Chapter 18: Haunted

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Small game spoiler for hufflepuff storyline Azkaban quest if you want to skip over it. Also this one is a little longer I didn't want to split it.

Quidditch was actually easier to pick up than I thought it would be, especially with Imelda helping me practice flying. Her ,Omimis, Natty,and Poppy all came and supported me in the stands. I appreciated it but I wish Sebastian could have been amongst them. This was his idea anyway.

"We will meet you outside your common room tonight once Kogawa posts your result." Imelda said excitingly. "You were the best chaser out there. No doubt!" She was far more confident than I was.

The entire common room was buzzing with anticipation after dinner. "I'm sure you made it..," Poppy said confidently rubbing my shoulder with assurance. "I've never been good on a broom but you're a natural." She add sweetly.

A small bell jingled catching everyone's attention as a large scroll unrolled in front of the crowd. People scrambled to get a look at the list. I moved my way in towards the scroll nervously. As I did heads began turning in my direction parting for me with claps and cheers. I must have made it.

I got in to take a closer look and there my name was...

Y/N #13 chaser

Next to my name there was a small gold and yellow pin affixed to the parchment. Quidditch captain.

"You've made captain!" Poppy shrieked with excitement! Everyone cheered around us

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"You've made captain!" Poppy shrieked with excitement! Everyone cheered around us. Me? Captain? I was in complete shock. Poppy grabbed the lapel of my robe fastening the pin on tight Pulling em in for a tight embrace. The common room boomed with excitement as I stared in bewilderment.

"Come on we have to go tell the others!"Poppy said pulling me towards the barrel opening. Imelda and Ominis immediately stood up straight as we exited. Imelda walked towards me "Merlin's beard is that?! She asked "what? What's happening" said Ominis as Imelda squealed "Hello? Did she make the team?"
"She did more than make the team! she's the bloody captain!!"Imelda yelled back at him.

"We need to celebrate! Three broomsticks everyone?!" Shouted Omimis. We am made our way into Hogsmeade for another round of celebratory drinks, I was happy but I still couldn't help but miss Sebastian.

Sebastian POV

The 4th floor of St Mungos housed the worst of the worst. Incurable hex's, jinx's, and curse's like Anne's. The sound of pain and suffering rushed through the halls engulfing anyone who walked them with an unsettling feeling. I hated knowing she was stuck here, even for just the rest of this year.

I made my way into Anne's room to check on her one last time before heading back to school. Her roommate was hunched in the corner muttering to herself as I walked past. "Can't they do something with her so you'd not rooming with a total nutter?" I asked her jokingly as I sat by her bed.

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