Chapter 22: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

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Sebastian POV

I don't know what hurt worse, the betrayal I felt seeing her with Weasley or the idea that she was no longer in my life. Every time I saw her I wanted to grab her and pull her into me but then the heartache would creep back up and remind me she was no longer mine.

Ominis had tried to keep the peace but any talk of her made me miserable. I found myself frequenting the library to avoid them both. I felt a small tap on my shoulder while flipping though my muggle studies book. " what are you reading?" A small timid voice like a little mouse came from a girl standing just a bit too close to me.

"Uh, muggle studies." I responded not really taking much notice of her. "Muggles, how boring." She scoffed pulling up the chair next to me. "Is this seat taken?" She sat before I could even respond. "I use to think so too but I'm rather intrigued by them now." I replied still a bit unnerved by her close proximity . "You're Adelaide right Hufflepuff?" I asked pointing at her tie. Her cheeks brightened under my words.

"You know my name?" She asked with a meek smile. "yeah well, we have potions together, And you're in the same dorm as my friend. Or uhm...I'm not sure what to call her anymore actually. Y/N." I stuttered over my words a bit. "Oh, not so friendly anymore?" She asked almost like she was prying for information. Had Y/N sent her?

"No, not so much." I looked back down at my book hoping she would leave. "Well In that case, since I wouldn't be stepping on toes, would you maybe care for a drink later?" She asked leaning in a bit closer. "I've actually got quidditch so maybe some other time." I closed my book and began packing my things trying to put more space between us, this was not the alone time I had bargained for.

"Oh , well maybe after we can celebrate your win?" She said stand up from the table with me. "I'm playing your house...wouldn't you want them to win?" I asked her with a puzzled look. "well, maybe my loyalties can be swayed for one night." She said leaning even closer was she hitting on me? No. Maybe?

"Right, well I'll see you around then." I said collecting the rest of my things with a forced smile and exited the library. "Sebastian! I think you may have left this." She called after me a little too loud. She held out a small black bottle of ink. "Oh uhm, thank you?" I said grabbing it from her palm not paying it much mind. She blushed again when my fingers touched her. I quickly pulled away and head back to my room to get ready for the game.


Playing quidditch against Sebastian was suppose to be fun but instead I was dreading todays game. He'd have to at least acknowledge me on the pitch or loose the entire game for Slytherin. I watched raindrops slowly start to hit my window as I continued getting dressed. Perfect, and now I have to play in the rain.

I grabbed my bag off of the bed to put into my trunk when it caught on the bed post spilling the contents onto the floor. Everything scattered a million different ways.  I sighed and dropped to my knees picking it all back up. I know I had seen something fall under the bed.

I peaked under catching a flash of light reflect off the small metal tin, I reached under my cheek nearly pressed to the floor and fished it out. I opened it up looking at the little round pearls inside.running my fingers over the few that were left I counted each one. Then I paused. And recounted. And then counted again. I needed to speak with Imelda. The sooner the better. I shoved everything back into my bag and closed it in my trunk with a slam.

Poppy was decked out from head to toe in Hufflepuff yellow, even a small painted badger adorned her cheek and the number 13 painted beside it. My number. I smiled as I approached her. "You look great!" She said with a smile as I walked towards her in my chaser uniform. "So do you!" I said giving her a little twirl. She linked arms with me and we headed out towards the doors. Maybe today wouldn't be so terrible after all.

I ran out to meet the rest of my team while Poppy went to find a seat in the Hufflepuff stands. I tried to give the best pep talk I could muster up to my team hoping they didn't see me as a total fraud, my words seemed to do the trick. I watched as the Slytherin team filed in onto the grass. Lightning striking above as they did.

Imelda lead her team in like they were headed into battle, a far better leader than me. She was my friend and even I was intimidated. I watched Sebastian walk in behind the rest of his team and my heart sank a bit. He ran his hand through his wet messy hair pushing it out of his face. Merlin he looked good,he always looked good with wet hair. Maybe the rain wasn't so bad after all.

He started walking toward the center of the pitch when something clearly caught his attention. I squinted trying to make my eyes focus through the raindrops falling down my face. Was that? Adelaide? I watched closer and my eyes widened anger pouring over me. She kissed him. My ears began to ring and turn red hot as I pictured all the things I would to do her. Then it clicked.

This was her fault. All of this. My mind started to race. Suddenly Imelda's voice echoed through the ringing in my head pulling me out of thought. I felt like I was going to puke. "Y/N! hey...are you ok?" I looked at her now standing much closer than she was before. "No, and I need to talk to you before they start the game." I pulled her away quickly so no one else could hear.

Sebastian POV

I hated playing in the rain, my hair didn't cooperate even when it wasn't sopping wet let alone now. I pushed it back with my fingers to at least get it out of my eyes to put on my goggles. "Sebastian!" I heard a small scream come from behind me. The girl from the library pranced towards me. "Good luck out there. I'll be cheering you on in secret." She slid her robe slightly showing my quidditch number 7 written on her collarbone in emerald ink, She giggled as she did so.

"Uhm ok well... I should get out there." I said awkwardly, a little puzzled by what was happening. Before I could turn she hopped up onto her toes and planted a kiss on my cheek closer to my lips than I would have liked. I jolted back slightly. Taking her off guard. "Listen, I'm sure you're very nice but...I'm not interested." I said backing away from her. I turned with the sudden realization I was being watched.

Even through the rain I could see the anger radiating on her face. I didn't understand her. She could go around kissing Gareth about the castle but she's angry that another girl kissed me? I realized now Hers were not the only eyes burning holes into me. She grabbed Imelda turning her back to me as I approached the rest of my team. Imelda occasionally peeking around her shooting me death glares.

A bell chimed and we all headed to the waiting area under the stands. I grabbed my broom and waited for the announcer to call us out. Hufflepuff was announced first. Imelda gathered us all around In a huddle giving use one last pep talk. I gripped my broom tight and waited for the doors to open. The rain was coming down even harder than before lightning dancing bounding around the sky. What a way to kick off the season.

Madam Kogawa opened the chests below. I couldn't tell with the rain but I knew the snitch and bludgers had been released . I steadied my broom closing my eyes for a brief moment and took a deep breath in shifting my focus on the game ahead. icy raindrops stung my skin as the wind whirled them into me, and my eyes shot back open at the sound of a high pitch whistle. Let the game begin.

This was one of the most dangerous games of quidditch I had seen, let alone played. I had no visibility and we had already lost a beater. I saw a swarm of yellow and green approaching me, One of the Hufflepuff chasers had the ball. They threw it in the air attempting to score but the wind caught it for me. I thought I was in the clear when she whirled up from no where smacking the quaffle in with the end of her broom. I couldn't help but smile. 10 points to hufflepuff!

She lingered slightly catching my smile. "Is that the best you've got Sallow?!" She shouted through the storm. Merlins beard was she beautiful,even like this. I missed her. Before I could say anything back a flash of light enveloped my vision temporarily blinding me. I heard the screams of the crowd flood my ears before the light had totally faded.

I looked down to see the tail end of her broom covered in embers spiraling out of control to the ground followed by a trail of smoke. The sound of thunder caught up to to the lightning the moment she hit the ground. She was down before my body could catch up to what had happened. My blood ran ice cold.

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