Chapter 21: Aftermath

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Sebastian pov

I felt as though the world was crashing down before me. It was like I was being ripped open from the inside, as though I had a burning blade plunged into my soul. Had it all really meant nothing to her? That she would throw it all away for fucking Weasley? Anger and despair rushed thought my veins.

"Sebastian...?" I heard Ominis ask from around the corner. "I don't know if that's you but your silence isn't helping." He said again after a few moments. I walked over and grabbed his shoulder to let him know it was me. Words were not able to escape me quite yet.

He turned towards me. "What in Merlin's name could have happened between breakfast and now?" Ominis asked with concern. "Where would you like me to start? The kiss? the fight? The donkey? or detention?" I shot back clear agitation in my voice. "Alright, I suppose alot could happen between breakfast and now..." Ominis replied. "Let's talk in the undercroft, aways from prying ears." He said gesturing towards the stairs where the secret passage was located.

The gate lifted in front of us, she quickly came into focus and turned around to face me. "For fuck sake Omimis!" I yelled storming past her. " clearly some things have transpired this morning that need to be discussed." Ominis said firmly as he made his way through the thresh hold.

"I didn't come here to talk to her." I spat out rather annoyed with my best friend. "can you stop talking about me like I'm not right here?" She ask back to me. "No, because I'm not here to talk to you." I emphasized still not looking at her. "Alright let's play nice Sebastian." Ominis says as he pulls up a chair.

I started walking toward the door I didn't need this. "colloportus" Ominis quickly said flicking his wand at the gate it crashed down with a clank. Great the locking charm "No one is leaving until you talk this out." He said smugly from his chair folding his arms.

"I don't understand what I've done to you." She said quietly approaching Ominis. He grabbed her hand. "Hey! Dont support her in this your my fucking friend!" I said anger rushing over me once again. "Then enlighten us on what happened." Ominis calmly said back, but I didn't respond.

"What happened with Gareth, Seb? I've told you there is nothing going on there but you go get yourself into a fight anyway?" She ask concerned and I scoff. As if she doesn't know. " you make it a habit of kissing your just friends before class then do you?" I said stepping closer to her accusingly.

She looked at me confused. "Listen I don't know what Gareth has told you but that didn't happen Seb...." She tried to walk closer to me and I threw my hand out to stop her. "I watched you! Right before potions on the stairs! You know I saw!" I screamed I was seething now. was she really going to act like I didn't see it? "You promised me that you were mine no one else's." I stepped back from her. "You knew it would destroy me and you just did it anyway!" I could barely look at her.

Hurt and confusion washed over her face. "That's not possible." Ominis chimed in standing up from his chair. "She was with me all morning, and Gareth wasn't around." He continued. " do not try to cover this Om I saw her!" I shouted storming off to the gate. I was done with both of them. "Unlock the door Ominis." I said smacking my fist onto the cold metal door.

He said nothing. "Open the FUCKING door Om!" I yelled this time casting a plethora of blasting charms against it. "alohomora" she whispered sadly and the gate rose. More effective than my spell I suppose "So that's it then? " She asked i could hear her holding back tears as I walked thought the exit. I turned to face her. "Yeah, that's it." I shook my head and the gate shut quickly in front of me.


The second he was out of sight my eyes flooded with tears. Omimis wrapped his arm around me. "Hush now, it will be alright...Just give him time." He said trying to provide a small amount of comfort. I crumbled to the cold dirty floor beneath me.

Ominis sat beside me " maybe it was foolish of me to bring him here." He said apologetically petting my hair. " I still don't understand what happened..." I said between tears. "I think I might... but he will need time to cool off before I can even attempt speaking with him." I looked up at Omimis curiously.

"You know what happened?" I asked as I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. "I can't be sure... it's a just hunch but something odd happened this morning as well that has been bothering me. Did you happen to run into us in the courtyard before breakfast?" He asked me. An odd question.

"No... No I was running late this morning I couldn't find my hairbrush and had to rush getting ready." I said perplexed. " ah, your hairbrush?" He questioned like he was solving a puzzle in his mind I wasn't sure where he was going with this. "Yes Ominis i misplaced my hairbrush, what are you thinking?" I asked completely besides myself. I could see he was deep in thought.

He finally spoke. "Professor Sharp meantioned missing polyjuice ingredients today, combined with your missing hair brush and the two  you sightings that clearly were not you...I believe someone has brewed polyjuice potion to become you." He explained his brows still furrowed in thought.

"Polyjuice potion? But why? ....And who?" I asked even more bewildered. "That part I'm unsure, But it was someone who had access to your belongings...possibly also someone who has feelings for Sebastian." He said with a pause. His demeanor changed slightly "Why do you say that?" I asked him.

"Well, if it wasn't you this morning in the courtyard it was someone who used the advantage of looking like you to get something they wanted from Sebastian...." Ominis said as he shifted his body towards me seeming uncomfortable, like he was holding a piece of information inside. "Something like what?" I pressed "Gareth Weasley wasn't the only one who got kissed by "you" this morning" Omimis said with air quotes and a grimace on his face.

blood rushed to the top layer of my skin. Suddenly the jealousy Sebastian felt towards Gareth started to come into focus. I understood it, I was feeling it now too. Whoever this person was didn't just cause this fight they kissed Sebastian. My Sebastian. They were trying to take him away from me. And they may have succeeded.

I felt hopeless. " what do I do? he won't talk to me. he can barley even look at me, he's not going to believe me..." I say looking over to Ominis for advice. "I'll talk to him. It may take time but I have heard him out on plenty of things though our friendship. it's his turn to listen." Ominis stood up and reached his hand down to me. I grabbed it and he swiftly pulled me to my feet.

"He's stubborn, and a dick, but hes not done with you. I don't believe it for a second." Ominis said giving me a side hug and resting his head on mine. "I'll talk to him, You worry about trying to figure out who did this, prevent it from happening again." We walked to the door and exited the undercroft arm in arm.

Days passed with no progress on Ominis part. Sebastian was treating me like a stranger, a complete pariah. In the halls he would pass me not even so much as a sideways glance. When we had classes together he acted as if I was a ghost. There was no sadness there or anger that I could see. just a complete entire disinterest in my existence. He was done. I had lost him for good.

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