the room. I heard a small clashing sound seeing a flash of green and plume of smoke swirl past the door frame. Where on earth had she gone. Before coming up with too many ideas another flash quickly happened.

She walked through the threshold of the room looking quite proud of herself carrying a tray with what appeared to be a full English spread. "Now where did you get that?" I said shaking my head with a smile. "The kitchen." she said proudly.I looked at her puzzled "what? I know an elf." She shrugged setting down the tray.

"You know an elf?" I pressed. "You're full of all kinds of surprises aren't you?" I smiled at her  "Mmm," she hummed taking a bite out of a piece of toast. "Deek." She added  between chews. Not elaborating any further.

"Now hurry and eat. You need your strength and I don't want you to be late." She encouraged one more time. She was always so worried about me. I guess I hadn't given her much reason not to be.


I made my way up into the highest seats in the stands. Watching the players far down below begin mounting their brooms, though I didn't know what position Sebastian played and I  didn't think to ask. I watched closely trying to determine based on where he flew up to. He fixed him self in front of the 3 large golden hoops. "A Keeper." I said to myself. That he was.

I continued watching the mock up game of slytherin students years 2-7 play out in front of me. First years didn't make the house team. Brooms and balls whizzed past me sometimes a little too close for comfort. I cringed at some of the player, Even I could tell some were not going to cut it.

Sebastian was confident and focus on his broom, Unlike the other slytherin girl trying out for the same position at the other set of hoops. The chasers had scored through her hoops several times. The entire time Sebastian only missed a single shot. A quaffle swiftly thrown in by Imelda. I was a bit proud of her for it. Maybe this could be fun.

Professor Kogawa blew the whistle as she wrote a few things down on the clip board. The players began lowering themselves back down to the pitch. Sebastian looked over at me and shot me an exhausted grin. I blew him a small kiss and he pretended to catch it in the air and winked at me before returned back to the grass below him.

I smiled back. Imelda then came up into my view. " I knew it" she mouthed accusingly to me in an exaggerated way as she then swiftly flew down to the ground. I sighed knowing I was about to get an interrogation in a few moments. I slightly regretted it knowing it wasn't going to just be our little secret anymore.

I made my way on to the grass of the pitch waking over to my friends. "The official team roster will be posted in your common room later this evening." Professor Kogowa announced. "You are all dismissed, enjoy the rest of your weekend!"

"Would you restrain your friend please," Sebastian joked as Imelda punched him on the arm. "I knew there was something going on with you two!" She shouted. "Says who? Sebastian replied smiling and wrapping his arm around my shoulder placing a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm done with you." she said pointing at Seb. "I want details now! When did this happen?" She turned her focus onto me.

It's new." I replied with a shrug "I will fill you in eventually, just l...let us enjoy this for a bit." I pleaded with her. She sighed, "fine but you will spare no detail." She replied starting to walk away. " I'd like to object, I think you could spare a few things." Sebastian said louder than I would have liked. Here we go.

Imelda stopped and turned back around. "Now you've done it." I sighed squinting up at Sebastian. Her eyes widened and jaw drop open. "You have not!" She exclaimed excitedly. I pressed my palm into my forehead rubbing my brow.

"Listen, I won't pry but you need to meet me this evening in Hogsmeade. We can all go, celebrate us making the team at the three broom sticks after the roasted is posted. and then you and I can do a bit" She said to me suspiciously. I wasn't quite sure what shopping could be so pressing.

"But we don't know that we've made the team." Sebastian rebutted teasingly. "True but if I do recall it doesn't take much to get you to agree to a butter beer." She followed up and shrugged in agreement. "It's a date then! Meet us outside our common room around 8!" She said to me before running off. I looked at Sebastian and he had the same confused look that I did. He shrugged at me and we walked hand in hand off the pitch.

" I need a shower, and I promised Id fill Ominis in on how practices went." He said almost looking guilty. "Go do what you need to, I'll see you tonight." I said to him. I actually needed to do the same. Poppy was probably worried sick I thought. The other 2, probably didn't even notice I was gone. He pulled me in for one more kiss before we set off towards the castle.

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