Chapter 42: Decision

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Four years later

I looked up at the tall London brownstone with ivy weaving between the black iron railing and up the front of the bricks that I now called home. "Seb?"I called out opening the front front door "Up here!" I heard his voice echo down the staircase.

He was nervously tugging at his sage green dress robes in front of the mirror. "Are you ready?" I asked softly pressing a kiss to his cheek. After tonight's ceremony he would officially have a specialty and no longer be a trainee healer. I knew he was still torn between two.

From the beginning he was so sure it would be long term spell damage, to help Anne, but his last 6 month rotation in trauma with the mediwizards he has been so enthralled and even more passionate about his work.

"Have you made your decision yet?" I asked adjusting his tie. He shook his head indecisively. "You know I support you with whatever you choose, but...I think you need to do what makes you happy. Otherwise I worry you will regret your choice." I advised as I tucked the tie into the vest he remained quiet. "There, much better." I spoke as I faced him back towards the mirror brushing at his shoulders looking at our reflection.

He paused for a minute before looking at me again. "Where's our son?" He questioned noticing the lack of chaos that normally flooded the halls of our home. "He's already with mum, I took him straight there from the ministry." I smiled giving him a small peck.

I had found out I was pregnant towards the end of my second year in the Auror program. They had offered me re entry after he was born but I opted to stick it out against Sebastians wishes. He worked countless hours researching protection spells before he settled on the Imperturbable Charm.

"If you insist on continuing, this should at least keep him safe." He had said to me as the small protective dome formed from his wand and entered my stomach.

I was the first ever Auror to attend training while pregnant and scored with top marks as well. Once he was born my Mum was a huge help as were our friends, Poppy in particular with the help of her gran.

Poppy and I grew even closer after we left Hogwarts, forming almost a sisterly bond. We had even started breeding Hippogriff together in my spare trying rise the population numbers that had been dwindling due to poachers.

Ominis stayed in touch as well, though he was rarely around. He had been following Imelda all around the world as she travelled playing for the holyhead harpies. He never missed a game, but they always stopped by when they were in London. I was excited to see them tonight after Sebastians ceremony, it had been months.

"You're sure she's alright keeping him for the whole weekend?" Sebastian asked worryingly pulling my attention back to him. "Yes, she enjoys his company." I smiled back at him turning around for him to do up the clasps of the light yellow dress I had slipped on. He planted gentle kisses up my back as his hands moved up the buttons.

I comb through my hair pulling it back with a signature satin ribbon. "You look beautiful" he said standing behind me wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck. I smiles under his touch. "We've got to go, we're going to be late." I said checking the clock patting his chest.

I turned to him noticing his nerves once more. "Listen, you're going to do amazing whatever you choose." I spoke softly giving a reassuring nod grabbing his face in my hands. "I love you, always." I smiles pulling him in for one more quick kiss. "Come on, a few hours at a stuffy ceremony and then the leaky cauldron with all of our friends." I grabbed his hand as we rushed towards the fireplace that quickly engulfed us in green flames.

We entered a ballroom fully decorated with large crystal chandeliers and billowing curtains in the St. Mungos colors. We took a seat at one of the many fancy round tables adorned with fine China and large floral center pieces placed around the room. I could tell neither one of us felt posh enough to be here.

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