Chapter 15: Tasseography

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Sebastian and I made our way and in hand to divinations. "People are staring...and whispering." I muttered as we glided up the narrow spiral stairs to class. "Let them." He said with a coy smile and winked at me. Truthfully I didn't even mind. I liked not having to hide... well as much. We still had to be cautious around teachers.

The long and steep rope latter crashed down as we approached. "You first my dear" he said gesturing to the latter. " and go slow...I like the view." He whispered with an anther wink. I made my ascend up to the hatch above giving my hips some exaggerated movement as I did. I liked to tease him. And I knew he like it too.

As I entered the class room I was hit by a warm grassy aroma. Tea. The divinations tables were split up into groups of twpvwith ornate tea pots affixed in the center of each one. "Class! Welcome please find a partner today we are accessing our inner eyes to see the future." Said professor Oni excitingly.

I took my seat across Sebastian, obviously, and prepared our cups. I scooped some of the loose leaf tea and poured the steaming hot water over it, watching as the color bled from the leaves staining the water a light brown.

"As your tea begin to cool to a comfortable temperature think about what it is you most need insight on. Once you believe you have found it continue to contemplating the questions and the universe shall answer." Said professor Oni.

"Once your tea is finished take your cup into your left hand and place it upside down onto your saucers. Turn the cup three times flip it back over and pass it to your partner." She continued explaining her instructions.

We traded cups and I began scanning my divination book to the Tasseography section about how to read his leaves. Professor Oni glided slowly around the room assisting with readings some correct and others being corrected.

Sebastian didn't care much for divinations. Similar to his feelings towards herbology. He preferred magic based on logic, skills, power."Alright, Mr Sallow, tell me what it is you see." Asked the professor "Uhm yeah sure... it looks like she's got some kind of a rabbit I think which would be success?" He answered not quite convincingly.

"Not bad, very close it seems to be the hare . in addition to just success it goes a bit further...It is a sign of a long past or present journey, and the return of an absent friend. Also of a speedy and fortunate marriage to those who are awaiting." Explained Professor Oni handing back my cup with a raised brow. A few giggles escaped the back of the room.

"Now, Y/N? Sebastian cup?" She asked i hesitated being a bit taken aback by what I saw... I think, it maybe the owl..." I say a bit quiet "...the omen of sickness and death." I glanced up at him but he was just staring down at the table. For once I was hoping I had gotten an answer wrong.

Professor Oni looked at me and grabbed the cup with small sigh of relief. "You're actually seeing the swallow!" I sighed with relief the breath I was holding "A journey with a pleasant ending is near, and there seems to be a heart ring surrounding it. Pleasure to come, through love...not wealth." She finished setting his cup back down. Thank Merlin.

Sebastian POV

Over the summer she had sent an owl with the classes she intended to take. A full class schedule. Typical. "I've missed out on so much, Ill have plenty of free time once Hogwarts is done." She had said in the owl. Looks like I'll be having a more studious final year than I had planned. My younger self would be kicking me, giving up free periods.

I struggled in divinations. I felt it wasn't truly magic...just guessing games and party tricks. I only had one reason for attending this class,to spend time with her. Most 7th years only took their required core classes leaving far more free time in the day. But what was the point in free time without her.

I signed up for every class she had. The only one I ended up not getting with her being care of magical creatures. It was full. I was instead placed in muggle studies. Which I suppose, If I couldn't be around her learning about her world wasn't the worst trade off. I was the only Slytherin attending the muggle studies course.

If anyone were to get the death omen it was fitting it would find me...I deserved it, the only reason I was still alive now being sat across the table from me. I could tell it worried her what she saw.

I did feel a bit of relief when professor Oni informed us my leaves hadn't in fact intended my fate be full of pain, suffering, and death. "Sorry" she mouthed at me from across the table, scrunching up her nose clearly feeling bad. "You can't get rid of me that easy Y/LN ."  I joked back.

Finishing up class we headed down to the great hall where we found Ominis frantically studying at one of them tables. "What got you in such a tizzy this afternoon Om?" I asked as we joint him, he was not amused.

"Do the two of you not manage to pay attention to a single thing other than each other anymore?!" Ominis replied with a snarky tone. We looked at eachother blankly. "Of course, so you didn't hear Sharps announcement at the end of class then I presume?"

"On with it Ominis, haven't got all day." I replied to him as I rubbed my temple. "Well you'd better make some room in your busy schedule then because We have a WEEK. To learn how to brew the perfect Draught Of Living Death." He faced our direction with panic across his face.

"Oh is that all?" I said casually continuing to eat. "Is that all?!" Ominis scoffed "oh yeah sure, just the HARDEST advanced potion you can brew. Honestly Sebastian...."Ominis huffed quite obviously annoyed with me. "I need you to help me study. No more late night adventures to Merlin knows where...Not until we pass this."

I knew he was right, and I might not have been the most attentive friend recently. "Alright alright. I will help you with potions." I sighed to him. I turned my attention to Y/N. "And you my dear, my apologizes but our alone time working with more illicit spells will have to wait." I advise with a wink.

"Ugh get a room! Sometimes I miss when you two just bumbled around each other like idiots."Ominis replied with exaggerated disgust. "Ah you see my dear friend, we had plans for one of those but you just ever so rudely pulled me away from it. So I don't believe you get to complain." I snapped back jokingly.

He rolled his eyes as he left the table. "I will see you in charms class and then back in our dorm tonight then?" Ominis asked. "Yes yes now go away. I need to be alone with this ravishing creature as long as I can since you're stealing my attention away from her tonight." I lightly kissed her knuckles.

"Not just tonight! This week Sebastian!" Shouted Ominis. "Ah right,then stealing me away this week. I will be in the dorms by curfew but no sooner and no weekends, that's my compromise" I added which he finally seemed satisfied with. "Don't be late." He barked at me leaving the great hall. this was going to be the longest week of my life.

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