Chapter 41: Goodbye

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My ears began to ring as the words left his mouth. "Marry me Y/N, if not today, or tomorrow, maybe not even a year from now, at least promise me some day, you will be my wife." He begged again.

I shook my head slightly in disbelief trying to grasp what he was saying, his eyes saddened a bit, fearing rejection. "I understand." He said clearing his throat. "No, that's not what I meant ...sorry, im just shocked." I stuttered grabbing the sides of his face. "Yes." I spoke softly and a smile grew across his lips. "Yes of course." I reiterated before kissing him.

"Once school is done. That's when I'd like to." I said pulling away from his lips. "But I don't want a wedding." I said looking into his eyes. "I've had enough taste of the spotlight for this lifetime, i just want it to be intimate, just you and me." I said looking into his eyes. "Then it will be just us. Whenever you're ready just say the word and I'm yours." He said pulling me in for another kiss.

We climbed back up the latter of my beasts new home opening back up into the room of requirement. "Deek said he will help us move them whenever you're ready." Sebastian said closing up the suitcase. I hugged him once more unable to contain the joy I was feeling knowing my beast would be at home with me forever.

"We should get going" I say looking down at my watch. "We were meant to be there almost an hour ago." I said grabbing his hand to lead him to the floo station" I'd rather stay here with you." He said pulling me back into him kissing me again. "We have forever together, it's one of our last nights in Hogsmeade." I said pulling him again as he sighed.

The green smoked faded around us as we made our way to the three broomsticks. Opening the doors we were met with the loud roar of cheers and bitter tinge of alcohol coming from the far table. We joined the group of our friends in celebration and faded into a haze of joy and alcohol. I was going to miss this, miss all of them.

I woke up with my head pounding and the room around me spinning. A small persistent tapping noise pounding at my ear drums. I sat up rubbing my eyes to see our room in shambles. Clothes thrown about blankets half off the bed and Sebastians toned bare freckled back and pale ass in full view as he sprawled on the bed next to me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit causing me to cough making me realize how dry my throat was.

"Make it stop." Sebastian groaned pinning the pillow tightly over his head as I took a drink of water. I glanced around looking for the source of the tapping. A large barn owl vigorously knocked on the window in front of me. "It's an owl." I said curiously walking over opening the window. Sebastian groaned once more feeling around the empty space where I once sat in bed with his arm.

The bird burst into the window the moment I opened it dropping the letter at my feet. I lifted it up to see a large brown envelope with my information stamped on the front along with large bold letters CONFIDENTIAL
and a ministry seal in the corner. My heart nearly lept from my chest.

"Seb!" I screamed throwing a pillow at him. He let out another groan in response. "Get up Sebastian! My letter is here." I shouted sitting on the edge of the bed. He immediately perked up crawling over to the edge next to me holding my hand. I smiled briefly before the nausea set in. I opened the letter reading it aloud.

Dear your full name,

We are writing you in regards to your interest in the Aurorial Appraisal recruitment program. Our decisions are based off your exam scores, results of your aptitude test, as well as any faculty recommendations from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry you may have provided. Based on the criteria above we are please to inform you of your acceptance into the program. Please report to the British ministry of magic department of magical law enforcement effective August 3rd at 8:00 am sharp. No further information will be provided.

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