Chapter 6: Off to bed

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"I'll walk you to back to your common room" Sebastian said grasping my hand. Even after what we had just done this gave me butterflies. We reenter the main section of the castle. It was completely silent not even a ghost lurking around. "Thank you, what a gentleman you are these day." I responded.

Never once on our adventures had he walked me back to my common room. "Well, I can't go around giving away all my chivalry to just anyone now can I? He claimed. "If that were the case my robes would be crimson not green" he wink.

"The words of a true snake." I toss back at him. "And the only thing fearless enough to tackle a venomous snake?" He asked inquisitively. I looked at him a bit confused where was he going with this. " the honey badger of course!" He stated matter of factly "quite the metaphor for you and I wouldn't you agree?" He said looking back down at me. All I could conjure up was a smile.

We shortly Arrived to the barrels masking the entrance to my common room. Sooner than I would have liked. I didn't want him to leave. He pulls me into a tight embrace pressing his lips to the top of my head. "I'll see you tomorrow" he says still holding me as if not wanting to let me go.

He finally does release me. "I wish we could be in the same house" I said almost pouting. "Nooo"he said, "I'd never be able to sleep knowing your were just a few steps away. Plus yellow doesn't suit me" I think he'd look good in just about anything. And we both know there's no way I'd be accepted in to Slytherin with my "dirty blood." I think to myself.

"Who needs sleep anyway?" I ask him as I interlace the fingers on both our hands together and begin swinging them back and forth. "Well me if you want me to keep pleasing you like that!" He jokingly replied I laughed "yes well then, off to bed with you." I banter back. We both exchange laughs a bit longer.

He gave me one last kiss on the forehead and I made my way up to the correct barrel. I began the knocks to unlock the door when I felt a swift smack on my behind. "disillusionment charm Hufflepuff." He said winking as he was backing away. Woops he was right, I almost forgot.

"If you want to touch my ass just say so, slytherin." I shot back raising my eyebrows at him before casting the spell making myself invisible. He chuckled as he started making his way to the corridor leading to the dungeons where his common room resides. Speaking of asses his was quite nice. Had it always been? Really how thick could I have been.

I made my way back to my dorm room quietly opening the door. It was completely dark, all the other girls asleep. I quickly released the charm and changed into my night clothes. As I lie in bed I can't help but replay our moments in the undercroft. I smile and get a bit gitty kicking my feet a little. I touch the tie I had tucked away in my pocket caressing the silky fabric. I bite down at the neck of my sweater and roll to my side. Please let Sebastian grace my dreams tonight.

Sebastian POV

I approach the slytherin common room and recite the password even though it made me sick nearly every time I had to. "pure blood" i scoff the words thick in my throat. a large silver snake coils around an appearing door. I hope Salazar slytherin would be rolling in his grave knowing what I just did to that muggle born.

Not all Slytherins had the mindset of thinking they were better than others for being pure blood but enough did that it bothered me. Ominis and I both knew it meant nothing. It was just an ignorant elitist frame of mind. We had known first hand what "mud bloods" were capable of. And I had just felt what one was capable of.

I made my way up to my sleeping quarters expecting Ominis to be sleeping. I opened the door and tripped over a shoe. "Damn" I said as I stumble in. I hear a faint "Lumos" from Ominis bed. A ball of light illuminates the room. "Need a light old friend" Ominis said sitting up in bed. "Thanks" I replied as my eyes adjusted.

"Make a habit of sitting awake in the pitch dark?" I said back to Ominis. "Its always dark for me Sebastian, I've spent my life navigating in it." He answered back "right, of course, well, it's late so...if you don't mind I'm going to head to bed now." I say to him.

" Ah yes, late indeed." He continues as I change for bed. "Must have had loads to talk about to be getting in this late hmm? He said slyly. "Uh yeah it... I don't recall it being a particularly long conversation actually...." I say with what Im sure a is stupid grin on my face.

"Yes well, I believe an I told you so is in order, as well as perhaps a thank you Ominis? Ominis replied jokingly. "Thank you Ominis" I say back in a mockery tone. Thank you Ominis indeed. I cross my arms behind my head and let myself fall onto my bed.

"Nox" I hear from the other side of the room as darkness once again engulf the room. The moon light leaking in from the window above my head. This is the first night I know sleep couldn't possibly bring me more euphoria than my reality. I thought as I closed my eyes dreading having to leave this day.

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