Secrets we keep💙💜

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Water Prince Finney x Fire Prince robin
Two kingdoms ruled the world. Water and fire. Never got along. Water and fire tried avoiding each other as mush as possible. But there's always people to ruin that. Robin and Finney being the two kids of fire and water. Robin was a fire prince and Finney was a water Prince. They where each to be taking there father's throne in the future. But for now they where prince's.

But in every story there was a secret they would keep. Both boys felt themselves falling in love with one another. It was wrong if them to do so. But there was no way of getting ride of it. Robin would go out to his balcony and look over at the sea. He would watch as Finney trained his little sister how to swim. He admired his beauty. His intelligence.

Finney would got out from the sea just to watch robin walk along the beach. Both could not stop the feeling of loving each other. But it had to be put as a secret. If there parents found out about it they would bring shame to them. So it was said that they had to keep it a secret. Knowing one day it was going to be revealed.
Finney was brushing out his little sisters hair. They had a ball this afternoon and they had to make sure they looked presentable. Finney wasn't the type to really wear anything formal but he had to scince it was very important for his parents. He fished up Gwen's hair and let the maids put her into her dress. Finney fixed his hair up a bit. He looked up at the blue sky. He was going to go see robin today. He left his room and went outside to the ball room. Many people started arriving. Finney went and talked to Bruce.

Bruce was honestly his favorite friend from his place. The rest where okay but he would say Bruce and him where like brothers. "Hey you wanna go up there". Finney asked. "What! Where the fire kingdom is!". Finney nodded. Bruce gave in, they snuck there way out of the house out into the sea. They swam up. Finney spotted robin sitting down. Bruce looked at Finney and rolled his eyes. "Well if it isn't surprising that Finney Blake prince of water has a crush on the little fire prince". Bruce teased.

Finney nodded not knowing what Bruce was saying. Bruce thought of an idea. He grabbed Finney and took over to robin. Now Finney was wide awake and tried pulling himself away. Bruce pushed him onto the sand and left. Robin looked at Finney with a tint of blush on his face. Finney tried not to state so much. "You can sit down if you want". Robin said. Finney sat down and looked forward.

It was silent and no one spoke. "Your friend, he's funny". Robin said. Finney nodded. He was dying in the inside. His heart could just burst out any minute. "I LIKE YOU-" Finney blurted out. He stood up and looked away. Robin laughed and placed his hand on his cheek. "Me too". Robin leaned in and kissed him. Finney smiled and wrapped his hands around his waist. They laid down on the sand while they made out. Bruce came back to get Finney feeling bad he left him like that

But after seeing what they were doing he definitely didn't feel guilty anymore. Bruce rolled his eyes in disgust. "Nasty homos". He whispered. Finney flipped him off. Bruce did the same. Robin placed his hands on Finney's cheek and kissed his nose. "I have to go back but I'll come back later". Robin nodded and gave him one more kiss. Bruce waved goodbye to robin and jumped into the water.

Robin smiled stupidity and went back inside. His mother was walking around in her beautiful red dress. "Robin where were you?". Robin stopped and looked at his mother. "I was just outside for a bit". She raised an eyebrow. "Okay". She went back to walking around. Robin headed to his room and threw himself on his bed. He kicked and his feet and giggled. He finally got the person he liked to love him. He was so happy. Like very happy.

He calmed down and hugged his stuff bear. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Finney was back to his house partying with Bruce. Well mostly like talking about robin. Finney kept bragging about him. Bruce just wanted to kill himself. "Your just jealous because you don't have a boyfriend". Bruce frowned and tackled him to the ground. Finney laughed and pushed him off. Bruce laughed. Gwen crawled to them. Finney picked her up and poked her nose. "Look at you, so cute and pretty with that beautiful dress"

Gwen giggled and then stuck her hand in her mouth. After the party Finney got out of his clothes and made sure everyone was asleep. Bruce helped him make sure he was safe. He swam back up to the beach. Robin was already waiting for him. He ran up to him and kissed him. "You look beautiful as always". Robin rolled his eyes. They walked along the shore for a bit. Robin's hair started to light up.

"Does this always happen?"

"Yeah it's common in the family, my father's hair lights up in the night witch makes it look like lava"

"It's beautiful"

Robin blushed and smiled. They went back scince it was getting late. Before they parted away they gave each other one last kiss. But then both boys got pulled away from each other. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?". Robin's mother yelled at robin. Finney's mother glared at Mrs. Arellano.

"Keep your kid away from my son!".-FM


"oh no no no!"-FM

both women kept arguing and fighting. Robin and Finney just wanted this to end.


Robin pulled away from his mother and ran to Finney. Finney did the same. "You can not keep him away from me!". Robin yelled. His mother rolled her eyes. "Love you can't seriously like him!?". Robin frowned and kissed Finney. "I do love him! I don't care what you say I'm not going to stop seeing him!". Robin's mother had enough he pulled Robin's away and took him inside.

"And your not going to see him ever again!". Finney was sent back to his house. Robin spent the whole night crying. His father walked in and sat next to him. "Robin. I know, I know you love him but your mother's just scared". Robin wiped his tears away and looked at his father. "Robin your uncle was just like you. He fell in love with one of the water people. Your mother was happy for him but when she found out her own brother left with her she was sad.".

Robin began to cry once more. "She scares of losing you. She doesn't want you to do that same. But I'll make sure to talk it out with her. I know how much you love him". Robin nodded. His father gave him a kiss on the forehead and left. He went into there room. His wife was sitting there in bed with her arms crossed. He sat next to her and held her hand.

"I know your scared honey. But let the boy be with him".RD

"No! I can't let him go!"-RM

"Are you really going to keep your son locked in, in this place"

She shrugged her shoulders. He kissed her cheek and laid down. Robin's mom thought for a bit. Maybe it was best for to let her son be with him. Maybe.

Finney got it worse. His father was yelling at him and arguing. His mother really didn't think it was necessary for all that. "WELL IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOUR SON TURNED OUT TO BE ONE OF THEM!?". Finney's mother smacked him. "AND SO WHAT IF MY SON IS GAY! I DON'T GIVE TO FUCKS! IM DONE BEING MANIPULATED BY YOU". the guards took his crown and dragged him outside.

"I'm so sorry baby,". She hugged Finney and cried. Finney hugged her back and patted her back. "It's alright mom". She wiped her tears and looked at him. "Go and get him". Finney smiled and ran out. He swam out to the beach once again. He called out for robin. Robin saw him and ran outside. His mother heard all the noise she followed him. She saw how happy her son was.

"Well.....I guess he can". She whispered to herself. Robin and Finney hugged before they kissed. "Well don't make out in the open?". She called out. Robin looked back in embarrassment. Finney laughed and and rubbed his back. Fire and water. Make a great couple.

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