♡Chapter 47

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"You shouldn't have come..." Boomer trailed off. The water was up to his ankles. His socks soaked and mushing against his toes as he walked around the room. Searching.

"But I did." Bubbles stated.

"Damn it." Boomer kicked at the wall made of stone. "I'm too pretty to deal with this right now." He ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh boy, here we go again." Bubbles muttered. Her hand was pressed flat against the wall as she searched for a possible secret exit.

"You should have just... damn, Bubbles. I don't know." He drag another hand through his hair. "You can still get out."

"Boomer, I'm not leaving you." Bubbles said for what felt like the hundredth time since she'd arrived.

For the past few minutes all he's been saying was the same darn thing. 'You can still get out'—BAH! Bubbles frowned.

"There's no way out. And I can't loose you. I can't let you stay knowing that I'm the reason you stayed. That shit is gonna follow me into the afterlife and—"

"I can't loose you either!" Bubbles spun to face him. Her blonde hair flying out around her head like a halo. She kicked a wave of water towards him. "I can't. You're the first person who makes me feel special. The good kind too! Like I'm not just some messily thrown together science experiment for a group of grown men and women trying relive their glory days of winning a science fair!"

Boomer stopped everything. He looked at her, jaw slacked and eyes wide.

"So no! You can have a conversation with whoever over clearing your conscience if it comes down to it. But for now? Right here?" She stalked over to him, jabbing at his chest with her finger. "I'm staying! Because, Boomer do you know how often we— I find people who are willing to see all the hell and chaos swarming inside my mind and still choose to love me anyways? Never! It's a rarity! But I found you! And you found me."

Boomer sighed. "Bubbles—"

"I'm not done!" She cut him off, nose curling up. "I turned out liking you a whole lot more than I had originally planned. This was supposed to be a simple mission of retrieving an informant. But it became so much more. And with this mission shifting so did everything else." Her eyes softened slightly as she stared up at him.

Beautiful pools of baby blue. Like the rising tide. As deep as the sea where the ocean meets the shore. An electric current. Boomer smiled softly.

"You are sarcastic! And moody! And an overall pain in everyone's ass! You act dumb but are super smart! Your obsession with wars in galaxies amazes me—because why are you so obsessed with wars in outer space when we can't even fight our own battles here on earth? You're passive aggressive—"

"Am I supposed to say thank you or something?" His smile fell. "You just went and named off everything about me you hate."

"And that's the thing! I don't! I know I should. I know I should find you insufferable. I should find you annoying. But somewhere along the way you stopped being just Boomer Princely. You became my Boomer." She reached out and intertwined her fingers with his. "You made me feel loved. You made me feel special. And I love your sarcasm. I love you mood swings. I love how you're so mean and rude to everyone but around me you melt..."

"Oh." His eyes widened. "You caught that, huh?"

"Boomer Princely, I am falling in love with you." Bubbles declared.

Boomer felt the wind get knocked out of him. His chest tightened, as if all oxygen was being squeezed out his lungs. "What...?"

"I'm falling in love. I think I might already have fallen." She said softly. "With you."

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