Loving me doesn't matter🔪

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Vance x robin

😍☝️I didn't have to go to school today🥹

Robin stood in front of the door waving goodbye to his mother. She was currently going on vacation with her brother and there was so much going on they had to stay away from North Denver. Robin didn't really feel the need to go. Once they left he closed the door. He turned around and walked towards his room. He sat down and kicked his feet thinking of something to do.

He didn't have anything so he just decided to call up Finney. He did that and then changed into something more comfortable. Finney arrived soon after and they chatted about stuff. "It's been boring. My life is boring. I have nothing to do!". Finney chuckled. "It's not boring. You wanna go on a walk?". Robin nodded. They left the house and headed to the park. Robin instantly started going up and down on the slide

He went to the monkey bars and the seesaw. Finney sat down watching him. But the happiness ended when finney saw Vance chatting and smoking with a couple of his friends witch were Matty, buzz, and Matt. Finney walked over to robin before Vance could see him. "Robin we have to go come on". Robin tilted his head. "Why? I still wanna play"

Finney pointed his finger back. Robin glanced over to see Vance. He rolled his eyes and nodded. Finney then felt a hand on his shoulder. He froze from fear. "Where do you think you're going?". Robin sighed and sat back down on the slide. Vance pushed Finney to the side. "Nice to see you". Robin faked a smile. "Cool! Don't care".

Vance smirked he leaned down. Robin pushed his face away. "No thanks. I don't like you like that". He got up and walked towards Finney. "Alright I had a nice chat". He pushed Finney forward and began walking away. Vance kept looking at Finney. He glared at him. "That little prick.....get Finney away from him". They nodded
The next day robin threw on a hoodie and left for school. He sat in his seat and closed his eyes. "Where not doing this again robin. Do you want detention". Robin shrugged. "Depends if I'm feeling it". The teacher glared at him before sitting down. "Robin actually pay attention. I know you'll be going to summer school". Robin frowned and sat up straight. "I'm not going to summer school!"

Finney looked at him up and down. "Of course you're not". Robin scoffed and rolled his eyes. After their first class Robin parted ways with Finney. He walked towards his locker before seeing Vance holding some things. "Pfft- who's he asking out?". Robin laughed it off and opened his locker. Once he did he saw flowers inside and a cute red bear that said "I love you" that is was sitting there with a smile. "Shit-".

Vance grabbed his waist and turned him around. "So what do you think?". Robin shook his head. "Vance-, listen I really appreciate this. It's cute and nice. But I can't say yes. I already told you that I didn't like you like that. Maybe friends yes, but as your partner no". Vance frowned. "Doesn't matter to me. Love me or not I love you. And I don't want you to be anyone else's".

Vance got closer and leaned down. Their faces were inches away. "Don't". Robin pushed him away. Vance grabbed his waist and pulled him even closer. "I don't care anymore. I won't let you go that easily. I won't let anyone have you but me". Robin got angry enough to punch him. Vance pulled himself back and grabbed his cheek. "Can't you get the godame hint? I don't like you and I never will".

Robin stormed off away from him. Vance could only smile. He moved his mouth tasting blood. "I'm not letting you go that easily".

Robin was still angry. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He walked back home. He completely forgot no one was home. He sighed in annoyance. But what made him more angry was seeing flowers and the same bear from before. He picked it up and brought it inside. "I smell like shit". Robin placed the flowers down and went upstairs still holding the bear. He placed it on his bed and grabbed his clothes.

Obviously being alone meant no one was home but him. So he took his shirt off and threw it over to his dirty clothes. He stretched his arms out before picking his clothes up and bringing them inside the bathroom. He finished up and decided not to wear his shirt. He walked towards his mirror before seeing the bear.

"Forgot about you". Robin smiled as he grabbed the bear and hugged it. He placed it neatly up in front of his mirror. "I'll think of a name for you soon". Robin got on his bed and laid down.
Vance pov
It worked. It actually worked. I didn't think he would actually bring the bear inside. But he was so cute. His body was perfect. He was so perfect. I didn't care if he didn't love me. That didn't matter. All that did was him staying with me. He needed no one but me. "Finn". I froze when he said that name. I hated that name. He was always around him. Never was he not with him. I get that he was his friend but he didn't need to be all up in his space.

He was the one thing keeping me away from getting my precious Robin. He was going to be mine. I don't know what he wanted to do with finney. He wasn't even all that. But fuck thinking about robin in my arms made me feel weird. The thought of him being next to me. His warm soft skin. His beautiful brown eyes that would shed tears. And his lips against mines. He was everything. He was worth so much.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I  heard Finney. I looked back to see robin talking on the phone with him. He had a bright cute smile on him. Seeing him happy made me happy but not so much knowing it was Finney he was smiling at. But no. I had enough. Today I had to get him. No more waiting. I'm done. He was going to be mine forever. Ok done chasing him down. I've already got him in the palms of my hand.

Tonight was going to be different
Robin brushed his teeth and laid down. He closed his eyes and slept. It was going great until he felt a weird vibe. Coldness creeped around his waist. He turned around to see Vance smiling at him. "You don't want to be loud do you?". Robin pushed him off and got off of his bed. "GET OUT! I WILL CALL THE FUCKING COPS YOU MOTHER FUCKER!?". Vance laughed it off

"I'm sure they're tired of me coming in and out everyday. Don't ever bother. They won't come". Robin felt his hand start shaking. Vance smirked. He got off and stepped closer. "You're shaking..... just as I pictured". Vance pulled out a knife. He carefully got closer to robin. He leaned down again. He finally pressed his lips on his. Robin wanted to do something but fear was all over his body.

Vance grabbed that knife and picked up Robin's leg. He started to cut down his name. Robin cried as he held onto him. Vance licked the blood off of his Knife. "You're so pretty like that". Robin pushed him away and went downstairs, he fell trying to get up. "You're staying with me forever!". Robin tried kicking him and pushing him away. He finally screamed

Vance slapped him hard. Robin had blood coming out of his mouth. Vance forced another kiss. Robin kicked him. "Please!!! I'm sorry I don't love you okay! I don't love you and I'm sorry!". Vance smiled. "That doesn't matter now. I finally have you all to myself from now on". He caressed his face. "all mine".

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