Chapter 10: The owl

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I had tried my best to not let my eyes wander over to the slytherin table. It was difficult with only the Ravenclaws dividing us. I pondered facing the other direction to ease temptation, but just couldn't bring myself to as I actually approached the table. The girls I shared a sleeping quarter with already had taken their seats.

Professor Weasley made a few announcements about quidditch tryouts and the current house point standings. People looked around confused at the notable dip in points two of the houses had made, Mine, and Slytherin. Whispering conversations flooded the great hall. That was the first time our eyes met each other tonight, But it wouldn't be the last.

"What In Merlin could have caused that big of a drop!? Lenora leaned in trying her best and failing at a hushed tone. "I know we aren't typically top point earners but when do we ever loose them?" She continues trying to pull a response out of the rest of us.

Adelaide chimed in. "Slytherin took a significant dip today as well. They're now behind Ravenclaw AND Gryffindor." The girls all turned and joining me now in looking over at Slytherin house, the majority of whom were visibly upset. Sebastian's eyes never left mine.

Lenora scoffed. " well that's really no surprise. they're constantly getting themselves into trouble and breaking the rules." Yes they were and apparently now, so was I. " they're lucky it's only what 20 points?" She continued trying to do the math in her head.

"That's how much we lost today as well." Arthur, another 7th year , chimed in matter of factly in between bites of his Turkey leg. We all turned our attention to him. "What?" He said with a mouth full of food. "THAT DOESNT SEEM ODD TO ANYONE ELSE?" Lenora shouted with her hands above her head.

"Could be any number of things really." Poppy replied. "Shut it Poppy." Lenora shot back. "you've probably got something to do with this." She accused now pointing her fork at me. "You and Sallow no doubt." She continued. Trying to connect the dots I'm her head. I shrugged trying to act as if I had no clue what she could be talking about. I knew very well.

Adalaides eyes narrowed at me ever so slightly before Poppy quickly changed the subject. I finished my dinner not really paying attention to the rest of their conversation. I glanced up one last time and his eyes were still fixated on me. Had he looked away at all?

I gathered my satchel from under the table. "Heading back to the commons?" Poppy asked as I stood up from the table. "Not quite, I have to head to the owlery first...But I'll see you there." I said as I hurried towards the exit of the grand hall. I could feel his gaze watching me as I left.

I made my way up the stairs of the owlery. Opening the door and scanning the small room for Pidg. I slumped down onto the floor and pulled a piece of parchment and my quill from my bag.


Not the undercroft tonight. Meet me in the astronomy tower after curfew. I have somewhere else I'd like to take you.

Somewhere that can be just ours.

Forever your,


I folded the note into an envelope and quickly lit a match to melt my wax. A small pool of it drip onto the envelope to enclose it. I grabbed my seal and pressed it into the wax letting it harden. lifting myself off of the floor, I approached my bird giving her a small scratch under her head.

"For Sebastian." I whispered to her as I placed the letter in her beak. She stretched her wings out shaking them a little bit before swiftly taking off out the window. I hurried my way back to the my dorm so I could mentally prepare myself for tonight. Tonight was my turn.

Sebastian POV

I paced around my room anxiously not sure that I would hear anything from her tonight. "Would you stop that! You're driving me looney!" Omimis shouted  rather annoyed as he sat at his desk. "Sorry, I'm nervous...I'm unsure if she's upset with me, the way things were left..." I replied. I had done plenty to hurt her before. Far worse than this, but what more was she willing to put up with before giving up on me entirely.

"Well, why don't you go be nervous elsewhere." He said continuing to run his fingers across the pages of his potions book. He was clearly in no mood to talk me off this ledge tonight. "Fine, I'm going to go take shower, but will you-" I started to say before Ominis quickly interjected. "I will listen for an owl, if one bothers." I squeezed his shoulders and gave him a little shake "thank you my friend." then made my way to the door.

I turned on the shower faucet and steam began filling the room. I stepped under the water letting the droplets sting my skin as they fell. I closed my eyes and hung my head allowing the water to cascade down my neck and back. It burned a little, but I liked it. Pain had become a small sense of pleasure for me. One of the last few thinks making me feel alive, feel anything really. Though, I hoped this wasn't the only sense of pleasure I would endure tonight.

I sighed, My shaft perked up a bit at the mere thought of it, An ever present sensation these last few days it seemed. But truthfully I had never been with a girl. Not like that anyway. Makeouts sure, a few instances of heavy petting after one too many fire whiskeys, but never anything more. Despite what reputation tends to follow me.

I finished washing off and exited the shower. I wrapped one of the fluffy white towels around my waist and wiped away the condensation from the mirror. Leaning forward I caught a hazy look at myself, hardly recognizing the face that looked back. I hoped she would not be disappointed with what she saw.

Since the ending of 5th year so much about me had changed not just on the outside, A darker side had found an awakening in me. one I was trying to suppress for the sake of the few people I still managed to keep around in my life. Which was nearly none.

Realizing I didn't know how long I had spend in here I quickly gathered my things making my way back up to my dorm room. I rushed through the common room still in just my towel, I was too eager to get back. I started shuffling up the stairs.

"forget to put on clothes again Sallow?" Imelda Reyes joked from behind a book. She was laying across one of the couches by the fire. I quickly shot her a middle finger and continued up the staircase. I didn't have time for anyone else right now. No one but Y/N.

Before I had even fully closed the door behind me Ominis pointed his wand towards my bed. "The bird came for you." He said without looking up, I look over noticing the small round puff of feathers perched on my headboard. The letter having drifted onto my pillow.

I quickly shuffled over stubbing my toe on the end of my bed "for fuck sake!" i mutter, hobbling as I reach for it, tearing swiftly into the brown envelope. "Not the undercroft?" I say quietly to myself. Maybe she changed her mind after all. I continued taking in her words. Forever yours Y/N the ending read....A lump swelled in my throat. I swallowed Hard.

"She wants to meet in the astronomy tower." I say aloud this time directed to Omimis. "I'm fine with it not being in the undercroft...That was my secret first if you don't remember." Omimis scoffed rolling his eyes "And I'd rather not have to think about what it is you 2 do down there now when I'm not around."

"Fair enough, but where else couldn't she be taking me, if there were more secret rooms in the castle surely we'd have found them by now." I say thinking aloud. "Ive heard of another. But I don't know if it actually exists." Omimis add nonchalantly still buried in his studies. More secrets and of course Gaunt would know.

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