♡ Chapter 6

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Growing up, Bubbles used to think that everything bad that happened to her was her fault. That she'd somehow managed to make an enemy of the universe. It wasn't until later did she realize it wasn't her fault. It was other's faults. They'd made choices. Choices that affected Bubbles in the worst ways.

After being taken in by the professor, she'd managed to watch a few documentaries on psychology. A topic she found rather interesting.

In one of her videos, it said to "never express too much love, affection or care to someone. Because it's human tendency to underestimate anything that's free of cost."  She'd felt really upset about that for a while.

Affection was how she showed she cared. She wasn't good with words. She wasn't fond of always giving and receiving gifts. It always felt awkward and forced to her. Especially the receiving. It felt unnatural. But affection? Physical touch? Oh boy could she do that. Hugs, hand holding, a simple reassuring hand on the shoulder. It was her thing.

One night, Blossom had stumbled upon Bubbles crying. So she'd sat down and let Bubbles cry her heart out on her shoulder. Buttercup went up to grab something and got sucked into a group hug with Bubbles in the middle.

When asked why she was crying, Bubbles explained to them everything. How she felt that she was weak because she gave hugs. How she felt inferior to those who could go about their day without a single form of physical affection. The list went on and on.

The room was quiet for a moment. But Blossom squeezed her sisters and and gave a smile. "B," she started. "You can be a kind, loving person. You can have a giving heart and still be genuine."

"You've gotta know the difference between being walked all over too." Buttercup had added. "There's nothing wrong with being an affectionate person. Just don't let people use you. You've gotta know when to stop giving."

Blossom nodded. "Bubbs... BC and I love you. We've been here through everything. And we're going to stay. You're not inferior. You are—by far—not weak." She'd pushed back Bubbles hair and wiped a tear away from her face. "You can be a kind soul, B. You've just also got to have the courage, and perseverance, to overcome obstacles that lay ahead of you."

Walking along the beach, Bubbles mind had brought up that memory. She knew this wasn't the kind of obstacle Blossom had been talking about. But the girls patience and kind soul was wearing awfully thin.

Her feet hurt.

Her stomach was empty.

Her hair was a complete mess.

She was tired.

She wanted to go home.

However, she'd kept going back to that one sentence Blossom had said. Perseverance to overcome obstacles that lay ahead of you. Even if this isn't the obstacle she'd been thinking of, Bubbles sure as hell was determined to overcome it.

"Okay, guys." Blossom clapped her hands, drawing everyone's attention to her as she stoped walking. "We need a game plan."

"We should prioritize on finding a place to stay low." Brick stood beside Blossom.

The two of them looked like leaders of an unfriendly society. Blossoms hair was a mess. She had sand stuck to her clothes. Black smudges under her eyes. Her shirt was crinkled—something Bubbles never knew Blossom to have.

Ever since the Professor took then all in, Blossom had a habit of making sure her clothes looked perfect. It was one of the only things she could control in her life. And after everything that happened... she needed some control.

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