♡Chapter 31

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"There are three things we cry for in life: things that are lost, things that are found, and things that are magnificent"
–Douglas Coupland

Blossom often felt lost. Lost and alone in a world where nothing quite made sense anymore. She felt as if her entire existence had been turned upside down and fallen through a rabbit hole (yes, she understood Alice in Wonderland. She'd read the book when she'd first arrived at the Professors house). Her heart felt more heavy than it ever had. Her mind a clutter wasteland for empty thoughts with no apparent purpose.

Oh how she longed to be found. She was lost, lost in a sea of her own nonsense. Lost and looking for a way out of the topsy-turvey reality she'd been thrown into.

Ever since she was little and woke up strapped down to a chair—poisonous chemicals beginning to circulate through her veins—she'd always felt lost. Like she was missing a piece of herself. A piece of her soul.

Her sisters filled that gap, or so she'd thought. True love came in many forms and for Blossom, that true love was her sisters. Her only reason to keep on living. Her only reason to fight and continue onward.

Everything was going great. Blossom and her sisters were safe with the Professor. Everything was perfect. So what if she had felt lost? She was able to move forward. And you know what? She was never going to look back because with her sisters beside her, she had no reason to. She was going to keep going onward. And nothing was going to break her mind and soul again.

Until he showed up.

Brick Jenkins.

From the second he stepped into her living room, Blossoms life had been completely ransacked. No longer lost in a small world did she feel—oh no. Now it was like an endless void of memories and hope. The past the present and the future all colliding into beautiful prisms of what if's.

This mission had been testing her mind from the very beginning. Testing her ability and her understanding of what she was and who she is. Quite frankly, she realized she had no idea.

A girl. A girl who had a bad backstory. A girl who was once a weapon. A murderous girl who grew into a woman capable of being as precise and as deadly as a laser. A woman trying to survive day-by-day without being caught up in a battle of her own life or death.

But then Mr.Brick Jenkins waltzed through that door and suddenly Blossom had no idea who or what she was anymore. No, that girl who held her life together by a single needle and thread was not who she was. She was stronger. Her mind was a battlefield. And regardless of which side she chose to play on, she was going to win.

Blossom might not have been found but she wasn't lost anymore. Oh she was something entirely different. She was somewhere where nobody could reach her. For the first time in forever, she felt as if she had more to lose than her own mind and soul. Magnificent.

She was magnificent.

Being broken before had strengthened her in many ways. And yes, she was grateful for the lab she grew up in. Would she wish it upon anyone? No, not even her worst enemy. But she would gladly do it all again. Because it made her who she was. Who she is. And who she will someday become.

The past is a lesson, the present a moment and the future a road full of consequences.

But by learning from the past, Blossom realized she could find ways to make the future a different kind of consequence. One with a more happy meaning. Where she could sit and smile and accept the time swirling around in waves of old and new.

So, as the sun began to set, and as the eight had made it back to the house, Blossom thanked the world. She thanked it for the beautiful future she would have—no matter how small or long it might be. She came to terms with herself. She understood the importance of what the future would entail should they all succeed.

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