Chapter 20: Polyjuice

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I woke up a bit early so I could head back to the dorms and shower before class. I crept around the room looking for my clothes, trying to be quiet as to not wake him like I had last night. I grabbed my stockings and attempted to pull them on but my toe got stuck as I was sliding it up. I did a little hop to try and recorrect it bumping into the table. "Shit" I whispered.

I squinted my eyes a bit before glancing at the bed. He was laying there with one arm behind his head watching me. "It's no wonder peeves caught us in the library, your terrible at sneaking about." He said with an amused smirk. "Sorry." I said gingerly pulling my stocking the rest of the way up.

A mild and groggy chuckle escaped his lips. "Where are you off to so early?" He asked not taking his eyes of me "I just want to clean up before class, get some fresh robes as well." I pulled my current one over my shoulder. His eyes narrowed at me. "Is that...?" He said inquisitively sitting up further in the bed.

I glanced down not sure at first what he was talking about and caught a flash of gold reflect off the pin Poppy had adorned to me. " oh yeah, I uh... made the team." I said meekly looking back up at him. He jumped out of the bed , scooped me up into his arms and spun around the room. "That's my girl!" He exclaimed hugging me tight.

He kissed my cheek and let my feet fall back down to the floor and grab my lapel. " the Hufflepuff captain." He said running his thumb over the pin. "They might actually have a decent shot at some games with you in charge." He said with a cheeky grin. "Not the most athletic group..." He scrunched his face teasingly. I shoved his shoulder a bit and he laughed.

"We'll have to settle that out on the pitch then won't we Sallow?" I said stepping a bit closer to him. "I do enjoy a challenge." He said slowly grabbing my robes pulling me into him. By now I had kissed him a thousand times but I still got nervous with the mere anticipation of his lips touching mine.

I ran to my room after a brisk shower. "Have you seen my hair brush poppy?" I called out it as I began quickly rifling through my trunk. "No, I haven't. Here use mine. Catch" I quickly turned around and caught the brush being tossed toward my head.

"Thanks Poppy, I swore I left it here." I said running it though my hair. I tossed my head to the side, taking out my wand i gave it a bit of a flick. A blast of warm dry air blew thought my damp curls. "I'm sure it will turn up somewhere." Poppy said as pulled half my hair back and tied my signature gold ribbon into it. We rushed out of the room not wanting to be late for breakfast.

Sebastian pov

Ominis and I made our way to the great hall for breakfast through the courtyard. We were almost to the door when I felt a pair of hand cover my eyes from behind. I turned and smile. " I thought you were going to take a shower." I said pulling her in close to me.

She just smiled back in response. And I furrowed my brow and chuckled returning the smile as her odd behavior, she was usually far more chatty. She looked around making sure there were no professors watching and pulled me in for a kiss. It felt...different somehow.

She pulled away and looked up to me, her cheeks flushed red. I noticed her hair was down framing her face, she usually had it pulled back into a bow. She smiled one last time before walking back to a group of girls. They all began to giggle. Not her usual friends which I found strange.

"I'll see you in there there then?" I called after her a bit confused about what just happened. "Who was that?" Ominis inquired with a curious face. "Y/N." I said back to him " huh, that's not like her...she usually grabs my hand to let me know she's here... Is something wrong?" He asked pondering the interaction. "I don't think so." I shrugged feeling like we had a good morning. I brushed it off as we made our way through the great hall doors, but Ominis still seemed to be racking his brain.

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