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There is always someone wanting to be better. Longing to be powerful. To own the thing that keeps people cowering at their knees. Soon those come to realize that power belongs to those who take it. It doesn't matter how it gets in their hands, just as long as they get it. They cheat, and lie, and steal, and bribe. All to get what they want. To gain power.

But what is power, really? It's a noun, first of all. A thing. An idea designed by the people. It's an influence one has over others. To change or alter history's events with just the say of their word. Power is a minuscule word that holds so much potential. It's the ability to manipulate those under you to your biding.

See, a world divided by power will soon come to a fallen kingdom. Ruins of stone castles show this as truth. Medieval teachings thrown out the window. Stories. Nobody knows for sure what is or isn't true. Those with power rein over those without it. Those without it long to have it. The world is in chaos.

Burning alive by the very people who once swore to protect it. A flame taking hold of everything that has life inside. The thing that most people don't realize, is that it was their own failed attempts at "perfection" that caused the destruction.

A lab incident. A failed experiment. An illegal testing on humans. Children. Kids barley old enough to tie their own shoelaces. Little girls. They all grew up in the lab. Being poked at and pried with. Stabbed with needles, attached to wires.

"No, stop. Please. Not today."

"Hey! Don't you lay a hand on her! I'll tear you apart limb for limb!"

"Girls, please calm down. We'll get through it like we always do. Here, you can hold my hand."

By the age of ten these girls had been used as weapons in many military operations. They'd been broken down and recycled in more ways than one. Used, reused, reduced, rebuilt.

When the project was shut down due to running out of money, majority of the scientists picked up and moved to a new illegal location to start over. Attempted to at least. After they left behind the "old projects" to be property of the government, all of the scientists were soon found to be dead. An explosive reaction due to the mixing of two chemicals.

See, the government wanted nothing more of them. They knew too much. Their white lab coats and big brains couldn't keep quiet even if they stitched their mouths shut and sawed off all their hands.

The government also wanted nothing to do with the girls for now. Yet they also didn't want to get rid of their greatest weaponry to exist. So at seventeen the girls were thrown into a special house care by a scientist who offered to keep them under control. A scientist who was top of his field. The girls called him "Professor".

The Professor took good care to give them tools necessary to work as people. He helped them with the medication needed to keep their unique abilities at bay. He provided tools to guide them and keep them safe from others and themselves.

Three years later, a special agent from a secret government branch comes knocking on their door. A new mission. A new case. A new reason for the girls to remember that they aren't human.

They'll be assisting three of the nations best trained operatives in a simple retrieval mission. Someone who holds some of the nations most important and valuable information was kidnapped and is now being detained and tortured. The girls have to help get 'em back. The bonus? The answer "no" isn't an option.

Once again the girls are being thrown into the world as the very thing they were created to be. Machines. Projects. Weapons. Lab tests.



"No! They want us to go back! I can't go back. I can't go back!"

"Breathe. Hey, it'll be okay. Just breathe."

"Do you not see what's happening?! They are trying to take us back! I will not go back! We're gonna be used again! And the second they're done with us we're gonna be thrown away! Just like last time!"

"She's got every right to be freaking out."

"I am not freaking out!"

"Jesus Christ! Breathe!"


This mission proves to be different than anything they'd ever had to go on.

The risks are higher.

The mission itself is more complex.

And they have to work with other people.

Three new guys in their lives that they've never met before. Three new guys who for the first time... help them feel even a little bit human.

Three and three make six.

Six is a shy away from seven.

And seven, is a very lucky number.

Things can go one of two ways: wrongfully right or rightfully wrong. Either way, nothing'll be the same.

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