Virgin pure❤️💜💙

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Billy x Robin
Robin and Billy had been in a really healthy relationship. They where taking things slow because Billy wanted it like that. Robin really did love that. But sometimes he wanted billy to touch him. They only ever made out. Never had they taking things to the next level. Robin would argue with him but always ended up apologizing.

He was jealous of everyone else. How they where all touchy towards each other.

He threw himself on his bed and looked at his phone. He saw Finney and his boyfriend Bruce in a picture holding each other while they kissed. He looked at the comments. He chuckled at one of them. "I want what they have in there relationship". He totally agreed. He heard the door open and close. Billy threw his stuff on the ground and laid next to robin.

"You okay?". Billy groaned and turned to the side so he wasn't facing robin. Robin rolled his eyes and got off. He left the room and went outside. He walked around for a bit before bumping into his old friend. "Yo! Robin, hows it been?". Robin smiled. "Nothing knew". Mathew nodded and place his hand around his waist. "You single? I still remember you telling me that if you are I could date you".

Robin remembered that too. But it was a lie. He was playing around that time. But he thought for a bit. He leaned in closer. "I'm seeing someone......but that doesn't matter right now". Mathew smirked. He placed his lips on top of Robin's. This is what robin wanted. He wanted someone to touch him. To give him the attention he needed. Mathew lifted his shirt up and caressed his back.

Robin moved closer. Mathew stuck his tongue inside him. Then robin was pulled back. "You get your hands off of him". Billy punched him the face. He grabbed robin and slapped him. "Your out here cheating on me!". Robin grabbed his cheek and frowned. "YES! BECAUSE YOU NEVER WANT TO DO ANYTHING SEXUAL WITH ME!?". Billy raised his eyebrows. "So that's it". He clenched his teeth and dragged robin back home.
Billy threw robin onto the bed. "You wanted attention. You got my full attention now". Billy took his shirt off and grabbed robin. He bite his neck hard drawing blood. Robin yelled for him to stop. Billy sucked on his neck and licked the blood. Robin felt Billy's hand go down his pants. "Please! I'm so sorry! I won't do it again. I beg you!". Billy ignored him

"You brought this upon yourself. Now be a good bitch and shut up". Billy pulled robins pants down and lifted his leg up. He licked his thighs and bit them. Robin threw his head back as his legs shoke. Billy slowly rubbed him threw his underwear. He smashed his lips against his. Robin wrapped himself on billy. His crotch rubbing against his. Robin still wanted him to stop but finally billy was giving him what he wanted.

Billy slid Robin's underwear off and his boxers. He took out a condom and put it on his dick. Robin couldn't wait. He was full of energy. Billy noticed that. "You don't seem worried anymore. Your enjoying this aren't you". Robin nodded. Billy smirked. "Fine. Take control". He sat down and waited for robin. Robin got up and sat on top of him. He pushed himself down while he let tears roll down his cheeks.

Billy groaned and panted. "Shit- fuck, oh fuck". Robin finally sat down. He waited a bit to adjust. Robin slowly moved his hips up and down. He bit his bottom lip. Billy harshly opened his mouth. "I wanna here every single thing that comes out". Robin was super excited. He began going faster. His moans could not be stopped. Billy followed robins movement. He saw how pretty he looked on top of him.

He knew robin was only going to be needy for him. He was going to continue to leave him wanting more. Billy pulled robin into a kiss. He stuck his tongue inside. He sucked on robins tongue. Robin kept picking up his peace. Finally he felt himself cum. Billy did too. Robin let the white liquid pour out of him. He was panting hard. Billy cought his breath he kissed robin and brought him into the bathroom.

After cleaning up they sat down on the couch cuddling. Billy kissed his shoulders and rubbed his small waist. He adored him. He wasn't letting anyone take him away.

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