Chapter 2: Common room and common ground

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Mild mature content warning if you'd like to skip read past the italic paragraph.

Settling back into the Hufflepuff dorm was effortless. The entire common room was cozy and warm Like a hug on a brisk autumn day. Setting up the bed next to mine was Poppy Sweeting, a tiny,sweet, mild mannered girl. Across from her was Lenora, a girl who seemed to have no volume control, and beside her was Adelaide, a blond haired, meek, and average girl Neither of whom I cared for much.

They all began small talk about summer and plans for this year while I was unpacking when out of the muffled chatter I heard Adelaide say a familiar name. "What was that?" I turned to her as she was giggling with the others. Lenora chimed in with her usual boisterous voice instead"oh Adelaide was just feeling us in on how your friend Sebastian was looking rather...ravishing on the train!" The giggles erupted more. "Maybe Y/N can ask if he'd fancy a butter beer with you?" Lenora continued to tease.

I felt my stomach drop and my throat swell. Like I said  I'm not daft, I knew girls paid him a certain attention to him but it seems to have erupted into a full blown epidemic this year. Was I just another dumb school girl flouncing after Sebastian Sallow? I felt embarrassed and annoyed with myself, And Lenora, and Adelaide for that matter. I let the top of my trunk drop closed with a bit of a slam casing Adelaide to jump a bit. Nervous creature she was.

Poppy looked up at me seeing my discomfort and stopped giggling. I don't know if she knew the extent of why, but she was rather perspective."Maybe it's best we all get to bed, we have class tomorrow..." Poppy said hopping into her bed, it practically swallowing her petite frame whole. "I agree." I chimed in bluntly and did the same before the others could protest and continue their gossip.

I waved my wand conjuring a gust of air blowing out the candles before the other girls even had a chance to walk to their bedsides. "HEY!" They both screamed. poppy smirked at me from her bed as we both giggled softly to each other before finally drifted into a sleep.

The next morning I awoke to the warm sun beaming onto my face from the stained glass window across from me. I took a deep breath and felt calm and collected to be back at Hogwarts, my second home. All of which was rudely interrupted by Lenora screeching about not being able to find her favorite neck tie. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh finally braving to get out of my warm covers.

I made my way over to my desk in search of my class schedule to insure what time I needed to leave the grand hall after breakfast. I grab my notebook and a bunch of letter correspondences from over the summer fell out across the desk and I couldn't help but smile.

I touched his name on the parchment and wondered if his name had always sounded so perfect on my tongue. Sebastian. My lips spoke silently and I suddenly I felt the need to reread everything he had ever wrote me. to replay everything he had ever spoken to me. I shook my head and slammed the notebook shut stuffing the letters back inside, hating who I was becoming. I had to go down to the great hall to eat. Sebastian will be there. For fuck sakes is he all I'm going to be thinking about this year!

I made my way to the table where my friends all sat. We only have to sit with our designated houses for dinner which was still hard given that Most of my friends were Slytherins. I had a few Gryffindors and a Ravenclaws sprinkled in here and there, all whom I know I needed to catch up with but I only had one person on my agenda right now. I could feel my hand begin to get clammy the closer I got to the table. There he was. Looking absolutely perfect. I really had never noticed before? Maybe I was daft...

Sebastian POV

I entered the Slytherin common room with  a single goal in mind. Murdering Ominis Gaunt. I bust into our dorm room ready to rip of his head. "Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?!" he griped as I shoved him. "Me?! What the bloody hell is wrong with you?! I can't believe you told her!" I shouted.

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