I can see you🔪💙💜

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Finney x robin
Gwen 🙏
What if the Blake siblings.......
Includes: Rape
Robin walked towards a black van. He stood in front of the tall man that looked down at him. The man took out a lollipop from his hand and gave it to him. Robin without hesitation took the candy. Once in his mouth he began choking and coughing. The tall man smiled and grabbed the boy. Robin threw his hand at him and punched him. The man grabbed his face and grabbed the boys wrist tight.

Robin kicked his leg and twisted the guys arm. The man pulled Robin's hair and took the bandana off. Robin noticed and yelled at him to give it back. The grabber laughed and pushed robin into the van. He nocked him out cold. He got in the driver's seat and drove off. Once he got home he grabbed robin and dragged him into the basement. Poor boy didn't know that he was being taken advantage of.

After that, the grabber brought Robin close to him. "I won't hurt you any longer, behave that's all" robin didn't want to listen. He was shaking. His whole body hurts like hell. The man put him down and tossed him his clothes. Robin saw blood on the floor. God he felt stupid and dumb. Robin put his clothes back on and laid down in bed. He wanted to leave now.
Finney and Gwen where over the place looking for robin. Finney had seen him walking this way before he went home. They looked everywhere. Nothing. Gwen helped to. Every night and day she would try to get a dream. She only had one. It was just robin walking towards a van. After that nothing. They kept on the lookout for a black van. But never had they seen any. Finney found himself crying in his room. His sister sat down next to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"We'll find him I promise". She took Finney's had and locked them together. Finney smiled and nodded. They went to sleep. The next day Gwen woke up from a dream she shoke her brother and woke him up. "WE CAN FIND HIM WE CAN!". Gwen got off and got her shoes she grabbed her sleeping brother and dragged him out of the house. "Okay well I had another dream a house number. I've seen it on my bike rides with Amy".

They ran and ran until they found the house. The van was right there. Finney saw a vent he looked through it and saw robin all fucked up with blood dripping from his hands and face. The man was right there with a belt. Finney got fucking angry he broke the window. The man looked up and saw them. He ran upstairs. Gwen got ready. Once he opened she smashed a rock on his head. Finney went inside while Gwen started to beat the shit out of the grabber. Finney saw robin and hugged him. "PLEASE LET ME GO HOME!?". Finney gave him a kiss and nodded.

They heard the police sirens and the ambulance. They hurried the two boys into the car. Gwen was pulled back by the police. "FUCK FACE I HOPE YOU DIE IN HELL, SUCK MY FUCKING DICK!?" They had to shut her mouth and calm her down. Robin was rushed into a room so they could check him. Finney was bouncing his leg up and down waiting for everything to be over. Finally the doctors came out and told him he was okay.

Finney entered the room. Robin was sitting there looking out the window. Finney slowly took his hand. Robin looked at him and smiled. "Your safe and sound now". Robin Smiled back. Everything was going to be okay now.
Gwen and Finney did everything in there hands to make sure he was safe. Robin went back to being his old self. But he truly did protect Gwen and Finney. They did a lot for him. And he was going to return that. By protecting them and loving them with all his heart.

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