Chapter 38: Studies

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A familiar laugh caught my attention as I exited honeydukes with Poppy, a slightly drunk Sebastian was hanging onto Ominis neck as they stumbled towards me grins slapped across their faces. I missed seeing them like this together. We all walked back to the castle as the sun started to fall.

I can take him from here Ominis. I said grabbing Sebastian under his arm the weight of his body shifting to lean on my shoulder. Curfew for 7th years had been lifted to allow more time for studies, we took advantage of not having to go back  to our dorms for head count.

We finally had gotten to the room of requirement and I tossed Sebastians weight onto the bed. He slowly was losing more function as the night went on. "Come on love let's get to bed." I strained lifting his legs up and removing his shoes.

He rolled into the bed hugging a pillow and shut his eyes. "I'm sorry." He mumbled not moving much. "Don't be, you just need to sleep it off." I said setting up the table for me to study. "No, I'm sorry, about Christmas." He slurred into the pillow. "Shhh I know Seb. Get some rest okay?" I whispered petting his hair and pulled the blanket up over him.

Sober Sebastian never mentioned it, but it was clearly something that weighed heavy on him as it was a frequently attempted conversation when he was inebriated.

I stayed up reading for several more hours watching him out of my peripheral, He stirred only occasionally. I still was struggling to sleep and decided to take a little walk. I found myself in another vivarium, this time it was a lush medow with a small river running through the middle. It was calm and a place I liked to come collect my thoughts.

I sat down in the wild flowers and slightly over grown grass tilting my head up to the sun that never seemed to set. A small nifflier crawled it's way into my lap causing me to look down. "Hello Rococo." I whispered giving him a small scratch on the head. "Find anything worth while lately?" I asked smiling as he burrowed his head into my lap.

A realization came over me causing a great deal of sadness and my smile faded. I was going to be leaving soon, and I would have to either release my beasts back into the forest, or find someone willing to take them. My heart broke a bit and a tear rolled down my cheek. The niffler noticed my change tilting his head at me in response.

I heard a twig snap behind me startling me slightly. I turned to see a disheveled Sebastian looking around taking in the environment surrounding him. "Blimy look at them all." He said focusing in on adolescent neezles and puffskeins as they played. He finally met my eyes noticing I was crying.

"Hey what's wrong?" He said sitting down next to me placing his arm around me. Doing a double take noticing the niffler in my lap. "I'm going to have to find them new homes." I sniffed holding back tears. "I can't bare to send them back to the forest, not with the poachers..." I explained through tears looking at him.

He looked at me with great empathy and hugged me tight. "We will find somewhere safe I promise." He said stroking my hair as I leaned my head against his shoulder. "I won't let anything bad happen to them okay?" He reassures. Rococo began reaching for my necklace Sebastian gave me and I redirected him like I had done several times before. He then started for Sebastian.

"He's quite the pick pocket isn't he?" Sebastian chuckled as he stole a few gallions from Sebastian's pants pocket. "Rococo no." I said as he stuffed them into his little pouch and wandered away. "Sorry those are his now." I laughed as he waddled off. "So how many more of these rooms do you have?" He asked looking around the vivarium again.

"There are 4, this one is my favorite though. It's peaceful, It reminds me of the country side." I said taking in a deep breath. "It is beautiful." He said smiling at me. Wings flapped behind us causing us both to turn around. A pair of thestrals and their baby landed near us.

"I've never seen a baby one before!" Sebastian said rising to his feet. I smiles up at him as I took his hand for him to pull me up. "She was born in here." I said as We approached them. they grazed on a small over grown patch of grass. "They remind me of you, ya know." I said reaching out petting one of the larger ones.

He narrowed his eyes at me "because I'm also a dark scary bad luck omen, or unsettling to look at?" He asked sarcastically giving the baby a pat on the head. "No...illusive, a little haunted, misunderstood...and beautiful." I said meeting his eyes. "I have an inkling that not many people see them that way." He said petting the thestial some more. "Not a lot of people to get see them at all, and it's a shame It takes such tragedy to see them because they deserve to be admired." I said not breaking my gaze from him.

He smiled briefly pulling me into his side. "Thank you. For all of this. For letting me into your world." He said softly. I smiles up at him as he spoke. "I truly don't know what I would do without you. If you hadn't been beside me all this time...everything would be different" He spoke pulling me close. " I love you Sebastian. Forever." I said pulling him down to my lips. " I love you always." He replied kissing me softly.

Sebastian POV

As the haze of alcohol faded out of my system I realized my friends may have been right, exams were creeping up quickly and I may have been procrastinating a bit. She offered to help with my studies as we left the vivarium that held her creatures.

"How do you think they work?" I asked as we exited the arch way running my fingers along the edges of it. "I don't know they just sort of appeared when I needed them." She shrugged walking back to the room. It was an advanced enchantment and an idea sparked in my head and I knew how to fix her problem. It would take some time, I only had two months to figure it out, but For her...I'd do anything.

We stayed up all night studying different charms and potions her for class and me? I was distracted with something else yet again.I eventually came across a particular incantations that peaked my interest. This was it. I quickly copied down the page and stuffed it in my pocket. I would have to speak with professor Ronan and Weasley about the next steps.

I woke up nearly falling backwards out of my chair. "Shit!" I yelped stabilizing myself here head shot up off the table, hair pointing in every direction. "Sorry," I said quieter this time standing up from the table checking my watch. "I have to go", I said leaning down kissing her messy head. "But I will find you later alright?" I say grabbing my robe.

She gave me an inquisitive look "and where are you off to so early?" She asked attempting to smooth her  hair. "I can't go giving away all my secrets now can I?" I winked as I exited the room and headed towards the charms classroom to speak with Professor Ronan.

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