♡Chapter 26

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"Thirty seconds."

There was a bit of a delay in the plan. Butch had his guns out, aimed at the door. He didn't have time. He was out of it. Some leutient came to ask Bell for help on something, and immediately upon seeing Butch and Blake he'd fired his weapon.

Before anything else could go down, Butch snapped the leutients neck.

Blake glared up at the guy. He was tied up to a chair, as if to look like he was an unwilling participant. "Seriously? Run. Go."

Butch couldn't explain it. He couldn't just leave. As much as he wanted to run after Buttercup, he knew that their only chance of getting out was if he stayed behind to warrant off the upcoming army about to show up.

"Butch! You've got twenty five seconds!"

"I'm not leaving. Let me know when Butters and Bell make it out safe." He exhaled, working into getting into a calm mindset.

"This wasn't the plan, asshole!" Buttercups sharp angry voice cut through his quiet frame of mind.

Butch smiled. "No. But it's part of the goal."

"The goal was to make sure everyone else was fucking safe!"

"You're apart of that everyone else." Butch checked the clock. Ten seconds.

"We were in this together!"

Five seconds.

Butch clicked his gun. "Aw. Don't worry, love. I'll be alright. No need to miss me already." Maybe now wasn't the time to tease her, but he was preparing himself for not making it out of this alive. Even if they got him in a containment cell, he'd be beaten to death for information.


It's go time.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Bell and Buttercup made it out unharmed. They met up with Bubbles in a clearing half a mile out from the base. Blossom and Boomer arrived not too long after.

"Everything is burnt. Everything's erased." Boomer said in between dramatic breathing. "Nobody got hurt."

Blossom looked around at everyone. Doing a mental head count. "Where's Butch?" Her eyes widened.

Buttercup had been yelling at him for the whole sprint towards Bubbles. She was pissed. Fuming. "Being a fucking pain in my ass."

Blossom frowned. "Buttercup—"

"I'm going back." She said, cutting her sister off.

"What?!" Bell gasped. "You can't do that! They'll have more heavy security up now!"

"I don't care about security." She rolled her eyes. "We had a deal."

"BC—" Bubbles tried.

"No!" Buttercup shook her head. "We had a deal." She looked at Blossom, eyes pleading for her to understand. "We had a deal."

Blossom's eyes saddened. As she stared at her sister she could only imagine the amount of guilt she must be feeling. Even though she completed her mission, she couldn't continue on. Blossom understood. They're all supposed to make it, that's what Buttercup was secretly saying. And Blossom knew. She knew what Buttercup meant, and she knew that she wasn't going to do anything unless everyone else was safe.

"Go," said Blossom. "Be safe, though. No... no dying on me, okay?"

Buttercup nodded. "Got it"

"Buttercup," Blossom placed her hands on her hips. Said girl straightened up as Blossom knew she would. "That's an order."

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