Finally victom 💙💜

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Finney x robin
Robin being the final victim
Robin's body ached. His whole body felt numbed. It felt like he got stabbed. Well yeah he did hav cuts and bruise all over his body. Robin held his arm close making sure that the blood didn't run down his arm. Robin walked up the stares. He pushed open the door. The light shinned right on him. He squinted his eyes and looked around. Finney ran up to him and brought him close to him. Tears slipped from his eyes. Robin didn't have the strength to even hug back. His vision was fucked up

He felt his eyes get heavy. The last thing he heard was Finney screaming his name. Robin woke up on a hospital bed. Finney was laying right next to him. Robin looked at the wires that where stuck to his arm. His wounds where patched up. Robin placed his hand on top of Finney's hair and ruffled it softly. The doctor came in. "Hey robin. You alright?". Robin shrugged his shoulders.

"Well we didn't find anything bad that was infected just the cuts and the cut in your head. I wouldn't say it was big but it was a pretty big cut but we fixed it up." Robin didn't say anything but stayed quiet. "Well you can rest and you'll be able to leave tomorrow. Do you need me to bring in another bed for him?". Robin shoke his head. She smiled and l closed the door. Robin laid himself down and snuggled next to Finney. He felt safe with him. Like no one could take him away.
The next day Finney was the first one to wake up. He looked at robin and felt his heart sink. He couldn't see robin I'm this state. He sighed and got off the bed. Robin started to wake up too. Finney smiled. "You alright?". Robin nodded. The doctor came in and gave robin his clothes back. Robin changed and then they left. Robin didn't speak the whole ride. Once they got home he broke down in tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean all this to happen. HE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME. I DIDN'T WANT IT. I DIDN'T ASK FOR IT!. PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!". Finney held him close.

"It's not your fault robin! You didn't do anything wrong. He was the one in the wrong place. That sick bitch was in the wrong mind. You didn't do anything. Your just a kid robin. It's not your fault". Robin kept crying onto Finns chest. Finney's heart hurt seeing him like this. After a while robin calmed down. They cuddled together for some time. Finney could feel robin shake. He couldn't anymore. He pulled Robin's face up to his and kissed him. Robin's eyes widen. Finney pulled himself away. "Don't cry robin. I love you to much to see you break down".

Robin kissed him again. Finney kissed back. They pulled away and laughed. "I love you too Finn".
Finney pov
Robin was once again happy. Energetic. But it didn't really seem like it. It seemed forced. Was he forcing himself to do this. Robin was looking out the window constantly. I got up to use the bathroom. He ran up to me and wrapped himself on me. "Robin?". He shoke his head. "Don't leave". I tried getting him off but he was that strong to hang on. I sighed and brought him to the bathroom with me. He got off and sat down on the floor. It was weird but I had no other choice. Once I finished I washed my hands and he quickly climbed back on to me.

I just picked him up and went to the room. He got off and looked out the window. "Robin enough! I'm tired of this what's wrong". Robin turned around and then faced back to the window. I picked him up and threw him onto the bed. Robin fought back. "GET OFF! HE COULD BE OUT THERE AND YOU WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW!?". Really was this the reason. "Robin he's dead! He's not alive anymore. He can't do shit to anyone". Robin still fought back. I had enough I kissed him again

Robin bit my lips. I pulled away and covered my lips. Robin stayed silent. I grabbed some paper and cleaned the blood off. Robin touched his lips and looked at the blood on his finger. "....I'm sorry..... please......I don't want to......I'm really sorry". I made eye contact with him. He looked scared he began crying. "PLEASE IM SORRY I'LL DO ANYTHING!". I walked towards him and picked him up. "You don't have to do anything robin. I'm the ones that sorry". He sniffed and wiped his tears away.

"I really am sorry Finn. I can't get him out of my head". I kissed his forehead. "What if I get you a therapy?". He shoke his head. "No". I thought for a bit longer. "Gwen. I'll ask Gwen". And it was said. Gwen helped out a lot. Robin wasn't forcing his smile anymore. He was still getting used to it but we was getting there. My robin was going to be okay. I'll do anything to keep him safe from now on.

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