Chapter 31: Release

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Warning this section has mature content! Skip over it if you'd like.

My eyes fluttered awake as the smell of coffee and blueberry scones swirled into my room. I turned to see a beam of the morning sun dancing a crossed Sebastian freckled face as it peeked perfectly through the curtain. I smiled lightly touching his lips with the tips of my fingers. He was truly the most beautiful person I'd ever seen.

He opened his eyes meeting mine with a smile. "Good morning." He Said softly sleep still heavy in his voice. "Morning." I said smiling back. "Good morning." A third voice spoke from the doorway as my mother cleared her throat. Both of our eyes widened not wanting to be the first to look up.

I looked over to the door and cringed with squinted eye pulling the sheet with me over my bare chest. "Breakfast is down stairs." She said leaving the arch of my door. Shit. I swiftly ran over closing the door turning back to look at him as I pressed my back to it. Both our cheeks flushed with pure embarrassment. "I'm so sorry..." he said lowly as I walked back towards him.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep in here..." his words trailed off as he found his clothes. "I'm going to take a shower. I'll you down there." He said exiting the room. I threw on some clothes and made my way downstairs to face my mum.

I slowly stepped into the kitchen taking a seat at the table. She sat a small plate in front of me and took a seat beside me I stared down into the scone she placed in front of me poking the crumbs around a bit. "I'm not angry if that's what you're thinking." She stated taking me by surprise.

"Just disappointed?" I questioned jokingly still not looking up. "Not disappointed." Confusion officially set in over my brows. "Your father and I met the summer I turned 17. I have been young, In love, I understand." My eyes finally had the courage to meet her. "If he loves you and treats you well, that's all I can ask." She said grabbing my hand.

"The way you've spoke about him the last two years I've know this day was going to come." She said to me with a smile. "What do you mean? we've only just been together just this year." I questioned her. "Yes but a mother knows. You've loved eachother far longer." She laughed as she stood back up from the table patting my shoulder briefly . How the hell had she seen my feelings for him before I had.

I sighed slightly relieved. "Humor me though." She started to say. "I know there is no true use in trying to keep you apart but... At least pretend to go to bed in your separate rooms." She added desperately
I sipped my coffee. "Yes ma'am." I said smiling with my lips still around the rim of my mug.

"Now I have to pop into the shops, tell him not to be too shy when he finally comes down from hiding." She said grabbing her purse and coat off the rack. I walked over to the bottom of the stairs peaking up them slightly. The water had stopped running but I hadn't heard the door.

I ran up them quickly to the spare room taking a seat on the end of the bed. He walked into the room his head buried in a towel drying his hair not noticing I was there. "I like it when your wet." I said confidently catching his attention. He quickly fumbled with the door closing it behind him. "What in Merlin's name are you doing?!" He said marching towards me with wide eyes.

I reached my hand out for his other towel that was tightly wrapped around his waist only to be met with his hand wrapped firmly around my wrist stopping me in my tracks. A half smile snuck it's way onto his otherwise Stern face. I could tell he was fighting the urge to let me rip it off.

"Get out before she walks in on us again." He said firmly reaching for the handle to his trunk at the bottom of the bed I quickly slammed my feet on the top of it closing it tightly. His eyes shot up at me glaring slightly. He gripped my knees slowly pulling them apart forcing my legs off the trunk. I now straddled it as He reached to lift the lid once more.

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