Those brown eyes💙💜

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Includes: murder and gore
Robin remembered his parents death clearly. It was so vivid to him. His mothers limp and lifeless body laying on the floor with a pool of water around her body and her head with shattered glass. His father had his brains blown out, his stomach was torn apart with his rips showing. He remembered picking up the glass off of the floor and looking through it.

He saw two tall figures. A woman with long curly hair, her hands shaking, her husband, a man with a good looking beard and his right arm wrapped around his wife's waist. The other hand having a gun. Robin looked at them. A figure popped from behind him. He was just about his height but a bit taller. He looked a lot like his mother. He stood there staring at robin with his brown eyes that robin felt uncomfortable from

The man grabbed his son and put him behind him. He reached towards robin. He grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to him. He hugged him before pushing him away. "I'll see you again when the time comes". He turned around with his family leaving robin alone.
Robin sat in the living room while his aunt Martha was in the kitchen making some tea. Robin sighed and got distracted by the rain pouring outside. "hijo, aquí toma un poco de té"

Translation: Son, here have some tea

Robin took the hot cup and drank it slowly. His aunt stared at him before placing her hand on his shoulder. Robin felt his throat stop and his stomach twist. He knew what was about to happen. "Robin....I love you a lot. I wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt you. Okay. But robin. Tell me. What happened"

There it was. The question he hated. Robin put the cup down and held his hands tight together. He looked at his aunt. She waited. "Not much.....only that my parents lifeless bodies were there like a display for me to look at". His aunt gasped. She heard about their death, obviously because she attended the funeral. But never had she heard about robin witnessing his parents death. She brought him into a tight hug.

She kissed his cheek and forehead. Robin didn't have any emotion to show. He couldn't let his aunt see him cry. He never liked showing anyone the other side of him. He knew someone would take advantage of him if he did so. Martha wiped her tears away and grabbed her purse and an umbrella. "Voy a comprar la medicina de tu tío. Por favor, no abras la puerta. No dejes entrar a nadie. Tengo llaves. Está bien?"

Translation: I'm going to buy your uncle's medicine. Please don't answer the door. Don't let anyone in. I have keys. Alright?

Robin nodded. She gave him one more kiss before leaving. Once he heard the door click he walked upstairs to his uncle's room. His uncle sat on the side of his bed looking at the old pictures of his sister and brother. "They where perfect...... everything was perfect. She got what she wanted. She got married and had a kid. A kid she loved so dearly. But why......why did this happen. They had nothing to do with anything".

His uncle turned his head to face robin. "Was it your fault". Robin felt tears forming in his eyes. "uncle. Did you take the pills aunt gave you". His uncle frowned. "Don't change the subject! It was your fault! IF YOU HADN'T BEEN BORN THEY WOULDN'T BE LOOKING FOR YOU! THEY WOULDN'T HAVE KILLED THEM. MY SISTER!". Robin ran out of the room. He went to his and locked the door. He heard his uncle banging on his door

He covered his ears and cried. He didn't know what he did. He had different thoughts going on in his head. Sometimes he thought it wasn't his fault.....but then he did.
The next day robin went on a walk early in the morning. His eyes were still hurting from last night. He puffed out some hair and looked around. Before he knew it he bumped into someone. He looked up to say sorry. But the boy that he bumped into him sent shivers down his spine. His hair was a brown color, curly hair, a perfect face and jawline, perfect nose shape. And what cought his attention the most was his brown eyes.

Those brown eyes where the things that sent shivers down his spin. " sweet robin!". He felt the biy wrap his arms around his waist. Robin pushed him away and frowned. "I don't know who you are. So leave me the fuck alone. Don't ever touch or hug me". His face expression changed. People around them started whispering. "Ro-". Robin was quickly taken from his spot. "Vance!". Vance pushed him into an alley way

"Listen robin. It's not my place to say this but you are in trouble. That's prince Finney. They rule this place. What you said was not something you should have said". Robin pushed him away. "I don't care". Robin stormed away. Once he was out and f sight his breathing began to quicken. That was prince Finney. The kid of the family that killed his parents. Robin felt something in his heart.

He......loved the feeling of it. He wanted to see him more. He peeked out. "What are you looking for?". Robin jumped when he heard that voice. "Why did you run?". Robin looked back at the male. "Hm?". Robin opened his mouth to say something but Finney cut him off. "don't say anything. I don't need you to answer". Robin shut his mouth. His heart began beating and had his hands felt sweaty

Finney leaned in closer. There lips where inches away. "You look so beautiful right now. He pushed back a strand of hair and pulled him into a kiss. Robin reacted quickly. He wrapped his hands around his neck. Finney pinned him onto the wall and kissed his neck. He slipped his hand under his shirt and caressed his stomach. Tho it didn't last long. Finney was pulled back and met with a punch. His aunt grabbed robin and took him home.

"Robin! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! DID HE FORCE YOU". Robin wanted to say no. But that would cause more trouble. So he didn't say anything. There was a knock at the door. This time his uncle opened the door. Finney stood there with his parents. Robin ran towards him and hugged him. His aunt gasped. "". Finney's mother walked towards her and cuped her chin. "It's me". Robin's uncle grabbed his son. "Spare us and we'll let you take him". Finney laughed

"We don't have to take him. He wants to". Robin looked at his uncle. "Sorry.......but seeing someone as beautiful as him with those eyes...How could you not?". Finney picked him up and smiled. "well let's get this over with". Terrence loaded his gun and fired it towards Robin's uncle. He grabbed his dogs and let them do the rest. His aunt was spared. "Well let you live. Tell anyone and your dead". Martha was left crying and holding her husbands dead body

She wanted to throw up from the view of her husband. But she had no one now. Everything was fucked up.

All because of those eyes.

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