Together forever 💜💙

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Finney x robin
Includes: kidnapping, pedophilia
Finney being his kind hearted self helped an old man with his groceries. He knew it was sketchy but his inner child came out when the man mentioned a magic trick. He was ready to see it when only he was knocked out cold by the man. Finney was brought into a basement. He was thrown there. Finney woke up the next day. The thing he used on him still didn't worn off. His vision was fucked up badly.

"You can't see anything?". He heard the mans voice. "Good. Don't be scared.....I won't do anything to you.......that I give you my world Jhony". Finney felt anger and fear in him. "You like soda? I'll go get you a soda then come back down. Okay". He felt his cold hand push back his hair. Once the door slammed shut he got up. He tried walking but ended up tripping and falling flat on his nose

Finney held his nose letting a few tears slip down his eyes. He looked up at the bright light that shined down on him. A vent. He tried jumping but that was no use. He just laid back down on mattress and let his eyes rest. He ended up going to sleep again. Finney woke up again a while later. His vision was much more better. He looked around the room finally noticing robin

He ran towards him and brought him into his amrs. Robin slowly opened his eyes. "Robin! Your alive!". Robin looked up at him and froze. "No........ HE'S A LIER? HE LIED TO ME!". Finney looked at him. "I never promised it robin." Finney turned his head to see the man. "Thought you might liked to have some company. You've been so good". Robin felt disgust from those words. Albert smirked. "I'll leave you two alone. I'll see you later robin".

Robin pulled Finney towards him. "Listen to me. I love you with all my heart but you do as he says! Okay". Finney nodded. Tho he didn't understand. Robin laid his head down on Finney's shoulder.

"I thought you where dead robin. I was scared"

"Nah I was just stuck here. I had to get used to what he told me to do"


"Something you shouldn't go through"

"Like what? What did he do?"

"Nothing Finn just don't worry about it"

"Robin no tell me please"

".......he raped me that's all no more questions"


Robin felt Finney stand up. Robin shot up and held him back. "I have something to do Robin let go". Robin let go. Finney started to walk upstairs. Robin was worried about him. He knew the grabber was much stronger and older. There where faint steps and yelling. Robin wanted to go up. He then heard the door open. Finney stood there with blood on his shirt. "Come on let's go". Finney dragged robin upstairs.

Robin saw the grabbers body on the floor with an axe in it. They ran home ans called the cops. Robin couldn't believe finney killed him. But at the same time he always knew Finney would one day end up beating the shit out of someone. He had to stand up for himself. And he did

Robin kissed Finney and thanked him. Finney smiled and kissed back. "Together forever".

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