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Finney x robin
Once in North Denver there was someone called the grabber. He would kidnapped kids and then kill them. Specifically boys if I may add. There was one victim that survived it all. Robin Arellano. He fought back even tho he was drugged so many times. He fought back. He was strong. He survived it all. He walked up those stairs into the beautiful smelling fresh air. Once again he held his best friend in his arms.

The hug was full of warmth and tears. Robin didn't want to let go. He didn't want Finney to ever go through the pain he went through. He never wanted to see Finney get hurt. He was to kind for that. He was to valuable for that. The new days have come along for robin. And it's happy to say that he's taking everything well. Obviously because he has his favorite friend by his side. Robin and Finney where putting there shoes on to go out for a walk.

Robin held his hand out so Finney could take it. "What a gentleman" Finney teased. He took it and they walked out. Robin kept talking about random stuff that wasn't necessary but Finney listened. He would always listen to his stupid stories. But they weren't always stupid some where very interesting. Finney smiled at his best friend. In reality they where more than friends. But they couldn't say that. His dad was a hell of a man. And if he knew that he was gay or dating robin he would kill him.

His dad always said robin was a bad influence. Finney ignored that. He truly wasn't. He was strong and mean. But when it came to the people he loved he was a whole nother person. Finney loved that he loved that side of him. They kept walking untill they walked inside the grab-N-go. Robin looked at the old pinball machine. He remembered how much Vance loved playing on that game. Vance was also one of his close friends. He was the one that tough him how to defend himself in school.

He was like a big brother to him. But now that brother is dead. Robin quickly wiped his tears away and walked towards the machine. He placed his hand on top of it and traced his fingers over it. It was still nice and clean. Finney walked up behind him. He wrapped his hands around his waist and kissed his cheek. "God Vance was an idiot and a dick but he wasn't mean. He was just sad inside. He needed someone to love him". Finney nodded. "And Bruce gave him that". Robin turned around and smiled. "He sure did. Vance would always brag about the cool expensive stuff Bruce would buy him".

Finney chuckled and nodded. "Bruce spoiled him to much". Robin agreed. He took his hand and left. On there way back home robin felt something odd. He felt someone watching them. He would constantly glance behind him. But nothing. When they got home Finney threw himself on the rug. Robin placed the bags down before being pulled onto the floor with Finney. Robin laid next to him. "I love you so much robin". Robin gave him a small grin. "Me too".
The next couple of days where alright. Robin stopped having the feeling of being watched by someone. Everything was going okay. They had a stable and healthy relationship. But today. Today Finney had to go out to buy some medicine for robin. Robin was sick at home. He couldn't go with Finney to the store so he had to go alone. Finney walked to the store and bought the medicine. On his way back he saw a black van and an old man crouched down. Finney stopped scince he was blocking the pass. The man looked up and smiled at him.

"Hi, I'm just looking at the bugs crawling around here". Finney looked down to see dead ants. The man did not move tho. "Great, well can you please move I need to get home now". The man ignored his question and picked up an ant. "There so cute and lifeless when there dead". Finney groaned I'm disgust. This man was sick. Finney breathed out before walking behind the van over to the other side. The man quickly ran to the other side stopping him. "Where you going?" Finney looked up and held the bag tight. "Home now please move". The man smiled.

He grabbed him and started to strangle him. Finney dropped the bag and tired fighting. Back with robin he was walking around in patiently. He was so scared that something where to happen to Finney. He turned the TV on to help him relax. Only to find out that the grabber had been freed a long time ago. And he was now on the lookout again. Robin grabbed his shoes and ran out. He picked up a rock and threw it over to the man. He got on top of him and banged his head down on the concrete floor. "PICE OF SHIT! DON'T FUCKING MESS WITH HIM. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF SUCK BASTARD YOU ARE. JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY!?".

Robin kept slamming the grabbers head onto the floor until it was just a pool of blood. Robin got up and took Finney home. Finney brought him to the bathroom and got his first aid kit. He cleaned up the blood and then patched up the wounds. Robin looked away in shame. "I'm sorry........" Finney didn't say anything. He finished up and carried robin to there room. He laid him down and then laid next to him. "Don't be sorry. You helped me. I was next. But you helped me. Thank you". He placed a kiss on his lips. Robin hugged him. He placed his leg on top of him.

They fell asleep in each others arms. Robin had saved his friend from being kidnapped. We was next before he could even know it. But........He saved him. And got his revenge.

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