Chapter 36:Unbreakable vow

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The ghost of me glided through the halls hearing echos of everyone around me welcoming friends back from the break. I was barley functioning, a shell of my self sat in my classes unable to bare being there without him. But he never came to class. I didn't see him for over a week.

My friends all tried to cheer me up to no avail. I had no interest in social interactions no interest in enjoying the rest of my year with anyone. Even when surrounded by bodies I felt so alone. I opened my locket repeatedly only ever seeing his face.

When he finally returned I could tell it was killing him to see me like this. And truthfully I was glad he felt even the slightest bit of my pain. There were so many things I needed to say to him but he never let us have a chance to be near each other.

I begged Omimis to tell me anything about him, how he was, if he spoke about me but he refused, cradling my head as I cried. "Please Om, will you tell him to speak to me I just need to talk to him, see him." I choked out between tears. "I can't, he... won't." Ominis explained. "Please..." I sobbed unable to accept his response. He had done it before he could do it again.

"Go to the undercroft." Ominis said staring forward. "That's where he'll be." He said feeling around my face and wiping the tears out of my eyes. "I fear it will just make you worse." Ominis spoke softly as he did so. "I don't care. I need this, even if it's just closure I can't go on like this." I said standing up taking a deep breath to gain a bit of composure before walking to the undercroft.

The door crawled open in front of me catching Sebastian attention his face sinking before my puffy red eyes. Being alone with him caused anger to take over the sadness I had been feeling. I took a deep breath in, my fingers biting into my palms as I took a step towards him.

"Where do you get off?" I said quickly approaching him. Surprise took over his face as he stumbled backwards slightly. "I was... I am trying to protect you." He stuttered. I pulled my wand pointing it at him. "Depulso!" I shouted a large gust of wind flung him hard into one of the pillars.

"Ouch." He mumbled rubbing his hand through his hair. "Take out your wand!" I shouted at him angrily. He didn't say anything. I shot a basic cast at his feet. "Fight back!" I yelled throwing him another, this time being deflected by protego.  I flicked my wand once more binding him with ropes under the incarcious spell.

I approached him as he was bound tight my wands command. "Spare me Sebastian! I'm not some innocent little bird that needs your protecting. You might have used the unforgivable curses but I think you forget that I've hurt people too. I've killed people too. You're not the only one with demons Seb. I didn't need you to protect me I needed you to fucking love me." I shouted before letting his binds go.

I cast a few more basic casts growing angrier with each one. "Fight back you fucking coward!" I screamed sending confringo hurling towards him tears rolling down my face. I could see my words effecting him "I don't want to hurt you." He called back at me dodging several of my blows.

"You already hurt me! when my guard was completely down to you. Well it's not down now so lets fight fair Seb." I shouted my arms out to my side. I could see he was starting to get worked up as I hit him a few more times. I saw his wand raise up and as he was casting expelliarmus, simultaneously I cast my own spell towards him.

My anger had conjured something powerful ancient, our spells clashed together connecting our wand. All around us the air thicken as a golden dome of magic surrounded us. the spells coming out of our perspective sides sparked and spit flames of red and light blue in every direction. My eyes widened as I gripped my wand with both hands the force of Sebastians spell growing closer, I had never seen anything like it.

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